The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 571 [Unwilling To Be Lonely]

In order to allow "no owner" to pass the prologue, some "high-level players" organized themselves and constantly challenged (send death) to improve the strategy. For example, when there are no weapons, there is a strategy of luring monsters by throwing bricks. In this Based on the strategy, two more ways of fighting were developed. One is to rush over and grab the dagger of a wandering spirit. However, it should be noted that the wandering spirit is very powerful and the dagger it holds is not easy to snatch. It is best to grab it first. It hit... As for how to knock it down... Well, knock it down?

This method seems a bit unreliable. Another method is to use head turning to seduce, then rush directly to the ruins, ignore the enemy, and rush over to pick up the weapon first!

As long as the weapon is picked up, even if you are killed, you will still be holding this weapon after resurrection. This is considered to have passed the most difficult weapon-free stage.

However, this method is also very dangerous, because there is a certain distance to the ruins, and the player's endurance cannot support the player's running for such a long time. And when you reach the ruins, if you don't have endurance, after being discovered by the archers, they will shoot a barrage of arrows. When you get down, you're basically in GG, with no chance of rushing to the knight's body!

Both methods have their own difficulties, but later, some master players developed new ideas, that is, there are pillars and big trees on the other side of the fog. If you can use the two together, you can directly enter the macho space. Knock one down so you can grab the dagger.

Of course, players must be very careful when grabbing a dagger, because the dagger is a [Disintegration] series weapon and will break into pieces if you are unlucky...

[Brothers, to be honest, can you really start with "no owner"? Are you kidding? 】

[No Owner] is really too difficult. The level is the lowest level 1. There is not a piece of equipment or a skill, which makes this originally very difficult game even more difficult again. Therefore, those who are familiar with using [No Owner] 】The players who start the game are all willing to die!

Even if there are lucky players who pass the first two battles, there is still Guda - Judgment of Ashes behind him... No, the newbie persuades him to quit!

Guda is the real reason why the players completely collapsed!

The difficulty of Guda is all-round. It has a very wide attack range and its attack power is ridiculous. Basically, after two or three hits, the player will lie down.

Facing Guda, who is tall and has amazing attack power, he will fall down after just a few touches. Due to multiple factors, the pressure on the player can be imagined.

The most terrifying thing is that Guda can also transform in the second stage!

Although the long ax that scares players in the second stage is rarely used, the huge human pus is even more terrifying than the long ax - a larger attack range and stronger attack power!

If in the first stage, the player can resist three attacks, then in the second stage, he will be defeated after two attacks!

Of course, with such a huge attack, the BOSS's attack naturally has an obvious starting point, but the problem is that this BOSS is not a normal person. What controls Guda is the huge human pus growing out of his back. His actions are weird, and the player is very confused. It’s hard to see what this person’s pus is going to do!

For three consecutive days, countless players fell in front of Guda.

Even the players who used the home-type props and skills died in front of Guda. Those players who challenged with nothing were naturally even more miserable.

As a result, many players who challenged [No Owner] chose to give up and use home skills instead.

[Excuse me, special report from Nightmare World, why is the Endless Amusement Park more popular than ever these days, with more players coming to play? 】

No doubt, the reason is Dark Souls!

If you want to enter Dark Souls early, you have to go to Monster Hunter and Horizon World to die. Then, if you enter Dark Souls World, you may die faster!

Within a few hours, the three major game worlds of Nightmare World became inaccessible, so players naturally had no choice but to enter the Endless Amusement Park!

In the past three days, life-style players who mainly play in the endless amusement park world have been very happy.

Of course, there are also truly high-level players. Some players passed Dark Souls on the first day and obtained the purple [Am I a Master?] achievement.

Purple achievements are not achievements that can be seen everywhere, and this achievement is related to the Purple Medal.

The achievement of [Am I a Master?] requires players to enter Dark Souls on the first day and defeat Guda before the number of deaths reaches 9. Because of this achievement, players who initiate the challenge with [No Owner] will be Many players complained.

"If I had known better, I would have started the home system directly, otherwise I might have gotten a purple achievement and medal!"

"Exactly, you actually launched this kind of call on the forum, starting with [no owner]? It seems that there is no benefit to starting with no owner, except that the difficulty will increase and you will die like a dog!"

“Don’t listen to such unreliable strategies in the future!”

"By the way, who is this initiator [Unwilling to Be Lonely]? It prevents me from getting the achievement of [Am I a Master]? I should be beaten!"

The person who initiated this challenge was a player named [Unwilling to Be Lonely]. He saw that the players responded happily to his post at first, but they never played it because of insufficient skills, and they couldn’t get [Am I a Master]? ]'s achievements, he started to troll people, which made [Unwilling to Be Lonely] very angry.

"It seems that with the use of homeland weapons and skills, you can pass Guda on the first day!" [Unwilling to be lonely] shouted angrily, but he did not reply online, after all, he was criticized too much!

0…………Please give me flowers…………

"I don't believe it. If you don't own anything, you really can't beat Kudat!"

Choosing to start with no owner, in addition to the difficulty of starting without weapons, the most difficult part is naturally the battle of Guda.

At this time, the only weapon the player can use is the long sword that can be picked up in the ruins. However, due to lack of maintenance for a long time, the attack power of this weapon is very low. Compared with the home weapon carried, it requires more attacks. Cut the same amount of blood.

In a BOSS battle, the longer it takes, the more disadvantageous it is to the player.

On the first day, [Unwilling to Be Lonely] died 7 times, and finally came to Guda, and then died twice in a row without any suspense.

The next day, he died 9 times and failed to challenge Guda.

On the third day, I died 9 times and was stuck in the second stage of Kudat, unable to beat it!

On the fourth day, the same failure!

"Is it true that I can't beat him?" [Unwilling to be lonely] also started to have some doubts.

On the third day, a lot of strategy suggestions about Guda have been posted on the forum, but most of these suggestions need to be matched with specific home-based skills and weapons, and are of little use to [Unwilling to Be Lonely].

On the fifth day, Unbelief Ya was unwilling to continue the challenge alone.

Soon he died 7 times. The eighth challenge, at this time, his confidence in being unwilling to be alone has reached the edge of collapse. However, his unwillingness to admit defeat is still motivating him, and his desire to fight back against those netizens is constantly being whipped. Follow him!

"No, I can do that!"

[Unwilling to be lonely]'s attention has reached an unprecedented level of concentration.

One sword, two swords——Roll to avoid——Restore endurance!

You must not be reckless when fighting Guda, especially pay attention to your endurance and reserve the endurance to roll and dodge.

One minute, two minutes—ten minutes—

Half an hour passed.

Unwilling to be left alone, he stood on the ground in disbelief, and next to him was Guda's body!

After a hard battle, unwilling to be left alone, he successfully used the long sword to defeat Guda!

Suddenly, four achievements popped up, one of which exuded an extremely gorgeous optical disc!

[Unwilling to be lonely] his eyes widened, because this sparkling achievement is of the dark gold legendary level!

————Legendary achievement!!

[Unwilling to be lonely] obtained the first achievement in his life, a legendary achievement of great significance!

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