The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 575 Dog Food Game? !

Today, Nightmare World players are very excited, especially those hardcore action enthusiasts, who simply entered the Nightmare World in a screaming state.

The games in Nightmare World have always been known for being hard-core. Except for a certain leisure and entertainment world [Endless Amusement Park], the three major game worlds are more difficult than the other. On various forums in Nightmare World, there are many requirements for new players. The first guideline for beginners is - in the nightmare world, never be afraid of pain, let alone death! (Death is healthier)

Nightmare World has gathered a large number of hard-core players, coupled with its unparalleled game methods and powerful game world, even many players who only play simple mobile games have been trained into action players.

After entering the nightmare world for a while, looking back, these mobile players discovered that the games they once played were so rubbish!

Not just mobile games, in fact, all games in the world now can be described as garbage compared to nightmare games.

And now, the new third game world [Dark Soul] is even more difficult than Monster Hunter World and Horizon World!

Once upon a time, players in Nightmare World thought that Monster 473 Hunter World and Horizon World were difficult enough, and there couldn’t be any more difficult games - what would be more difficult to play!

However, the nightmare world has told this group of players that there is no hardest thing, only harder ones!

What's even more exaggerated is that Dark Soul also provides a "super hell level" game mode - starting with no owner, no level, no skills, no armor or even no weapons, and even requires players to play without weapons. Come down and kill the enemy!

This————is simply looking for abuse!

However, beating Guda without owning anything is possible with the ultra-rare legendary achievement!

That's right, so many players are so excited today because they want to get this legendary achievement!

The experience of [Unwilling to Be Lonely] is like dropping a bomb on an already noisy forum - now it is so lively that it explodes!

For hardcore gamers, there is nothing more exciting than challenging the ultimate difficulty!

However, this is not the only thing that excites players.

The second is the first "hidden BOSS" discovered - the dancer!

Many players have already defeated Guda through home props and skills, because this game currently does not have a method to "delete the account and try again", so if you miss it, you have to miss it. These players can only challenge others with tears in their eyes. Legendary achievement.

However, the appearance of the first hidden BOSS, the Dancer, has rekindled hope for these players - if they can be the first to complete the challenge of the hidden BOSS, will there be legendary achievements that can be obtained?

Players are eager to give it a try: whether it is to challenge the "hidden BOSS" dancer, or just to take a look at the "beautiful dancer", in short, it is not a loss to go and see - who told the player who discovered this dancer to describe it as a As for the "extremely beautiful" BOSS, although this BOSS is very big - the player can only fit one of her legs...

In addition, there is the third exciting news, that is, the invasion props used to invade other players in the Dark Souls world have finally been found!

——Finally I can go find other friends to play with!

——Finally I can cheat other friends!

The difficulty of Dark Souls far exceeds players' imagination. Most players are beaten by NPC enemies and cannot take care of themselves. Since I can't beat NPCs, I can beat players who are also bullied miserably!

As the saying goes, happiness is based on the pain of others (?). It’s pointless to seek revenge from NPCs (mainly because they can’t be beaten), so just beat the players!

There are many ways to play the invasion game. Not only can you get a lot of good things, but you can also unlock hidden areas (ajeg) areas and hidden enemies. The game almost tells the players

Can't beat the NPC? It doesn't matter, just invade and mix some equipment first and then come back!

Many players have sharpened their skills and are preparing to experience an invasion in Dark Souls today - after playing the game alone for so many days, it’s time to take a look at the fiery lives of other friends 7

In addition to the invasion items that were discovered, collaboration items were also discovered!

Dark Souls is not a complete stand-alone + invasion game, but a cooperative strategy game!

The players were very surprised because there was no hint at all about cooperation in the game!

Although the game tips of Dark Souls are really pitiful - not to mention mission guides, there is not even a mission list, and there are not even game tips for novice players.

However, there will still be hints for some very important things, such as the introduction to the invasion gameplay.

However, cooperation is never introduced in the game from beginning to end.

Players burst into tears when they saw that this game also allowed cooperative strategy.

——Don’t say anything, hurry up and find gay friends to suffer together!

It's pitiful for a person to suffer alone, so find someone to share the blame with!

However, although cooperation is possible, the maximum number of people the game supports is - 2 people!

Yes, only two people can work together.

At this time, the ultimate question before the player arises - should you find a reliable gay friend to play with, or should you suffer with your girlfriend?

Of course, for most players, the latter one may be difficult to achieve, because————there is no girlfriend at all!

After hearing that the maximum number of people to cooperate with Dark Souls is 2, the players suddenly discovered the most terrifying fact about the nightmare world, that is - Dark Souls, is it... a dog food game?!

Who has a girlfriend?

After finally getting the cooperation items, I finally found that I couldn't find a girlfriend to play with, but I found that other players were playing in pairs.

Many players are worried about whether to find a girlfriend now - with their superb gaming skills, it shouldn't be difficult to find a girlfriend...

However, for a certain player, he does not need to worry about whether he has a girlfriend to play with. What he has to worry about is which "female friend" he should choose to play with!

"Kukuku—there is no need to think about it at all, Xingying, let's go and have a gorgeous waltz with the dancer~"

"Hey, Mr. Xingying, Xiaomeng is in good condition now, let's come to Dark Souls with Dushen~~"

Therefore, after getting the cooperation props in the dark world, Zhang Xingyu faced a "major" choice.

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