The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 581 Lothric Knight

(The right side of the picture is the Knight of Lothric... I don’t know how many players have encountered setbacks here——)

On the other side, the duo of Zhang Xingyu and Mio fought against each other and were wiped out several times in the process, but finally successfully opened a shortcut near the church.

The two-player mode has really changed a lot compared to the single-player mode. If you use the experience of the single-player mode to conquer the two-player mode, it is simply asking for death!

As a ninja, Mio Loli has been responsible for exploring the road ahead. As expected of a ninja, Mio discovered several hidden traps and avoided many group-annihilation crises.

However, Mio was unable to discover all the traps. Basically, the team was wiped out because she failed to discover the traps or an enemy hidden in the corner - these hidden enemies are often very insidious and will only occur when the two of them are fighting fiercely. They suddenly appear for sneak attacks, and there are many sneak attack methods, such as sprinting with heavy weapons, or directly throwing fire bottles!

Later, Zhang Xingyu and Mio also learned the lesson. Whenever they went to a place, they would explore the corners first—find the sinister guys first, and maybe find some mites!

As the cooperation between the two improved, the number of deaths began to gradually decrease. Later, the two of them survived a difficult battle with two big fat men (the big fat man with wings became two in the middle!) and several small soldiers. Arriving opens the shortcut to the church.

At this time, in the Lothrik High Wall area, except for the hidden areas that cannot be opened due to insufficient erosion, most areas have been opened. At this time, there are two options. One is to fight the BOSS——Look Guard dog, or challenge the "hidden BOSS" - the dancer!

Of course, before making a choice, you must clear out the powerful enemies near the church—Lothric Knights!

The Knights of Lothric can be said to be the most powerful "minions" in the early stage. Many novices of Dark Souls have bumped into each other along the way, and even defeated the big fat man with difficulty, and finally came to the church area, but in the end they were killed by Lothric here. Gram Knight taught you how to behave like crazy, and some players who couldn't stand it quit the game because of it!

The strength of the Lothric knights lies in that they are fully armed, have high defense and high toughness. It is difficult for the player's attacks to interrupt the knight's attacks. Unlike ordinary soldiers, basically they only need to be hit by the player. Then you can continue to attack, and the soldiers will be in a state of being attacked and completely unable to take action.

However, because the Lothric Knights are heavily armored and have extremely high toughness, it is difficult for players to interrupt their attacks. If they attack blindly, they will only be counterattacked by the Lothric Knights!

In addition, the player's attack may not be effective against the Lothric knights, because these Lothric knights basically hold large shields. If the attack is defended, the player will be stiff!

Lothrik Knight also has a very powerful move, which is Shield Bash. This move can not only break the player's defense, but also reduce a lot of stamina!

Many players said that if two Lothric Knights came at once, it would be a BOSS!

Zhang Xingyu and Meiying came to the courtyard of the church. The two of them stuck their heads out at the entrance, observing the enemy configuration in the courtyard, trying to find some hidden enemies as much as possible.

After searching for a while, neither of them found anything unusual in this area.

"Hmm? No... hidden enemies?" Mio tilted her head.

"Perhaps...there is no need for this area..." Zhang Xingyu said, then pointed at the Lothric knights patrolling near the church courtyard and said: "Look at these fully armed knights... ....I think you also know how difficult these are to deal with.

"Well...just like a big turtle..." Mio nodded vigorously, and used two short-hand small double swords to deal with these fully armed enemies with big shields. It was really effective. Mio suffered from the feeling of not knowing what to do.

By the way, because it is too troublesome to use two swords to deal with enemies with these shields, Mio also has a set of spare weapons---on Zhang Xingyu's suggestion, she took a welding head (bought from Granny Church) ), and a wooden shield with a double bird pattern.

The double bird pattern wooden shield has an average physical damage reduction rate, but is lighter in weight. Mio's character points are mainly for agility. In order to ensure flexibility, she cannot wear too heavy equipment, so this wooden shield is quite suitable.

As for why you use an ax does high damage. Anyway, you use a shield to defend, counterattack, continue to defend, counterattack!

So it's more convenient to get a heavy attack weapon.

"There are more people patrolling here than in the single-player mode, and... they are all patrolling in pairs!" Zhang Xingyu said.

Patrolling in pairs, that is to say, two people have to face at least two Lothric knights at the same time!

0…………Please give me flowers…

One Lothric knight is enough to make players nervous, but now there are two at a time. If there are more enemies that can hide and attack... - players are really not allowed to play anymore!

"Not only that... look at these actual patrol routes... there are also overlapping places. You have to be careful not to deal with four at the same time!" Zhang Xingyu said.

"This entrance is relatively spacious and suitable for fighting. Mio [Lao Gan] come over here."


Mio took out a small stone from her bag, saw the right moment, and threw it at the nearest patrol knight. The two patrol knights saw Mio from the direction of the thrown stone and ran over immediately.


"Very good. The other knights didn't notice. Let's bring some more here!"

The Nightmare World version of the game is extremely real. In the game, basically everything you see can be picked up. Even tables, chairs, etc. in the scene, players can pick them up and hit people. The attack power is I won’t say how, but it’s true enough.

Mio will pick up some things marked as [Garbage] (gray with no rarity level) in the game and put them into the package. For example, small stones are one of them. This thing is very convenient for attracting the enemy's attention.

Ninja Manual——Use all available items in the scene, they may become your weapons!

In this "real" game, the NPC's AI is also extremely high. If Zhang Xingyu and Mio choose to fight in the atrium, the patrol knights they see will definitely rush over!

Two Lothric knights were lured over. There were tall trees blocking the entrance, so other knights in the atrium could not see them. Of course, the two of them had to avoid making too much noise, such as bottles of fire and the like. Yes, the NPC will look for the sound and come over to check the situation.

One on the left and one on the right, the two of them dealt with a Lothric knight respectively.

One is holding an ax and a round shield, and the weapons and equipment are actually the same as Mio!

One is a spear + a big shield!

The battle has begun!

However, accidents often happen inadvertently.


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