The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 584 Two Intruders

(Legendary hidden monster~~)

"What the hell - where is this? Isn't it a campfire?" An invading player jumped up.

Judging from the situation, it is obvious that the two invaded players did not carefully check the content of the invasion gameplay, and just came in recklessly, and then encountered three major questions in life.

Who am I, where am I, what am I going to do?!

Why are there players fighting monsters in front of me?

"Guigui, isn't this a church? The legendary place where the BOSS dancer is hidden!"

"WHAT, can we go fight the hidden BOSS?

"Fuck, you didn't think you died enough, you died 7 times!" Another player shouted: "Our mission is to invade, and the goal is to kill the invaded players!"

"Hey, all the knights in the church courtyard have been killed... These two players are so awesome... Wait, wait, what is this monster in the blue cloak? I I wish I had never seen it before, my eyes are so red, so scary!"


….. Could this be…”

"Hidden enemy-?!" the two invading players shouted excitedly.

The two players spoke very loudly, and naturally both Zhang Xingyu and Mio heard it.

…Why do these two players feel so familiar? I feel like I’ve seen them before somewhere before…” Zhang Xingyu murmured.

After Mio heard this, she looked carefully at the invading players and said: "Horizon World..."


"I met three players when I sneaked into Sunset Castle...two of them." Mio said.

"Ah————I remembered!" Zhang Xingyu suddenly realized!

That was when Horizon World's main mission [Secret of Machinery] entered the final stage. The Shadow Wings Guild chose to enter Horizon World. When they sneaked into the mission base of Sunset Castle, they encountered the same three wretched infiltration players.

I remember that the three players ran faster than Zhang Xingyu and others at the beginning, but being fast is not a good thing. These three players encountered an elite-level mini-boss.

Zhang Xingyu and others saw these three players fighting hard against the mini-boss. Then, Zhang Xingyu and others decisively chose to ignore it and move forward!

The main mission is more important!

At the end of the mission, Zhang Xingyu did not see these three infiltrators, so he probably failed to defeat the little BOSS!

Unexpectedly, I encountered him again in the world of Dark Souls!

Since Dark Souls supports a maximum of 2 people in a team, two of the three people on the opposite side should form the invasion team.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Xingyu used the "GwwM" authority to check the names of the two "familiar strangers" on the opposite side - Gong Duosi and Gong Erdos.

On the other side, Gondos and Gondos originally wanted to fight the players to complete the invasion, but after discovering the hidden enemies, they were instantly shaken.

The first hidden enemy I finally saw!

The more important point is that if you can kill this hidden enemy, you can get high-level achievements!

Obviously, the reward for killing hidden enemies is much greater than killing players!

The players are all "real people". After figuring out the benefits, Gondos immediately shouted:

"Um... We were just curious about what invasion would be like, and it was our first time encountering a world with erosion level 5, so we came over to take a look - uh... this The hidden enemy looks a bit fierce...How about we work together to kill it, and the spoils will be divided equally!" Ferdos shouted.

Zhang Xingyu and Mio glanced at each other, and Mio's eyes were clear that she was listening to Xingying.


"These two guys don't seem to recognize themselves..." Zhang Xingyu murmured.

This is normal. The two parties have only met a few times in the Horizon World. Although the Shadow Wings Guild is famous, in the game world of Nightmare World, the player's name will not be on the character. Only adding friends or forming a team can be done. method to see the player's name.

In the Dark Souls world, because the equipment is obviously different from the Horizon world, it is normal not to recognize it.

Of course, if Zhang Xingyu was leading five female players now, Gondos would probably be able to recognize this "winner in life" at a glance.

So, Zhang Xingyu shouted: "Well——Thank you for your kindness, but this hidden enemy is really fierce. If you want it, I will leave it to you. We will never

!that's all----"

After saying that, Zhang Xingyu took Mio and left.

"Fuck, I'm so cowardly!"

"What should I do? Let them two go?"

"They're just two cowards, don't worry about them - they look like a man and a woman. They probably formed a couple to go shopping... No, they are suffering, hahaha, what should I bring with me for such a difficult game? Woman!" Gondos said angrily.

"Hey, I guess we had a quarrel——"

The two players, who were excited because they saw the hidden enemy for the first time, seemed to have forgotten a very important point, that is, Zhang Xingyu and Mio, in the two-player mode, were able to come to the church area on the first day, which has proved their ability strength!

"Haha, oops, that rare enemy is heading towards them, pull it over!"

"Look at me!" Gongerdos took out the bow and arrow from Monster Hunter World - Elegant Longbow II (ice attribute bow and arrow, Feng Piaolong material), and shot an arrow.

I'm coming too!" Gondos also took out a bow and arrow - Pulse Bow III (thunder attribute bow and arrow, flying thunder dragon material), and shot at the blue knight.

The two arrows hit the knight in blue accurately, and the knight in blue immediately turned around and looked at the two people.

"Very good, he's looked over. Let's spread out our positions. He's the only one and can be easily killed!"


It is really easy for two archers to deal with an enemy as long as they are positioned well. What the two are most afraid of is the large number of enemies. If there is one enemy, no matter how strong they are, they will be killed by the archers. ...

"Damn, this guy's defense is so high!"

"Why are you so fast!"

"This is an elite monster. Don't worry. The one who is being attacked concentrates on escaping, and the other one is trying his best to deal damage. Sooner or later, he will be beaten to death!"

"Hey, I've run out of bows and arrows!"

"You @#¥%...——Hurry up and pick up something usable on the ground! Or fucking take out your melee weapon!"

"(Ma Zhao Zhao) I don't know how to fight in close combat.

Thus, a cat and mouse game played out in the scene.

The two archer players seem to have great experience in avoiding and running away. Although the blue knight is indeed very powerful, the mobility of the heavily armored knight cannot keep up with the two light archers. Slowly, the blood volume of the blue knight increases. Half of the sweat was worn away.

"Hoo--ho---very, very good, just like that--continue!" The two tired and half-dead players also saw the dawn of victory.


After losing half of his health, the knight in blue raised the sword in his hand.

Suddenly, the sword gave off a dazzling light.

"What, what's going on——?" The two players were shocked.

In an area that the two players did not notice, that is where the Blue Knight first appeared.

The two corpses filled with spears stood up!

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