The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 588 Players With A Broken Mentality

However, a large part of the reason why the players' mentality exploded is because of——the two-player mode!

"What's even more unbearable is that in the single-player mode, I was already dead as a dog. I finally managed to form a duo. I thought that this time I could finally surround the enemy, but--fuck, I died even more miserably. We can no longer hit the places we could hit!"

This is also the mode that has been complained about the most these days.

In the Dark Souls game, one-on-one is a bit dangerous. If it is one-on-two, there is a high probability of death. If it is one-on-three... give up, you have no chance of winning!

Players originally thought that in the two-player mode, players could finally use the magic weapon to win - "defeat the few with more". However, they never expected that the game prepared a "luxury set" for players.

—In two-player mode, there are more enemies and their strength is increased!

The key is, the two-player mode system does not explain this!

For example, the first battle scene in the city wall that killed countless players was the scene of the kneelers.

09 "In the single-player mode, for the first time, I had a compassionate attitude and did not deal harshly with these living dead who were bent on kneeling. Then, as soon as the bell rang, the kneeling people turned into murderers! The two-player mode has become a little popular. Based on my experience, I naturally chose to clear out these insidious kneelers first, and let my friends kill the patrolling bell-ringing guards... But, why the hell did the bell-ringing guards appear so quickly? Follow the one holding the shield. What the hell are the guards at? There are actually some who are kneeling and using magic with chains. What the hell is that?"

"The big fat guy with wings in the atrium couldn't beat him. I heard that you can form a duo in this game... I worked hard and finally got the cooperation items. After a lot of hard work, I finally came to the atrium. Thinking about this time Finally, we can fight...wait a minute, what the hell are those two big fat guys in the atrium! Laser cannons all over the screen are falling from the sky, there is no place to hide! I am shattered!"

"Do you know about human pus? Yes, it's the thing in the second stage of the first BOSS Guda. In the two-player mode, in the warehouse where you go to the thief's room, there is a guy with a long ax. After he is killed, it actually explodes. Human pus is stronger than ordinary human pus. In this small room, my friend and I were beaten so badly that we died several times!"

"Damn, are those Lothrics in front of the church actually perverted? I originally wanted to find some friends to kill the dancers together... Actually, I just wanted to see the legendary dancer... front Not to mention those, in short, after going through all kinds of hardships, I finally arrived at the church, and then... those Lothric knights who beat me to death in single-player mode (the two knights are absolutely (a dead end), actually, actually, it became a patrol of two people - Damn, is there any justice! (Turns over the table)"

All kinds of "crying complaints"... No, there are endless posts complaining about how perverted the two-player mode is and how badly I have been cheated.

Finally, some players concluded that the two-player mode actually makes players suffer!

Players who formed a duo staged scenes of "friend-killing" dramas.

Even if some players who cooperate well think that the two-player mode is easier than the single-player mode, they are quickly drowned out by the voice that the two-player mode is more difficult!

The Dark Souls game has not officially launched yet, and those players who entered early will basically die like dead dogs!

Three days ago, players simultaneously revealed that in addition to the two-player mode, there is also an invasion mode. However, in these three days, not many people are discussing the invasion mode. The reason is naturally very simple - everyone died like a dog. How can we invade? Invasion is a ghost!

Of course, in the midst of "Oh my god, why is this game so difficult and why did I die so miserably?", there is not no good news.

One of them is that the method of unlocking the game in advance has also been spread to the outside network. However, the difference is that Fatty only spread the method of unlocking the new world and did not release the game strategy. Then...

"Holy crap, how come this game doesn't even have a weapon at the beginning? What the hell is wrong with letting me fight monsters with my bare hands?"

"I don't know how many times I was stabbed to death by daggers. I finally killed the three wandering souls with the dagger I grabbed. I thought it would be alright this time... and then, the dagger was about to break. Yeah, what the hell are the 7 enemies in the atrium and the long-range highland archers? They can’t be defeated at all————"

"Developer, come out, can this damn game be played?"

"I was torn apart. It hurt so much after dying 18 times. I finally entered the new game world, and then I knelt down 9 times in a row. What happened? WQNMLGB!

A player posted the game status of players in the nightmare world outside on the campus network. Suddenly, the players in Holy Dance Academy became happy.

"Fat man is really so bad. He only posted the unlocking method and not the strategy?"

"It's tragic, it's so tragic! Although I also came here like this, but I don't know why, I want to laugh when I see it!"

"Haha - don't worry, everyone, it's not just the students of our Holy Dance Academy who are suffering, everyone is the same!"

"Let death come harder and harder!"

Of course, players in the outside world are not without smart people. Someone soon said that the correct way to open the Dark Souls world is to bring home-based props and skills!

Finally, players outside can play the game normally... Well, it seems that they can't, because Teacher Guda has stumped a lot of players!

903 "Teacher Guda threw a backhand throw, and I was dead. Teacher Guda made a series of close combat slashes, and I was dead. Teacher Guda made a long-distance sprint with a giant pirouette." Still dead.

"Help, I've been dead for three days, and I finally figured out Teacher Guda's attack, but what's going on with the second stage of transformation? Please help——"

"It's collapsed, it's collapsed, it's completely collapsed, what the hell kind of game is this? A small soldier can kill you instantly!"

"I'm completely torn apart—"

One Guda brought down countless players!

Finally, with great difficulty, an outside player finally passed Guda, and then he went to beat Brother Tai Dao...


The progress of the players outside was basically slower than the progress of the players in Holy Dance Academy. Soon, the players in Holy Dance Academy found a fun part of the game - that is to see how Meng suffered outside!

I couldn't help but feel happy when I saw that the unlucky experiences I had experienced were being experienced by other players outside as well, and it seemed even worse.

As the saying goes, happiness is based on the pain of others... This sentence may be very normal in a certain aspect.

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