The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 592 Weird Breeding Farm

The road was empty, but the car did hit something just now!

"Just now...did we really hit something?" At this time, female reporter Bai Xi also felt a little scared and couldn't help but ask.

"We must have bumped into each other, you screamed before!"

"I, I - but, it might be some debris that was knocked to the side of the road. I can't find anything normal in this heavy fog. Let's keep walking." The female reporter said calmly.

"No, I feel like I bumped into something soft... and it was a bit big."

"Stop talking nonsense and keep driving!"

The two got into the car again, but the car could not start. The man checked and found no problem. The ignition may be broken.

"Damn it, it just broke down at this time!" Percy kicked the car angrily.

"Call the police." Percy said to Baker.

"Yeah." Baker took out the phone, but he was stunned.

"What's wrong?"

"There's no signal here. "857"


"I said, Percy, we really left, this place is so weird! This place must be cursed!"

"Who wouldn't encounter some unlucky things? Don't talk like those junk news that want to be the best!" Percy said immediately.

"I heard that a strange technology has appeared over there on the Miracle Island, which can allow people to enter a dream world in their dreams. It is said that it can also bring things in dreams into reality.

It would be nice to look into this before. "

"Do you believe such fantastic things?"

"At least it's better than coming here..."

"Hmph, coward - the weirder what happens here, the greater the news value... If you think about it, why there are no more things about [The Lost Village] on the Internet. There must be something weird."


"Okay, stop talking. I'm going to move on. Do you want to go back?" Percy asked.

Baker glanced behind him. The endless fog seemed to be thicker and more eerie than the fog in front!

"I, I'll go with you."

"This is decent. The effect of shooting with two people will be better. Don't worry, if we can really shoot breaking news, then that contract will be enough."


The two of them walked forward together, and they both felt a little tired after walking for an unknown amount of time.

"Have you not arrived at the village yet..."


"Strange, this village is so far away..."

"I heard that even the police couldn't find the village——Ah——!!?!" At this time, Baker suddenly opened his eyes in horror.

"What are you doing? Don't scare me!"

"Did you just see it?" Baker said very scared.


Just now, something flashed by!" Baker said with a trembling voice.

"Ah? You're dazzled. It's such a thick fog in the middle of the night, and you can't see any black shadows!"

"I really saw it just now!" Baker said immediately.

"Beck...I know you are timid, but I didn't expect you to be so timid. You must be too scared and hallucinating.

"I really didn't!" Baker shouted excitedly.

The two moved on.

"Are there lights in front?"

"It seems there is! I can see it!"

"The snow seems not as thick as before!"

In the dark night, the two of them saw a faint light not far away, and they suddenly became excited and quickly walked towards the light.

In such a dark night full of mist, in a strange and dead place, although the female reporter Bai Xi seemed to be fearless, she still felt a little confused. After seeing the light, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Excuse anyone there?"

"Hello, is anyone there? Our car broke down. Can you please let us go in and take a rest?"

This seems to be a farm or breeding ground. The entrance is a simple fence gate. At the fence, which is not high, you can see a large lawn inside. However, due to the heavy fog and night, you can't see clearly what's going on inside. Only I saw flickering lights shining inside.

After calling for a while, no one responded, and the two looked at each other.

Baker pushed the fence and found that it was not locked.

"Want to go in?" Baker asked.

"Go in and take a look... This should be a breeding farm... and it will also provide pigs, cattle and other meat to nearby towns." Baixi had seen the map of the village before and had some impressions of the layout of the village.

The two entered the breeding farm and looked for the light. They came to a wooden hut. The light emanated from the rooms in the house.

"Hello, is there anyone?" Baker knocked on the door and asked.

For a while, there was no response, and the silence here was terrifying.

"The farmed animals here... don't make any noise at night?"

"Animals... they also sleep at night..." Percy said, then looked at the house and said: "I'll go look at the windows of the house, maybe I can see what's going on inside.

"You want to break in?" Baker was shocked.

"Don't say it so harshly, I'm just looking at the situation!"

Percy walked around the house and quickly found the window. However, the window was locked tightly. Percy pushed it several times but could not open it. Moreover, the curtains behind the window were blocking the view of the inside of the house. 0

"Great, the window here is open!" After walking for a while, Percy finally saw the open window.

The curtains are still closed, but the lights are on inside, and the light shines through the gaps in the curtains.

"Hello, is there anyone-" Percy asked, but his voice was not loud.

Arriving at the window, Percy hesitated for a moment, stood on tiptoes, and gently opened the curtains.

"This is—?!Kitchen?—But...this

Inside was a messy kitchen, with kitchen utensils, bowls, knives and forks scattered on the floor, some of which had even been broken.

The gas stove seemed to be cooking something, but the large pot that had been cooked had been knocked over, and soup containing ingredients such as meat and other additives flowed out.

It looks like a fight scene from some movie.

"Yes, yes, filming, the disappeared village, the current situation of the village!" Baixi quickly took out his mobile phone and took pictures of the situation inside the house.

Percy and Baker are a duo. In fact, the main task of shooting is completed by Baker. He has special shooting tools. However, in the era of self-media, the requirements for camera technology, clarity, etc. are actually not high. More needs are It is the freshness of the material. From this point of view, mobile phones are sufficient for the shooting task, especially some mobile phones with high-definition cameras, which are clear enough to be broadcast on TV.

However, professional shooting tools sometimes have other benefits, such as appearing more professional, clearer images, higher resolution, and making it easier to interview people.

"This is..." While filming, Percy discovered that in a corner of the kitchen, near the refrigerator, there seemed to be a red liquid, and the red liquid showed a trajectory.


The red liquid is easily reminiscent of blood. Percy took pictures along the red liquid and found that the red liquid actually extended to the window and even under the window sill!


Bah bah bah bah...

A very weak voice came from somewhere.

Bah bah bah bah...


"Where is the voice?"

The sound seemed to come from inside the house. Percy used his mobile phone camera to look for it, but he couldn't find it.

At this time, a huge sound suddenly sounded.

"Don't, don't, don't come over - ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah

The sound came from the direction of the front door of the house!

Percy's heart suddenly jumped.


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