The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 594 If The Dancer Learned To Become A Ghost 2

"Ghost transformation?!"

Yes, ghost transformation!

Monster Hunter World, the signature skill of dual swords!

As a wielder of dual swords, Mio's eyes widened when she saw the dancer in the world of Dark Souls perform the action of "devil transformation" - not only did the dancer raise her swords, the action of "devil transformation" was exactly the same. The effect after that is the same as in Monster Hunter World. The surface of the body has the unique red outline of the ghost transformation, and so does the weapon!

This is indeed the demonic transformation of the twin swords!

After transforming into a ghost, the dancer's movement suddenly increases a lot, just like in Monster Hunting, after the player transforms into a ghost, the movement speed will also increase!

Originally, the dancer's movement was as slow as a turtle crawling, but now, it can almost catch up with the player's walking speed!

The dancer walked quickly towards Mio.

"Be careful!" Zhang Xingyu shouted.

During the third stage of Dancer, Mio had already distanced herself from the Dancer, so although she was a little surprised just now, it had no impact. When she heard Zhang Xingyu's reminder, she nodded and put up her shield.

——Everything is undecided, first defend!

The distance between the dancers is getting closer and closer. At this distance, the dancers have only one attack method that can hit Mio - that is, half-crouching, straightening the body, and fully extending the hand to stab. This distance is very far. The sudden attack is comparable to Guda's and is hard to guard against.

However, this attack is still easy to defend, and the attack is not very powerful, but it is also a good opportunity to counterattack!

Because after the attack, the dancer needs to retract her body.

Mio was waiting for the dancer to make a move. Was it a stab with a big flaw, or was she going to continue to get closer?

Contrary to Mio's expectation, the dancer suddenly performed extremely well!

"Surprise skill?"

no, that is

The dancer's double knives started to spin!

The signature skill of the double sword——Ghost Spin and Charge!

The dancer's flame sword and dark sword drew beautiful circular patterns in mid-air.

A circle tilted at about 45 degrees - because the dancer is very tall (giant), if you want to hit "tiny humans", it is impossible to rotate parallel to the ground.

"Kijin spins and charges! Ah—" As soon as Mio finished speaking, her defense collapsed!

The Ghost Man's Spin Rush has multiple stages of damage, and as a BOSS, every attack of the Dancer will greatly reduce the player's endurance even if he can defend against it!

Multiple attacks directly knocked out Mio's endurance!

Swish——The dancer suddenly raised her swords.

"This is————" Mio, whose defense collapsed, caught sight of the dancer's movements from the corner of her eye.

She was extremely familiar with the double-sword skills and could spot the dancer's attack at a glance.

————The ghosts are dancing wildly!”

With her defense collapsed, Mio couldn't do any moves and could only watch a set of ghost dancing!

The blood volume decreased rapidly, and it was empty almost instantly!

Mio died on the spot! (Why is it me again, the little loli draws circles)

The corners of Zhang Xingyu's mouth twitched slightly.

Mio is dead, but the dancer's attack is not over yet - the demon dance will take a lot of hits!

This time is naturally the best time to attack, but Zhang Xingyu has basically given up this battle.

Because the dancer's blood volume is increasing!

In the third stage of ghost transformation, the dancer's attacks have "blood-sucking" properties!

Although the dancer killed Mio, through "Whip the Corpse", the dancer can continue to suck blood!

After dancing wildly, the dancer's health returned to 50%!

"So, should I give it away for free, or should I return the bone fragments directly?" Zhang Xingyu faced a choice.

This is the third stage dancer, the terrifying triple enhanced dancer!

What will happen when the dancer learns the dual skills of Monster Hunter World and the weapon is "customized" to suck blood?

There is no doubt that a nightmare dancer will be born!

As soon as the third stage started, Mio tasted a sure-kill combo from Dancer's third stage!

That's the Oni's sudden attack and continuous slashing + Oni's flurry of dancing!

If the player chooses to defend, he will be easily defeated and the defense will collapse. When the defense collapses, the dancer must take the flurry attack - no player can take advantage of the country's dancers and ghosts flurry attack!

Flurry attacks have a total of 16 attacks. Which player can withstand 16 consecutive attacks from the BOSS!

————Want to kill the dancer by relying on defense? Take a look at the three-stage combo of the dancer, which is sure to kill and has blood-sucking effects!

Of course, there is no way to crack this combo. The simplest solution is to increase your endurance when upgrading. Defending against the dancer's attacks does consume energy, but it is not infinite. As long as the player's endurance is enough, he can defend against the ghost. If you still have enough stamina to perform consecutive slashes, you won't be hit by the dancer's sure-kill ghost flurry.

However, at this stage, when the player level is not high, there will definitely be no player who will give all their upgrade points to Endurance.

Another simple and effective method is to directly attack this set of attacks, because the damage caused by the dancer's ghost-man lunge and continuous slashing is not fatal. If you attack it forcefully, the player will only have a small attack at most. Even if the dancer continues to dance, there is still a chance to escape.

Of course, this method of taking it hard is quite dangerous. Although the damage of the ghost man's sudden attack is not high, it is enough to knock out half of the player's health. If the dancer does not respond well to the next attack, he will die on the spot.

The dancer's oni-man lunge and slashes are actually the prelude to the attack, and the key is the dancer's subsequent attack.

The third method is naturally the best, which is to roll and dodge. This is undoubtedly the best and safest choice. However, the dancer's ghost-man lunge and slash are fast to start, have a long distance, and are tilted. Spin attacks are very difficult to dodge and require extremely strong prediction and reaction speed!

Of course, these are not the most terrifying things. The most terrifying thing is that the dancer’s attacks are blood-sucking!

Throughout the ages, what ability are BO$S most afraid of in players?

It's not some powerful skills or god-like operations, but... F*ck players can actually take drugs!

After finally beating the player to the point where his health was reduced, the player's health was restored to full after taking drugs!

Drug-induced abortion can be said to be one of the strongest genres for fighting BOSS. (Zhao Qian's) was before, is now, and will be in the future...maybe for a long time, it will also be the strongest genre!

The dancer allows players to experience the horror of returning blood!

Want to take drugs and grind the dancer to death?


After taking drugs and taking drugs, he suddenly found that the dancer was full of blood. At this time, what would the player's expression be like?

Natural mentality completely exploded!

—Can this damn thing still be played?

In Dark Souls, the player's blood bottles are limited, and because of the world view, even if the recovery items are brought from other worlds, the effect is very poor [the effect is far less than that of the element bottles in the game to restore blood.

In fact, just as Zhang Xingyu expected, the dancer's three-stage blood-sucking ability has caused countless players who challenged the dancer to collapse!

Including Otilia and Mengmeng Moon!

The blood-sucking dancer————is simply unreasonable and has no moral ethics!

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