The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 604 Battle Against Nightmare Dancer

The celebration lasted for about an hour, and after that, everyone was ready to play games.

The task of Zhang Xingyu and Mio today is to challenge the dancers. By the way, Zhang Xingyu is also preparing to make a big splash in the world of Dark Souls.

However, before going to kill the dancer, Zhang Xingyu planned to kill the big tree first - at least open the soul smelting furnace first!

Killing the dancers at such an early stage will greatly increase the erosion rate, and if Zhang Xingyu prepares for a big wave, he will definitely encounter a large number of player invasions. However, the weapon in hand now——

The whiteboard weapons were really disappointing, so Zhang Xingyu decided to get an ice dog hammer.

Of course, you would not dare to use the ice dog hammer to hit the dancer. This weapon is very heavy and has a slow attack speed. It is too dangerous to deal with a boss as agile as the dancer.

So, through the campfire, Zhang Xingyu and Mio teleported near the big tree, came to the big tree's BOSS room, and started the BOSS battle.

After more than half an hour, the two successfully killed the big tree.

Although the Big Tree BOSS has been strengthened, it is not very high. Considering that the Big Tree will also drop a smelting furnace, in order to facilitate players to forge weapons with the BOSS's soul as quickly as possible, this BOSS is not suitable to be too strong.

This is not a BOSS that must be killed. If its difficulty is set to be the same as that of a dancer, it will probably be difficult for players to smelt weapons for a long time in the future - they can only look at the souls dropped by the BOSS. Or just crush it to get the soul - but this is such a waste!

After obtaining the soul of the cursed tree

Currently, Zhang Xingyu and Mio have obtained three BOSS souls, namely Guda, Watchdog and Uncle Curse.

Without saying a word, Zhang Xingyu first used the soul of the watchdog to build the Ice Dog Hammer, and directly used the materials to strengthen it to +4. As for the other two souls, Zhang Xingyu decided to keep them first.

— Even if the equipment is built now, there are no strengthening materials, so we should wait and see later.

The ice dog hammer Zhang Xingyu created can only be seen now, because using it requires strength of 30, and now Zhang Xingyu's strength is not enough because of the added vitality!

The current level of the two of them is level 35. Zhang Xingyu's blood volume has been increased to 25 and his strength is 21. The current blood volume is enough. Zhang Xingyu decided to give all the next points to strength - at least this hammer. Lift it up and talk!

As for why I was so eager to get it when I couldn't carry it... It's good to put a dream in the bag. At least looking at the whiteboard garbage equipment I'm wearing and taking another look at the ice dog hammer, I have hope. ah!

In Mio's words, Zhang Xingyu asked him to smelt the religious left eye. After equipping this ring, the player can restore his blood volume when he continues to attack. Although the recovery amount is not much, it can sometimes save lives.

As for other weapons, Zhang Xingyu didn't let Mio smelt them. The current levels of the two of them were still too low, with various attributes on the low side, and they couldn't handle the forged weapons at all.

However, after defeating the dancer, Mio can make one of the double swords forged with the dancer's soul - because the dancer has been strengthened multiple times, the double swords forged by the dancer's soul have also been strengthened, and her combat skills are also very powerful. , very suitable for Mio.

After putting the "Hope" he created into his backpack, Zhang Xingyu and Mio came to the church together.

The battle of dancers————begins!

In the first stage, no injuries occurred!

In the second stage, there were a few mistakes, but it didn't matter. After drinking the blood bottle, the blood was full. Let's continue fighting!

About 10 minutes, the third stage of the dancer!

The dancer raised her double swords, and the bright red light unique to the demonic transformation appeared on the dancer's weapons and body. Zhang Xingyu and Mio were both a little nervous.

"Change weapons!"


Both of them took down their shields, Zhang Xingyu replaced it with a tachi, and Mio used the double swords of the monster hunter.

There is no way, the pressure of the dancer in the third stage is really too strong, and using a shield is too risky.

The dancer's ghost attacks in succession, targeting Mio!

Mio was very courageous. After she noticed that the dancer was looking at her, she immediately activated her ghost-human transformation. After the dancer rushed over, she found the right moment [ten quick ghost sliding steps!

In the ghost state, rolling will turn into a sliding step, which is extremely fast. Because of Mio's petite stature, the sliding step with her body is very small, and the attack judgment is very small!

Mio slid to the side of the dancer and perfectly dodged the dancer's attack!

Mio took the opportunity to attack, but the dancer reacted quickly, turned around and looked at Mio, but Mio slipped and hid beside the dancer again.

Unable to find a target to attack, the dancer was stunned for a moment and was hit a few more times by Mio. Then she looked at Zhang Xingyu.

Zhang Xingyu was stealing output. After discovering that the dancer was targeting him, he slowed down his attack.

The dancer raised the dark sword.

——The Dark Sword explodes! Large-scale explosion damage!

"Get away—" Mio shouted, then quickly ran away and canceled her ghost transformation.

Mio has always maintained endurance. After leveling up, Mio's way of adding points is slightly different from Zhang Xingyu. Although a lot of blood has been added, vitality is no longer Mio's most important attribute. The highest attribute is endurance 22 point!

After ensuring the basic blood volume, Mio focused more on evasion ability and tended to use agility to avoid enemy attacks, which required the support of endurance.

Zhang Xingyu rolled and dodged several times in a row.

Boom boom

There was a huge explosion, and the two distanced themselves in time. It was safe!

However, in the dark smoke, the dancer rushed over.

||It’s a sudden attack, be careful!——Mio shouted.

Zhang Xingyu was startled, narrowed his eyes, and decided to take this set of attacks and recover the consumed stamina at the same time!

——If you choose to roll to dodge the consecutive slashes... Let’s not talk about whether you can dodge it. Even if you dodge it, your stamina will be at the bottom and it may be more dangerous!

Zhang Xingyu was hit directly by the consecutive slashes, causing a slight stun.

The health volume dropped by about 30%, which was okay, but the dancer's health volume returned to one-third, and the previous fights between the two of them were all in vain!

The scary thing about the third stage of the Dancer is that if you can't continuously attack the Dancer without taking any damage, then the Dancer will be able to continuously recover blood with her blood-sucking attacks!

After a forced set, Zhang Xingyu carefully observed the dancer's next moves (Qian Nuo's).

After the continuous slashing, the dancer will have a variety of follow-up attacks, and different attacks require different response methods.

The dancer unfolded her swords left and right at the same time.

"What's this? Flurry - Oops, you have to avoid it!"

The range of the dancer's flurry is very large, about 180 meters in front of the dancer. However, because the flurry lasts for a long time, if the player can avoid it, there will be an excellent output opportunity - behind the dancer.

However, don't forget that the dancer also has a skill that gives players a headache - Phantom Dance!

All the dancer's attacks come with afterimages!

If Zhang Xingyu dodges directly, then the position in front of the dancer is the dance range of the dancer. If you go in, you will die. The position behind the dancer should be a safe attack position. However, because the dancer used a sudden attack, the position behind the dancer is Even the remaining phantom of "Charging Attack" cannot be approached!

The afterimage of the dancer is offensive!


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