The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 613 The Weird Demon King’S Courtyard

On the other side, after Zhang Xingyu and Mio defeated the two tough heavy-armed knights in the air corridor, they passed the elevator and arrived at the hidden area - the Demon King's Courtyard.

Although the Demon King's Courtyard is a courtyard, it has two characteristics. One is that it is very huge - as a large hidden area, the Demon King's Courtyard has been greatly increased in area, making it larger than the original game.

Another characteristic is the strangeness!

The world of Dark Souls is a strange and strange world for players. However, most of the things are in line with common sense. However, in the Demon King's Courtyard, that is not the case - everything is so Weird.

For example, trees, each tree here is different. For example, a tall tree in the forest area does not have any leaves, but its branches are extremely lush. What is even more amazing is that the branches are twisted with each other, and they look like It's like the left side of the tree is fighting with the right side of the dry tree, just like a person's left hand fighting his right hand, but because of the twisted branches, it looks even weirder!

For example, there is another tree that is unusually tall, but the tree is retaining a strange bluish-black liquid. This weird bluish-green liquid has soaked the ground and "formed a large area of ​​poisonous water."

It’s not just the plants that are changing, but also the wandering spirits.

The ghosts wandering in the courtyard are all ghosts with huge human brains behind them! 09

Players have already seen the power of the human brain - not to mention Guda's BOSS-level human pus. In the Lothric high wall area, there are also some wandering souls that will turn into human pus state - in the human pus state, Not only has the blood volume of the monsters been greatly improved, but the attack power is also extremely terrifying. If the player does not deliberately increase the blood volume, he will basically be beaten twice with pus!

Human pus can be said to be an extremely terrifying monster. However, because the monster that can turn into human pus is fixed, and as long as the wandering soul is killed directly before the transformation, it will not transform into human pus, so most players choose Kill the human pus monster directly before it changes its voice. (Of course, there are extra rewards for killing monsters in pus state)

However, here in the Demon King's Courtyard, the wandering Renyi does not give players a chance to kill them easily - they have long since turned into human pus!

Not only that, the human pus here is also different from the human pus monster on the high wall of Lothric.

The human pus in Lothric basically looks the same, with a huge human pus appearing on the right shoulder. However, in the Demon King's Courtyard, the location where the human pus appears is not fixed. It may be on the chest or on the hand. It could be the head or the legs! What’s more, 80% of the body has turned into human pus, which is extremely terrifying!

Even if you think about it with your feet, you will know that these different human pus monsters are all different monsters and require different coping methods to deal with them!

The BOSS of the Demon King's Courtyard is the Demon King Othroais, and his true identity is the former king of Lothric. However, because Prince Lothric opposed the spread of fire, he conducted taboo research.

It can be seen from the severely mutated human pus in the entire Demon King's Courtyard that this is where the plague of Renyi originated.

Of course, players need to dig out this information themselves.

In this area, Zhang Xingyu became cautious, very cautious!

Are game creators still so cautious?

Well, the real reason is - this area was basically designed by the Lord of Nightmares himself!

After Zhang Xingyu told the Nightmare Lord about the setting of this area, he prepared to create the basic framework by himself. Then, the Nightmare Lord uncharacteristically [snatched all the creation work of this area!

I have never seen the Lord of Nightmares be so active!

Later, when he learned the truth, Zhang Xingyu broke into a cold sweat.

The reason why the Lord of Nightmares is so active is simple, because this area is very suitable for the Lord of Nightmares!

Yes, appetite!

In the original world, the Lord of Nightmares liked to create some scary and weird places to torture people. However, now, the Lord of Nightmares can only create a "game world" that is so majestic and terrifying to the world. What the Lord of Nightmares is doing what?

Things like Monster Hunter World, Horizon World, and Nightmare Lord are acceptable. After all, they can torture players, but what the hell is Amusement Park World?

However, the new world of Dark Souls is very suitable for the Nightmare Lord, and after hearing about the setting of the Demon King's Courtyard, the Nightmare Lord is really itchy!

"Give me, let me come - you can't do this in such an interesting area!" the Lord of Nightmares said.

.Interesting?" Zhang Xingyu was stunned.

Therefore, the Lord of Nightmares completely undertook the setting of this hidden area!

Even the Lord of Nightmares did not show this area to Zhang Xingyu, and said that this guy who likes to enter the game world by himself can experience it himself!

Zhang Xingyu still doesn’t know what kind of urinary nature the Lord of Dream Demons has. This guy likes to torture people the most - so, in this hidden area, Zhang Xingyu can describe it as "overly cautious".

For example, Zhang Xingyu thought that the strange tree with entangled branches on the left and right in front of him might also be a kind of monster. However, after Mio went over and knocked carefully, she found that it was just an ordinary tree.

"Don't be careless, this place is too weird!" Zhang Xingyu said to Mio, who nodded.

In fact, it was right to be cautious, because during the exploration process, the two of them actually encountered a tree that suddenly came to life, and almost overturned the car!

"Speaking of which, it's been a while, but it seems like no players have come to this large hidden area yet?" Zhang Xingyu looked back at the entrance to the courtyard and said.

The two of them moved very slowly, and they hadn't walked far yet. They could see the entrance not far away when they turned back.

"Didn't you find the entrance here?" Mio tilted her head and said.

"It shouldn't's right inside the dancer's church. Although it's in the corner...but we've knocked down the ladder...well..."

"Our souls have been increasing, and there should be many players playing." Mio looked at her status and said.

"Perhaps the fight was very enjoyable..." 280

Out of curiosity, Zhang Xingyu opened the perspective of God and soon discovered the reason.

The current limit for invading players is 100. These 100 people are basically divided into three categories. The first category is those who come over to watch the excitement. These players are generally not strong. When the erosion is high, the area The strength of the monsters has increased a lot, and these players basically died after wandering around.

The second category is PK-type players, which are divided into two types. One is active PK players. Although these players may first come in to find hidden areas, after seeing other players, especially the blood of other players, The bars are red like the monsters... I can't help itching my hands! The other type is passive PK. You are attacked by PK before you can explore it properly. When you get angry, you don't care about hidden areas. PK first and then talk!

The third category is players who are looking for hidden areas. “They avoid PK when they see it.

After the erosion degree reaches 12, the open hidden area is naturally not only the Demon King's Courtyard, but also many small hidden areas, such as the underground waterway found in the atrium, and the elevator can go deeper into the underground cave. Many players are very keen on exploring, and small hidden areas were discovered one after another, scattering a group of players.

Later, Zhang Xingyu discovered that a player finally invaded the church and found the entrance to the Demon King's Courtyard!

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