The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 628 The Only Survivor

"My mother said... the people in the village seem to have changed." The man said softly.

"You've changed into a different person. What's going on?" the female reporter quickly asked.

"I also asked, but my mother didn't explain anything more. She told me to work hard and said everything would be fine here. She reassured myself and hung up the phone.

"And after that?"

"Actually, I regretted it a bit. After listening to my mother's words, I thought it should be fine, so I went to work...Then, the next day, I thought about the conversation with my mother yesterday again, and felt that it was necessary to go again. After confirming, he called again.

"Did you get through?"

"No, I can't get through, I can't get through at all - not only my mother's, but also my father's, and even a few neighbors I know. I've called them all, but they can't get through," the man explained anxiously. .

"Similar to the information we obtained, when the fog filled the air, the village completely lost contact with the outside world. Not only could the village not be found, but communications were also completely cut off." The female reporter explained to the camera and asked the man: " Then what happens next, will you try to go back?"

09 "Of course I went back, but I was also lost in the fog. When I came back to my senses, I had left the fog, but I had already gone too far."

"Can't you even go back?"

"It's so strange. I clearly remembered the way home and drove the right way. However, I wandered in the fog for who knows how long and just couldn't find the village. By the time I realized I had left the fog, I had already driven too far. "

"Do you remember when you were driving in the fog? What was it like inside?"

"The fog was very thick, terrifyingly thick, 5 meters... No, it was almost impossible to see beyond 2 meters away. I drove very slowly in the heavy fog, and kept looking for the village landmarks. But I never saw it.”

"Did you miss it because the fog was too thick?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Although the fog is very thick, this is my home. I am very familiar with this road. Moreover, even if I make a mistake once, I can't miss it the second time. I tried 5 times." , all failed!" the young man said with some excitement.

"So, is there anything...anything special in the fog?"

"Something special?" The man was stunned for a moment and said, "It doesn't seem like... Huh?" At the end of the sentence, the man seemed to frown in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Strange... What's going on?" The man frowned even more tightly.

"Did you think of something?" the woman asked quickly.

"It's not that I thought of anything...but that I really wanted to think that I did experience something in the fog...but I can't remember it at all.


"That's it...maybe it's an illusion."

"Can you think about it more carefully?" The female reporter felt that this piece of information might be important.

"Well, there seems to be something... Well - sorry, I really can't remember. It should be nothing, sorry." The man said.

." The female reporter was a little speechless, and finally asked: "Today, the fog has dissipated, and I heard that communications have been restored. Have you contacted your mother?"

"No, I have called many times, but I can't get through. I don't know what happened inside. The police didn't let me in. Now I'm waiting for news."

"okay, thank you."

At the end of the interview, the female reporter turned to the screen to summarize. However, at this time, there seemed to be some commotion at the scene, and several policemen ran in a certain direction anxiously.

Some reporters also shouted and ran after them, shouting.

"what's going on?"

The AAC female reporter was naturally curious and followed the reporter team. On the way, one of the familiar reporters told the AAC female reporter what happened.

There are two main reasons. One is that some media knew some truths about the village - disappeared, all disappeared!

Yes, all humans, including animals, are gone!

The police investigation found that no one in the village left any trace, but everyone disappeared out of thin air! The reason is unknown. Now the police are anxious to find the whereabouts of those who disappeared, and one of the possibilities has been put underground.

In addition, a bold reporter entered through a hidden route. Although he was quickly asked out by the police inside, the reporter also discovered important information, that is, many buildings in the village were damaged. The traces seemed to have been damaged recently. Not only that, there were blood stains in many places!

No one knew what was going on inside, and the police couldn't figure it out, so they invited experts to check.

The other thing happened suddenly, which was the commotion just now - when the fog was thick, it was said that two reporters from the self-media came to the village to conduct investigation, and with those who could not find the village, finally The people who went back were different. These two self-media reporters completely lost contact after they came here.

Then, something even more surprising happened. A reporter obtained the contact information of the two missing reporters and started to make calls in the hope of being safe.

The reporter who made the call had no hope at all, because everyone in the village had lost contact and no one could get through the phone.

First, I called the male reporter who disappeared, but couldn't get through, just like the villagers.

Then the female reporter disappeared, and then a miracle happened - the phone call was connected!!

Although I got through, no one answered!

But soon, another reporter came with the news. Inside the breeding farm 980, the sound of a mobile phone was heard!

The breeding farm also belongs to the village, but it is some distance away from the village gathering place. The police have also set up a cordon there. Although there are reporters stationed there, there are very few reporters. Naturally, most reporters focus on the village gathering place.

When the female reporter followed the reporter team to the breeding farm, she found a person being carried out of the breeding farm by medical staff!

"Get out of the way, give way to the Lord!"

The reporters blocked the intersection of the breeding farm, and the police who rushed over quickly cleared a road.

The female reporter who was carried out was already unconscious. She was covered with a white cloth and couldn't see her physical condition clearly, but she was probably not dead. Her hair was messy, her face was pale, and there was a lot of blood on her face.

The sound of the mobile phone came from the hand of the female reporter who was being carried. The police tried to take it away before, but the female reporter held it tightly and could not take it out. The doctor immediately stopped her.

Now it’s important to save people!

The life condition of the rescued female reporter is not optimistic!

This is the only survivor...or the only person who exists in the disappeared village, and he seems to be still alive!

The reporters focused their attention on the mobile phone of the rescued female reporter. Everyone knew that there must be important information on this mobile phone!

It was a reporter’s cell phone after all!

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