The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 633 Amazing Coincidence

Deep in the Lu Coral Platform, there was lightning and thunder, and it rained heavily.

Qilin's battle has entered the final and most critical moment - Qilin's "dying rage".

All monsters have a death rage. At this stage, the monster's strength will be several levels higher than usual, and the ancient dragon's death rage is even more terrifying because of several powerful characteristics.

Ordinary monsters can be captured by trappers, but ancient dragons cannot be captured, and the ancient dragon's dying rage will continue until death, so it can only be defeated with true skills!

"The ancient dragon may be able to amplify his moves." The little bookworm said to the crystal through the system's secret language system.

"Qilin is going to use a big move, everyone, be careful and prepare to find a position!" Crystal shouted after hearing it.

Well, although the little bookworm can make predictions, due to the character of the little bookworm, she is not happy to shout, so in the end she told Crystal first, and then Crystal shouted to give instructions. (The vice president also entered the game, but he did not choose to act with the large army, but investigated alone)

Although there was some delay, there was nothing I could do about it. The little bookworm refused to shout, saying that he was too tired to shout! 09

Everyone paused their attacks, the double swords stopped transforming into ghosts, and the big sword quickly launched its charged attack...

Sure enough, with Qilin's cry, the ultimate move with super-light coverage came!

"The little bookworm is awesome!"

"Can this be predicted?" The union members exclaimed and quickly found their seats.

Although Qilin's ultimate move is very powerful, the people from the student union found the best hiding position through calculation.

"Be careful, Qilin is phantom!"

"Hell, I can't figure out which one is the real one!"

"This phantom is so annoying!"

One of the most terrifying skills of Kirin, Phantom Kirin, will leave a lot of afterimages of Kirin in the field. It would be fine if there were only one or two, but if the screen is full of Kirin, it would be difficult for players to distinguish them.

Countless players and unions have perished due to the characteristics of Phantom Kirin. It may be because these skills of Kirin are too powerful, so a certain IMBA control skill is no longer available - Kirin does not have dragon roar!

The Kirin will roar, but it will not make the player stiff, but the player can tell whether it is angry from the Kirin's roar.

If Qilin can roar with dragon, then if dragon roar can be combined with violent thunder and lightning, it feels like no player can defeat Qilin!

However, even without the dragon roar, Feng is still the third most terrifying tongue dragon.

The members of the student council also couldn't figure out the true identity of the phantom Kirin. In previous attempts to hunt Kirin, they were all crushed by the phantom of Kirin.


"Bookworm!" Crystal shouted.

"I know——" the little bookworm said. After Qilin entered the near-death rage, the little bookworm activated [Fantasy Will].

In the eyes of other players, the screen is filled with phantoms of unicorns, but in the eyes of the little bookworm, what they see is different.

The screen is also full of phantom unicorns. However, these phantoms are very faint, much lighter than normal sight. They are easy to distinguish. Moreover, the real unicorn is represented by a red outline. Not only that, the red outline The silhouette can also move. For example, now, the little bookworm can see that the red unicorn silhouette is sprinting forward, and there are some red thunderbolts on the ground while sprinting.

"About 10 meters in the 9 o'clock direction, you may sprint past the 5 o'clock direction. Be careful as it may cause lightning strikes." The little bookworm said, and Crystal quickly repeated it while shouting loudly.

The actions outlined in red are exactly Kirin’s future actions!

The fantasy will can predict the monster's actions. Of course, the probability is only 80%, so the little bookworm's command will have the words "possible".

"Players at 5 o'clock are in danger." said the little bookworm.

"Players in the direction of 5 o'clock, please pay attention, Qilin may come to your side!" Crystal immediately followed and shouted.

"Understood, stay away!"

Qilin rushed forward, exactly the same as the red outline the little bookworm saw!

Relying on predicting the Qilin's actions in advance, the Qilin's attack had no results this time. Instead, it was met with a round of output from the remote player - because Cheng knew the location of the Qilin, he could deal with it as much as he wanted!

"Qilin may kick back, point in the direction." The little bookworm shouted.

"Qilin is going to kick back. Players over there, please pay attention -" Crystal shouted.

However, this time the prediction was wrong. One player may have thought that the little bookworm's prediction was 100% correct, and was completely unsuspecting and was killed by Qilin.

"Pay attention, the prediction is not 100% accurate!" Crystal shouted immediately. She was a little nervous, because there were not many players left, and every one was precious.

During the 12-minute arduous hunt, the little bookworm grasped the time and only activated the fantasy will when the Kirin turned on the phantom. In the end, when the fantasy will time was about to run out, the Kirin fell down after letting out a sad cry!


At this time, a huge system prompt jumped out. Just as Crystal and others were preparing to celebrate, they were stunned.

[Congratulations to the "Shadow Wings" and "Dream Group" unions for completing the kill of "Ancient Dragon——Corpse Dragon" and completing the most difficult challenge in the game! 】

[Congratulations to the "Blue Rain" union for completing the kill of "Ancient Dragon——Qilin" and completing the most difficult challenge in the game! 】

Of course, along with the appearance of system prompts, there are several achievements that pop up, but there is no world notification for achievements.

The two system prompts appeared almost at the same time, but the one that appeared first was not Kirin’s kill achievement!

"Eh? Are we a step too late? Damn it - it's just a little bit off, really just a little bit -" Crystal yelled unwillingly.

On the other side, seeing the two system prompts, the Shadow Wings Guild and the Dream Group were also frightened.

"It's just a little bit close, 590 is just a little bit close!" Otilia said.

"Yes, if you were just a few seconds later, you would have been beaten to the spot!" Blue Girl Meng nodded and said.

"Well, you can't underestimate other players." Elegant Ice said.

At this time, the system prompt appeared again, this time for all players in the nightmare world - players in other game worlds also received it!

A dark gold system text prompt indicates that the dark gold legendary mission has been completed!

[Congratulations to the "Shadow Wings" and "Dream Group" guilds for being the first to complete the legendary main quest "Ancient Memory" in Monster Hunter World, achieving the most difficult quest challenge in the game! 】

Seeing the appearance of this system prompt, Crystal was even more sad, but——

[Congratulations to the "Cyan Rain" Guild for being the first to complete the legendary main mission "Ancient Memory" in Monster Hunter World, achieving the most difficult mission challenge in the game! 】

[Monster Hunter World is about to undergo huge changes (version update coming soon)]

"What's going on?" Crystal was stunned and looked at the system prompts. Yes, it was indeed the first one!

But, two firsts finished!

what happened?

"Could it be that the ancient dragon was killed at the same time?" The green Yu Guild, as well as the people from Shadow Wings and Dream Group said in unison.

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