The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 646 Death Flight

[Pay attention to the use of engineering weapons, find at least one player to use it with, one to attack, and one to carry the shells. Remember to aim, just aim roughly. The Molten Mountain Dragon is very big, and it is easy to hit. Different parts have different damage, including the heart, head, etc. Higher, but you don’t have to force it, as long as you can hit it] Otilia typed in the command channel.

[When the shells are gone, you can search for them on the ground far away, and you will find them!] Other regimental leaders are also giving instructions.

Although the unlimited chat channel has all kinds of messy chats, the command channel is still very calm and does not have any excessive language. Seeing this, many people began to call on everyone in the unlimited chat channel to follow the command and act.

The situation is gradually improving, and the number of failed attacks has begun to decrease. However, no matter how many attacks fell on Laoshan Dragon, Laoshan Dragon did not take a step back. Although it did not move very quickly, when it reached the huge defensive wall, In front of the barrier.

The players are a little nervous, because this defensive barrier was not completed in the previous preparations, and the completion rate was only 60%.

"It won't break as soon as it hits..."

Amid the worries of the players, the Lava Mountain Dragon directly bumped into it, blasting

The ground shook, and the earthquake was stronger than before. Many players who were prepared for the earthquake fell down.

"Where's the barrier?"

As the players looked, the defensive barriers fell off in large areas and seemed to be crumbling.

"Damn, it looks like it can't withstand the second impact. I should have finished it first if I had known. It should be able to withstand the second impact!"

"It's too late to say anything now!"

"Stop sighing and attack now!"

"Damn, at this distance, can long-range professions also attack?"

The Molten Dragon is already in front of the barrier, and it is indeed very close to the players. Some players tried it, and they can indeed attack it!

"It's okay, it's okay"

At this time, there are not many cannonballs left, and the map weapons that can attack the Molten Dragon are also limited. Some of them are even destroyed by the Molten Dragon, leaving many players with nothing to do.

When I saw that I could attack with weapons, I immediately became excited.

The heavy crossbow is the easiest weapon to attack because of its long range. The most difficult thing is the archer. Although it can attack, it can only be shot while standing on the edge of a dangerous cliff.

Mengmeng Yue also ran to the edge of the cliff and started to miss with dragon.

Then, the Molten Mountain Dragon collided again!

In an instant, the barrier collapsed!

It collapsed after just two impacts!

The players were unlucky, because due to the earthquake and the falling of the defensive barrier buildings, the players rushed in with all their might. The most pitiful players were those who stood on the edge of the cliff and attacked. If they were lucky, they would just fall down, but if they were not lucky, they would just fall down. Well, it fell directly off the cliff. What's even worse is that that section of the cliff was directly damaged by the earthquake.

Zhang Xingyu saw that a cliff closest to Laoshan Dragon had collapsed on a large scale, and at least 10 players fell off the cliff!

No need to doubt, it will definitely fail!

Mengmeng Moon also almost fell down, but Lulu on the side pushed Mengmeng Moon in time. Mengmeng Moon fell to pieces and survived. Meng Mengliang immediately returned to Zhang Xingyu.

"You're lucky." Otilia said with a snort, but she was wondering why there was no screenshot function, otherwise the little vixen dog eating shit could be saved.

"The Molten Dragon has broken through the first defensive barrier." The receptionist AIBO shouted.

"Then, move to the next battle." The commander-in-chief said: "Inform the hunters and adventurers to quickly use the pterosaur to move to the back of the Molten Dragon!"

"Everyone is leaving! Hurry and head to the pterosaur stopping trees everywhere!" the leader of the investigation team shouted.

The goals of the player system interface have changed.

[Stage goal: Go to the pterosaur’s stopping tree]

During the preparation phase of the previous 5 minutes, many players had seen these stopping trees, which were distributed near the fortifications on both sides of the canyon. Players took advantage of them to come to the stopping trees.

"The number of pterosaurs is limited, please ride in batches——" the NPCs beside the stopping tree shouted.

In the original game, after players ride on the pterosaur, they will go directly to the back of the Laoshan Dragon, but in this "real" game world, it will not be so perfunctory!

As a result, a large number of players rode pterosaurs, flew in the air, and flew toward the slowly advancing Molten Dragon.

[Stage goal: Find a foothold and reach the back of the molten mountain dragon as soon as possible]

"Is this the Lava Mountain Dragon? Even if it's flying in the air, it's still so big!"

“It’s spectacular!”

Flying in the air, the players looked down at the huge molten dragon and chatted excitedly.

"The first phase of the map weapon attack is now finally coming to the back of the Lava Mountain Dragon. I am so excited because of the excitement!"

"Yeah - look at the Lava Mountain Dragon, it's starting to crawl on the ground, so there's - Lying grass, be careful - this guy is starting to erupt!"

"Hide quickly————"

"Wow ah ah

The large volcano on the back of the Lava Dragon erupted, and gray smoke filled the sky. Players' sight was seriously obstructed. Not only that, the crater also erupted lava rocks. The lava rocks were so huge that they were basically destroyed. Will win!

It's not just lava rocks that are dangerous, but magma too!

The surface of Lava Dragon is covered with all kinds of magma, and no one knows where the magma will suddenly erupt in the air!

The players who were still chatting enthusiastically suddenly panicked.

"Fuck, the system didn't tell me there was such a danger!"

It seems that the system prompts have changed in response to the players.


[Stage goal: avoid danger, control the pterosaur, and come to the back of the molten dragon]

"Rely on one

"How do you control the Nima Pterosaur—?"

"Idiot, you can control the direction of the pterosaur by moving forward, left, and right!"

"The pterosaurs are scurrying around!"

"This requires even more control!"

The players suddenly became a mess.

In normal times, players can easily control the pterosaurs by swinging the rope back and forth, left and right. These trained pterosaurs can understand the players' intentions very well, but now, because of the threat of lava rocks and magma, in addition The volcanic ash affected the vision, and the pterosaur itself was panicking, and the players riding below were naturally even more panicked - it was flying so crookedly that it almost made them vomit!

The difficulty of controlling a pterosaur has increased dramatically. What's even more dangerous is that if an attack comes, the pterosaur will spontaneously dodge in order to save its life. At this time, the pterosaur will not care about the players below!

The pterosaur escaped from the lava rock at the critical moment, but the lava rock hit the player and the player fell directly.

Two pterosaurs collided in a panic, and two players also had a close contact. The pterosaurs fell down. After a while, the pterosaurs discovered the danger, flapped their wings and took off again, but the players fell because of the impact. , they can’t fly!

"This is death flight————" the players exclaimed!

On the other side, Zhang Xingyu's team also encountered a fatal crisis. A huge lava rock came crashing down on them!

"Danger-" Zhang Xingyu, Otilia and others firmly grasped the pterosaur hook rope and controlled it desperately.

"Pull the rope to the left!" Zhang Xingyu shouted, blocking the rope with force. The pterosaur felt the manipulation of the player below and had to change direction.

narrowly escaped, but——


“Fuck, I don’t want to fall to death like this—


Several players fell behind, including Mengmeng Moon.

Poor Mengmeng Moon, because she was carrying two Elu cats, the difficulty of controlling the pterosaur could be said to be hellish. Seeing the danger, the pterodactyl ran wildly, and Mengmeng Moon was thrown directly.

"It's almost time to fly to the Molten Dragon!"

"She's dying, don't worry about her, she can still be resurrected anyway," Otilia said.

Zhang Xingyu also felt that the cute moon was hopeless, but when he saw two pterosaurs staggering about to take off under the cute moon (the two unlucky pterosaurs who were hit), he raised his eyebrows.

Jumped directly from the pterosaur source.

"Star Shadow?!——"

"Are you crazy?"


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