The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 066: Nightmare Diary's Reaction

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The girl's name is Sreika Wintutanus, and she is a student of the Holy Dance Academy.

As she wrote in her diary, her dream is to become an idol.

The girl doesn't like to study, but she is very smart, she has a lot of knowledge, and she can master it after a little study. Therefore, although Sreika doesn't like to study very much, and she doesn't spend much time studying, her grades have always been good.

Girls also know how to please their parents, pretending to be a good girl at home, shutting themselves in the room to study every time they go home, and courting their parents when they get good grades.

Because of her good grades, her parents thought that she was studying hard in the room, so even though the door was locked, Sileja was not disturbed by her parents.

What they don't know is that in the room, the girl has been doing things related to idols, registering accounts on world-renowned social networking sites, posting some selfies, singing and dancing videos on video sites, and so on.

With good academic performance and willingness to study hard, the parents were naturally overjoyed, and after discussing with each other, they spent a lot of money to send Si Leijia to Shengwu Academy.

Sileja was originally unwilling to study at Shengwu Academy, although she knew it was the best school in the world, as long as the students graduated from here, almost all of them would have a good future.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Sreja agreed again.

Because, once she enters Shengwu Academy to study, her parents who don't have a house in Miracle Island can't control herself!

This is totally freeing yourself!

In Sreika's room at the Holy Dance Academy, you don't see the clean and tidy room that belongs to girls, but a messy room - there are unfinished trade boxes on the table, and you can see them everywhere on the bed Fat times...

However, there is one place in this messy room that is exceptionally clean and tidy.

It was a place near the closet, and inside the closet were all kinds of beautiful clothes—gothic loli costumes, COS costumes, stage costumes, colorful and colorful.

There is also a dressing table next to it, which is full of various cosmetic products and placed very neatly.

This is the stage for girls!

Although there was no parental supervision in Shengwu Academy, Sreika let herself go, but she didn't dare to go too far.

A school like Shengwu Academy does not mean that you can come if you have money, grades are equally important!

If Sreika's grades in Shengwu Academy drop drastically, or even fail, the school will expel you in minutes!

Moreover, now that Sileja has her own independent room, it is also because of her good grades that the group can apply for an independent dormitory at a low price.

Sreika's parents are only middle-class, and they can't help Sreja much materially. Being able to let Sreika come to Shengwu Academy to study can almost be said to be a waste of family wealth!

However, Sileja is not short of money, because her account on social networking sites has a lot of rewards, which is enough for Sileja to live. Her beautiful clothes and various expensive cosmetics are obtained through fans' rewards and The website pays for the purchase.

However, recently, Sleika has encountered a bottleneck.

Because, no matter how hard Sileja tries to post beautiful selfies, cosplay photos, or chat with fans in live games, the number of Silejia fans will not increase significantly!

Saraja was very troubled.

As the saying goes, if you don’t advance, you will retreat. For Sileja, whose future goal is to become the number one idol in the universe, this is a difficulty she must overcome!

At this time, Sleika entered the nightmare world.

An unheard of game world that can be entered while dreaming? And it is so realistic, as real?

Although Sileja doesn't know which company created the game, nor how the game company brought her into the game world, but this does not prevent Sileja from using this game.

Judging from the current situation, Nightmare World is clearly in the preliminary design stage. This can be seen from the fact that the game version is 0.09. Another obvious evidence is that the game map is very large, but the number of players is not very large.

From the above, it can be seen that this game should still be in the initial development stage.

Still, the potential of this game is endless!

Just entering the game in sleep, and the degree of reality that is almost incomparably different from the real world, is enough to shock the whole world!

Needless to say, although this game is a product under development, it can't even be called a semi-finished product, but the extremely exquisite game world and super intelligent NPCs all mean that

This is not an easy game!

Si Leijia believes that in the future, when the 1.0 version of this game appears, it will definitely shock the whole world!

And now, since I was lucky enough to be able to enter the game world in version 0.09, why not take advantage of it!

0…ask for flowers……

So, according to this idea, Sreja wrote a nightmare diary, and now she updates the diary every day.

There are all kinds of comments under Nightmare Diary. Some mocked Sreja and said that she would write such messy things in order to attract fans. Some comments said that Sreja had a good imagination. This diary can Publishing on a certain novel website may become a popular novel, and some criticize Sleijia for making things out of nothing.

Seeing these comments, Sileja was not surprised at all.

If Sreika hadn't experienced it herself, she certainly wouldn't believe what she encountered!

Even in the Nightmare World section of the school campus network, many students left messages saying that this section is crazy, and it looks like the real thing!


Although it is clearly happening, there is no way to prove his existence!

Because, what happens in this nightmare world cannot be recorded, screenshots or broadcast live like real-world games!

No picture, no truth, I can only talk about it at this stage!

And the only evidence is the "Nightmare World" forum on the campus network, but even the students of Shengwu Academy don't believe it!

Moreover, this campus network is not open. Only students living in Shengwu Academy can log in. Silejia can at most take a screenshot of a forum post to prove herself.

However, it is too easy to fake pictures in this kind of forum!

Although it cannot be proved, the island of miracles where Shengwu Academy is located has gathered the world's top technology and enterprises, and there are many research institutes in it, so there are also some people who are interested in watching it with relish. What kind of explosive technology to come up with.

In any case, at least Sileja's goal of attracting fans has been achieved.

And tonight is the day when the big version is updated, Sileja decided to bring two cats to complete the first hunter to hunt the big jackal dragon!

Well, from Miaochan's point of view, Miaochan should take his future wife and a useless thug hunter (Sileja is not good at bows and arrows) to hunt monsters.

Thinking of her little friend Miaojiang, Si Leijia couldn't help laughing.

She decided to go to bed early today.


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