The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

069 Only Routines Can Gain Energy!

(~~~~~~~Thanks to 【Keep watching the wind and rain moving the world】1200 VIP points rewarded again, thank you very much~~~)

The first kills at the elite level were naturally Zhang Xingyu and Ottilia.

Because it was a server-wide announcement, the system gave them a choice whether to announce their names.

Naturally, Zhang Xingyu would not announce it. Otilia thought about it and decided not to announce it.

However, the system gave another option, that is whether to announce the name of the team.

Otilia took a look and realized that she could name her team.

After asking Zhang Xingyu, the two decided to announce the name of the team. Ottilia thought about it and decided to name the team [Shadow], which comes from the screen names of the two names [Emperor of the Night] and [Star Shadow] .

Thus, in the first kill list, a ranking appeared for the first time.

The first kill of the elite-level fierce jackal dragon: the "Shadow" team

[Captain: Name hidden] [Big Sword]

【Members: Name hidden】【Tachi】

Soon, in front of Otilia, the captain, a system prompt popped up again, which was a prompt for the prize draw.

[Please choose the reward for killing the "big jackal dragon" for the first time. If you don't choose within 5 minutes, you will be considered as giving up. 】

At the bottom of the interface, there is a lottery disk. Otilia looked at it and found that there are 10 grids in the disk, including 5 bronze boxes, 3 silver boxes and 2 gold boxes.

"Wow - this familiar lottery interface, I seem to smell the breath of krypton gold..." Otilia murmured, and then clicked the draw.

Immediately, the entire disk emitted a huge light.

[Elite-level first kill, the box level changes! 】

Under Otilia's surprised eyes, she saw that 4 bronze boxes became silver-level boxes, 2 silver boxes became gold boxes, and one gold box became a Baijin box!

Otilia's eyes widened, her heart beating fast.

Undoubtedly, the upgrade of this box made Otilia excited, especially the only Baijin box, which made Otilia greedy!

It’s no wonder, after the changes, not only the chances of drawing high-level boxes are higher, but also there is a shiny Baijin treasure box that didn’t exist before, and it looks super good stuff inside!

Seeing Otilia's excited expression, Zhang Xingyu on the side naturally smiled.

This design was naturally created by Zhang Xingyu. Needless to say, the purpose is to mobilize the players' emotions and obtain greater nightmare energy!

The appearance of the first kill leaderboard is to make players pretend to be happy, which is a spiritual reward, and the treasure chest is a material reward————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Originally, Zhang Xingyu wanted to reward the first player with items directly, without a lottery draw.

However, the Nightmare Lord's sentence "Huh, it's just a small reward, how much energy can I get?" made Zhang Xingyu think.

Indeed, giving rewards directly is expected for players who have completed the first kill. Even though the previous system notification did not clearly state that there is a reward for the first kill, most players think that there will be one. This is why players are so keen to complete the first kill.

However, how to get more energy?

Increase item level for rewards?

This method is not advisable, because items that are too powerful will destroy the balance of the game. Zhang Xingyu does not want the nightmare game he created to become a krypton gold game in the end.

Wait, the gold game?

Zhang Xingyu suddenly thought of the ubiquitous cheating web games in his own world.

No one can count how many page games will fall every day, and how many new page games will appear.

Zhang Xingyu used to be very puzzled, these webpage games are basically the same type, and the new webpage games are just a new layer of skin, why there are so many players playing, and some players are even willing to invest a lot of money Woolen cloth?

Out of curiosity, Zhang Xingyu checked some information and felt that there was an article that was written very thoroughly—that is, these web games know how to play tricks!

There is a saying that since ancient times, true feelings cannot be kept, only routines win people's hearts!

But this is a superficial understanding.

From a deep level, these page games have grasped the desire of human nature!

Although Zhang Xingyu scoffs at those web games, it doesn't prevent Zhang Xingyu from learning the routines in it!

So, Zhang Xingyu turned the prize into a draw box!

From a certain prize to an uncertain treasure chest, it's time to test your luck!

It's like a gambler, holding the last borrowed money, counting on this last turnaround.

That's the thrill of the lottery!

Why are lottery draws everywhere in many games, ten or even hundred consecutive draws, and many people are willing to spend money, it is because of this reason.

Of course, although the lottery draw is exciting, it must be controlled carefully. If you can't draw a good thing in a hundred consecutive draws, the game company will probably be scolded to death-black-hearted manufacturers!

In addition, in order to distinguish the difference between ordinary first kills and elite first kills, Zhang (De Zhao Hao) Xingyu also directly created a special effect for upgrading treasure boxes, allowing players to witness those boxes on the roulette with a gorgeous upgrade , and there is also a Baijin box that was not there before!

The only Baijin box that shines brightly!!

Even an old player like Otilia, who sneered at krypton gold games, was thrilled in front of this blinding treasure chest!

She stretched out a slightly trembling hand and tapped the lottery again.

"`々You must hit the Baijin treasure chest, you must hit the Baijin treasure chest, you must hit the Baijin treasure chest——!" Otilia kept praying in her heart.

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