(The picture is the AIBO of Monster Hunter World, and you can use MOD to further beautify it......

Otilia who didn't have orbs naturally wouldn't use alienated gems so wastefully. After a discussion, the two decided to continue hunting the big fierce jackal dragon, and put together the elite level big fierce jackal dragon suit first.

Zhang Xingyu naturally had no objection, the process of hunting monsters by himself was far more thrilling and exciting than he imagined, and now Zhang Xingyu was itching his hands, ready to continue hunting.

Next time, Zhang Xingyu is going to kill the big jackal dragon without traps.

Since they hunted the elite-level jackal dragon, both of them had some spare money. Before hunting the jackal dragon, they planned to make some preparations, such as buying some recovery items, traps and so on.

Speaking of the word trap, Otilia's eyes lit up, it seems that because of the first hunting, Tilia has already fallen in love with this useful item.

Zhang Xingyu came to the square after doing some shopping. Ottilia seemed to be still shopping and hadn't come yet.

"Hey, 03, have you heard that the team from the Wildism side is going to hunt the savage dragon!" Several players gathered together and said.

"Huh? Didn't you say you were going to hunt the big jackal dragon? Why did you go to fight the wild jaw dragon?" a player said in surprise.

"Idiot, the first kill has been snatched, so naturally go to fight the Mangnathosaurus! There is also a first kill reward for this one."

"Savage-jawed dragon... Nima, this monster is awesome. I saw it once in the prologue, and I was instantly killed. I don't know how many times stronger than the big fierce jackal dragon. I feel how fierce they are. What a blessing..." a player sighed.

"The first kill was robbed. I guess the wild team is not reconciled. After all, many people in his team think that they are the number one player in the nightmare world."

"To be honest, there are a few players in Wildism that I really hate..."

"Me too!"

Zhang Xingyu, who was listening on the sidelines, also became interested, and opened another window to "peek"

Wildism has gathered a team of 5 people and is hunting the savage dragon, and it seems to be doing well!

Zhang Xingyu checked the equipment and skills of the five people respectively, but then shook his head.

"Hmm...five people are hunting the Manjaw Dragon, and with this kind of equipment and skills, it is estimated that it will be difficult to defeat the Manjaw Dragon..."

Although there is no clear description in the game, Zhang Xingyu has a special arrangement for the strength of monsters, the most obvious is the number of hunters.

Elementary monsters like the Great Vicious Jaw Dragon, in addition to the elite level, as long as they are familiar with monster routines and basic weapon skills, basically one or two players can hunt in a team

And monsters like the poisonous demon bird and the mud ichthyosaur can be easily dealt with by the human team.

However, monsters such as Mangnathic Dragon, Male and Female Double Fire, Fengpiaolong, etc. require teamwork, and 10-20 people are more suitable for hunting.

More powerful monsters, such as Black Horn Dragon and Explosive Scale Dragon, require a team of more than 20 people.

And ancient dragons... Monsters of this level are no longer monsters that can be won by human heads. They need the support of equipment, technology and other aspects. Only the most powerful elite hunters are qualified to hunt ancient dragons!

This is a large-scale online game, not the "Single Hunter World" of the original world. Some large monsters require a large team to fight, which is more reasonable.

Of course, it is not impossible to really want to single out the ancient dragon, after all, there are more powerful equipment and skills in this world than in the original game!

Just as Zhang Xingyu said, in the picture, when the wildism hits a heavy blow, the savage dragon fell into a frenzy, and the crisis came.

-Faster action, more powerful power, and special chaotic actions that do not appear in normal state!

This is a double enhanced monster that was enhanced by Zhang Xingyu and then enhanced by the Nightmare Lord!

The berserk savage-jawed dragon ran rampant in front of the players as if it was unparalleled, and even the players who secretly watched the wildism hunting on the side suffered!

Before long, the regiment was gone.

Wildism was the last one to fall. He persisted until the monster's rage ended, and after spending a while with the monster, he was killed because his stamina gauge was empty due to the monster's continuous attacks!

This wildism is really powerful. Zhang Xingyu thinks that as long as there are 3 wildism skills in the team, it is probably possible to kill the savage dragon.

Zhang Xingyu turned off the video, he just thought this silent glasses man looked like an anime character, so he was pulled into the nightmare world, 853 didn't expect him to be really powerful!

At this moment, Zhang Xingyu noticed that Mengmeng Moon had returned to the base.

Mengmeng Moon seems to be the pterosaur flying directly to the pterosaur platform of the star base. At present, no players have opened the flight point in the ancient tree forest, so there are no players on the pterosaur platform, and naturally no players have found Mengmeng Bright is back.

Otherwise, the cute moon with a cat (Lulu came home after a successful hunt) is sure to cause a stir.

Zhang Xingyu soon discovered why this cute moon was able to recruit that cat so quickly!

It turned out that she was the one who triggered the story of Kanban girl Kasuga Baichuan, and the friendship is not low!

It can be said that in the nightmare world, Zhang Xingyu is one of the few hands-on, well-designed characters, and its prototype is naturally the AIBO in Monster Hunter World.

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