The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 075 Nightmare Power Level

Before, although Zhang Xingyu was also learning the power of nightmares, he didn't put much thought into it.

At that time, almost all of Zhang Xingyu's thoughts were on the setting and creation of the nightmare world, plus there was also the coolie nightmare master... Even if Zhang Xingyu didn't know much about the power of nightmares, it didn't matter too much question!

Just like a computer, although many people don’t understand the principles and essence of computer work, and even a lot of hardware, this does not prevent these people from using computers. Lord, he can easily do many things in the nightmare world.

However, if Zhang Xingyu wants to design a super AI created entirely by himself, it is not as simple as using a computer, because the super computer Zhang Xingyu used is gone, and he needs to create a computer from scratch!

The knowledge of nightmares is very profound and profound, because it involves the knowledge of mysticism, which is completely different from what Zhang Xingyu has learned before, and many of them have even subverted Zhang Xingyu's cognition and imagination, especially for a powerful person like the Nightmare Lord. The existence of the nightmare, its nightmare knowledge has already involved the essence of the nightmare, the rules, and even the source of the birth of the dream!

In the words of the game, it means that the purpose of nightmares is full of nightmare lore!

The Master of Nightmare divides nightmare abilities into 5 levels, 423 are primary nightmare power, intermediate nightmare power, advanced nightmare power, legendary nightmare power and god-level nightmare power.

There are two main criteria to distinguish the level of nightmare power, one is how much you know about the nature of nightmare, and the other is the proficiency of the skills of nightmare power, both are very important, the understanding of the nature of nightmare determines the depth of nightmare power, The proficiency of nightmare skills determines the breadth.

At present, Zhang Xingyu has only learned the power of elementary nightmares, so I won't say much about the difficulties involved. Zhang Xingyu just wants to cry when he thinks about it—it's always a simple thing to start from scratch.

[Elementary Nightmare Power: With the most basic understanding of Nightmare Power, you can maintain yourself and know yourself in the dream. In the nightmare world, you can use your own abilities in reality, even exceeding the abilities in reality. Can spy on other people's dreams. 】

After learning the power of elementary nightmares, Zhang Xingyu's pace of learning slowed down, because of the relationship between the Nightmare Lord [At this time, Zhang Xingyu was already able to rely on the Nightmare Lord to do many things.

But now, because he wants to create AI independently, Zhang Xingyu needs to improve his nightmare ability.

Zhang Xingyu has calculated that if you just create something simple in the dream world, then the power of intermediate nightmares can do it. However, if you want to create the kind of super AI with thoughts and emotions in your mind, you need at least a legendary level. The power of nightmares is enough, and may even require a part of the power of god-level nightmares!

Rendao is far away!

However, Zhang Xingyu suddenly felt a little excited when he thought that the power of nightmare would have the ability to distort reality after reaching the legendary level.

[Legendary nightmare power: Have an essential understanding of the power of nightmares, and understand the nature and rules of the nightmare world. It can invade the dream world from a long distance, create a more complex nightmare small world, and make essential changes to a certain dream world. Using the power of nightmare can distort the real world in a short time, and use the power of nightmare world in the real world! 1

After reaching the legendary power of nightmare, the power of nightmare ushered in a qualitative change, because, at this time, the power of nightmare can already greatly affect reality!

For example, if you possess the power of the legendary nightmare, create your own dream world through your ability, and create a power system in this dream world, then, in reality, through the power of nightmare, you can distort the reality around you, making you Use the powers you created in the dream world in the real world!

For example, if you create a set of lightning magic in the dream world, you can use the same magic in reality!

Of course, it's not real lightning magic, but a trick application of Nightmare's ability to distort reality.

For example, when you use the lightning power created in the dream, if your enemy does not understand the power of nightmare, he will think that you really have the magic power of lightning, but if your enemy also has the power of nightmare, then it will You can observe your succubus world (at least the power of advanced succubus can be observed (adbc))!

This power to distort reality is also an important function of the nightmare imprint, which allows the owner to use various powers in the real world!

However, this ability to distort reality also has a limit, that is - the damage caused to reality by the lightning power used by the power of nightmare will remain, but your nightmare world cannot affect the real world.

However, the power of the god-level nightmare is different, it surpasses this "speed" - if enough god-level nightmare power is given, the nightmare world can erode the real world!

This is a very terrifying power! It can only be achieved by breaking through the limit nightmare power of mortals and reaching the god-level nightmare power!

The rules of the area eroded by the nightmare world will gradually be distorted, the rules belonging to the nightmare world will be added to the real world, and the rules belonging to the real world will also affect the nightmare world, thus forming an extremely special "real nightmare" Dual Realm - Spirit World!

And in this area, you can enter the nightmare world physically!

In fact, the power of nightmares is a very weak power, because before the power of nightmares reaches the legendary level, it does not have the ability to affect the real world. Before, it didn't exist!

At that time, whenever nightmare creatures appeared in the real world, they would be hunted.

Even the nightmare creatures hiding in the nightmare world are not absolutely safe!

Because, those powerful magicians can use the power of magic to invade the world of dream demons!

According to the description of the Nightmare Lord, many nightmare creatures in the Nightmare Realm were captured by magicians to study the power of dreams, and developed a lot of spiritual magic, such as charm, brainwashing and other magic.

Although it is in the nightmare world, the home of the "nightmare creatures" race, magicians are even more powerful.

Of course, there are also a few unlucky or unsteady magicians who fell in the nightmare world.

These fallen magicians are great supplements for nightmare creatures, and there are a large number of nightmare creatures fighting and fighting around each magician.

And the Nightmare Lord lives in that terrifying environment—not only are there various nightmare creatures watching, but even magicians come to explore the nightmare world [Catch Nightmare Creatures]



The Nightmare Lord grew up little by little in an environment where he might die suddenly at any moment.

In the end, the Lord of Nightmare became the most powerful existence in the Nightmare World. It not only systematically studied the power of Nightmare, but also established a certain order in that chaotic Nightmare World, and became a great existence worshiped by countless Nightmare creatures. !

Before that, most of the nightmare creatures were creatures that relied on instinct to survive, and even before the appearance of magicians, they didn't know that there was a "material world"!

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