It was too early for bedtime, and Ottilia began to write quickly—she started to do her homework.

Seeing this, Zhang Xingyu said with a smile: "I can't tell, although you are a middle school girl, are you serious about studying?

"Secondary two and house girls are redundant!" Otilia glared at Zhang Xingyu.

Fortunately, Zhang Xingyu didn't add adjectives such as poor breasts or tsundere, otherwise Zhang Xingyu might fly into the sky in response!

"In any case, learning is still useful, even if it is for a better life in the future." Otilia said.

"That's true."

Zhang Xingyu has also entered the learning mode - learning the power of intermediate nightmares.

A few hours later, Otilia's study was over. She stretched out, took out a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and drank it.

Otilia didn't know where she got the knowledge. It is said that drinking milk can grow her body, especially her chest, so Otilia drank milk every day, and then it became a habit without knowing it.

"By the way, don't spirit bodies need to eat?" Otilia suddenly remembered something and said.

"Well——I just remembered when you said that, it seems that I really don't need to eat, and I don't feel hungry.

Otilia's spiritual power is needed to maintain one's own spirit body, and one only needs to stay by Otilia's side, and the acquisition of nightmare power has already entered the right track.

"'s so pitiful, you can't enjoy the pleasure of delicious food after death~~" At this time, Otilia had already taken out a cake from the refrigerator.

"Gulu——" Facing this tempting cake, Otilia's eyes lit up, she made a grunt, and then began to eat: "Kuku—after the dark study hell, a big meal is the best Enjoy it~~~~"

As if deliberately provoking Zhang Xingyu who couldn't eat, Otilia looked flattered.

Zhang Xingyu looked at Otilia helplessly, and Otilia seemed to be eating more happily.

"Master of Nightmare, it is said that I want to eat, so I can only create a body of Nightmare in the future?" Zhang Xingyu had a spiritual dialogue with the Lord of Nightmare.

The Lord of Nightmare is creating a new area. Hearing this, he looked up at the situation and said, "The enjoyment of delicious food? It's really a boring human being...... You want to feel the taste again, it's not impossible, you only need a junior Nightmare Ability and some soul science knowledge, now you can already do it..."

After listening to the Nightmare Lord's words, Zhang Xingyu nodded, and then drifted towards Otilia who was eating happily.

"What are you doing?" Otilia instinctively protected her cake, but she immediately realized that the ghost in front of her couldn't touch the physical object.

"I want to taste it too."

"You can't eat it, how can you eat it?" Otilia asked curiously.

"I can't eat it, but you can." While speaking, Zhang Xingyu possessed Otilia's body, and then used the method given to him by the Nightmare Bishop.


"You start eating cake now." Zhang Xingyu said.

Although still puzzled, Otilia began to eat the cake, and then, the unique taste of the cake spread to Zhang Xingyu.

"Hmmm, indeed, it's delicious, what kind of cake is this?" Zhang Xingyu asked.

"Can you eat it? No, you didn't eat it... Could it be?"

"Yes, I can feel what you're eating."

"This is a foul!" Otilia said speechlessly: "Is there such a use for possession?"

"Um.... Simple possession is not enough, some special skills are needed."

...Forget it, you can tell me what you want to eat in the future, I will buy it and eat it. "Otilia seemed to want to ask something, but she didn't ask in the end.

"Thank you so much, then hurry up, I want to eat strawberry ice cream, potato chips..." Zhang Xingyu listed a bunch of snacks, at least 10 kinds, all of which he loved in the original world .

To be honest, Zhang Xingyu hasn't eaten anything since he came to this world, and he feels like he's going to fade out!

"You're really welcome..." Otilia also said speechlessly.

"I didn't want to eat it at first, but you provoked my appetite. You have to be responsible." Zhang Xingyu said with a smile: "By the way, the package of explosive potato chips that you gave me as a sacrifice last time was beautifully packaged Yes, I also bought it by the way."

Well, I see, there is really no way..." Otilia tidied up her clothes, found another backpack, and then walked outside.

...Um, are you really going to buy it?" Zhang Xingyu asked in surprise.

Although he really wants to experience the feeling of delicious food, it is not very strong, because Zhang Xingyu doesn't care if he eats or not. He was just joking with Otilia just now, otherwise he wouldn't say Out so many treats.

But unexpectedly, Otilia is really going to buy it?

"Of course it's true." Otilia raised her eyebrows and said, "Could it be that the pile of snacks you just mentioned was a lie to me?"

"...Uh, no." Zhang Xingyu said pong.

"That's good, but let me tell you first, I can't eat that much at once." Otilia said.

"Just eat slowly.

Afterwards, Otilia went out to buy things (Wow Zhao), and she really bought back everything Zhang Xingyu wanted to eat, and even had some snacks on the way

Also let Zhang Xingyu possess himself, let Zhang Xingyu feel the taste, if Zhang Xingyu says it is delicious, Otilia will buy some.

Back home, Otilia started packing her backpack.

Otilia may feel that Zhang Xingyu is a spirit body that has lost memory and may disappear at any time, and feels a little pitiful, so she satisfied Zhang Xingyu's seemingly unreasonable request, but for Zhang Xingyu, this It was indeed Otilia's kindness.

"Thank you, Ottilia."

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