The girl with the purple single ponytail, who is also No. 2 food in the mouth of the Nightmare Lord, entered the Nightmare World.

It was rare for the Nightmare Lord to put down the work at hand and observe this girl.

【This is the nightmare world!】

[Here, you will experience an unprecedented experience. 】

【Fear, struggle!】

【Nightmare will eventually become a reality!】

This is a mysterious and weird world full of endless fog (in fact, it is just a temporary place created by Zhang Xingyu when he was lazy).

Coming to such a world, coupled with the strange and terrifying words coming from nowhere, the tall girl immediately put on a defensive posture.

After modification by Zhang Xingyu, this passage can only be heard by players entering the Nightmare World for the first time.

The effect of this passage is very good. Many players who enter 03 for the first time will have a sense of fear, and if their emotions fluctuate, they can harvest energy.

The same is true for the girl, with her movements and expressions, I am afraid that if there is any disturbance around her, she will immediately act.

The girl's pose looks like a fighting pose, and she looks very professional. Judging from the girl's reaction just now, she should have been trained.

"Interesting..." Zhang Xingyu murmured.

For a while, there was no movement around, the girl put away her movements, but she was still very vigilant.

The girl looked around in place, and soon she came to the mirror.

There is no way, except for the endless fog around, there is only such a mirror, and the girl can only investigate the mirror.

This is where the characters are set.

The girl seemed a little puzzled, but with the prompt of the system, she still completed the setting of the character image.

No major changes, just changed the purple hair to bright red!


This is the name the girl chose for herself.

Afterwards, the red-haired girl entered the light gate according to the system's instructions.

After watching the plot animation and being able to control himself, Lie Yan immediately stood up, assumed a fighting posture, and looked around with a vigilant face.

"Hey - I drank too much, I haven't started fighting with monsters yet, really, why are the adventurers now so neurotic..." The armored man looked at Lie Yan's movements in surprise, and complained road.

"Lie Yan ignored the complaints, but looked around.

It looks like the interior of a ship, and the people inside are eating and celebrating something.

"Could it be that I saw it before, because of the expedition to the New World?"

The girl tilted her head, feeling that the people here were not in danger, so she sat down.

Afterwards, the girl observed the surrounding situation without saying a word.

The NPC saw that the adventurer seemed to be a boring gourd, and did not intend to strike up a conversation, but one NPC saw that the girl's fiery red hair was more conspicuous, and wanted to strike up a conversation, but Lie Yan remained silent.

After a while, a crisis strikes!

The hull tilted, overturned, and fell into the sea, and the sea water poured into the hull in an instant.

The sudden crisis, coupled with the chaos inside the ship, made Lie Yan not know what to do for a while. After all, she had never encountered such a situation, but she had experienced similar crisis situations. It was a time when she was a child. A big fire, a big fire that Lie Yan will never forget.

Lie Yan knew that she had to get out of the boat, or she would be drowned.

Although the hull had turned over and the entire boat was filled with sea water, the girl's movements were quite flexible.

Just as she was leaving the hull, she suddenly noticed a faint white light emitting from behind a damaged plank of the ship.

In the almost pitch-black sea, this white light is so dazzling.

Lie Yan swam over, and she saw that the white light was a treasure chest.

..." Lie Yan stretched out her hand, but when her hand touched the treasure chest, a line of system text flashing brightly appeared.

[Queen of the Land suit:

The customized equipment of the expedition group hidden in a certain expedition ship is very rare, Ren.

In the mainland, the suit made after hunting a rare elite-level female fire dragon by the elite hunter group is the dream equipment for novice hunters!

Once obtained and equipped with this suit, it will have a major impact on the game, whether to obtain it or not. 】

The game prompts are a bit of a concern, but in this kind of crisis, Lie Yan can't allow Lie Yan to think too much, so he instinctively chose yes.

The box was opened, and inside was a set of exquisite armor equipment and a heavy 730 weapon.

Lie Yan didn't make too many observations, but she felt that in the sea, carrying such a heavy set of armor would definitely be courting death—maybe it would sink into the sea!

However, when Lie Yan's hand touched the equipment, the whole set of equipment turned into a ball of light and merged into her body.

boom boom

The hull shook violently.

Although I don't know what happened, it is undoubtedly very dangerous to stay in the boat. Lie Yan immediately swam out and swam to the top with all his strength.

After poking her head out, Lie Yan saw a scene that shocked her.

An extremely huge active volcano is walking on the sea!

No, no, that's a dragon, a dragon with an active volcano on its back!

Lie Yan almost opened her eyes wide, watching the incomparably magnificent dragon go away, and then she discovered an important question - what should she do?


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