The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

096 In An Unexpected Place? Fool!

"Xingying, tell me, is the nightmare imprint the key to the nightmare world as Fatty guessed?" After returning home from school, Otilia asked Zhang Xingyu.

"I don't know... But, the item level of the seven colors is really interesting. Maybe it's really what the fat man guessed." Zhang Xingyu replied.

Zhang Xingyu was surprised by the fat man's guess based on the mysterious item level, but he also reminded Zhang Xingyu that he decided to continue adding fire to the game and let the players discuss more intensely!

"If this is really the case, then do we also have the nightmare marks on us..." Otilia kept checking her body.

"Here...not here, not over there...Where is it? Light of the Beginning, I order you as the daughter of light and darkness, let the mark of nightmare take effect Bar!

Seeing Otilia's appearance in the second grade, Zhang Xingyu almost couldn't help laughing, and said: "Hey, maybe, this nightmare imprint [is in ten unexpected places]

"Huh? Unexpected place?" Otilia was stunned for a moment, then ahed, and immediately blushed.

"870..." Zhang Xingyu asked suspiciously.

"You, you, you—" Otilia pointed at Zhang Xingyu with a red face, and shouted, "You pervert, pervert, yes, you are a pervert, pervert! Pervert, pervert!!"

"Huh?" This time it was Zhang Xingyu's turn to be stunned, what's going on?

"According to it, it's actually said that in...that...that kind of...that kind of place...the pervert, the pervert is still thinking about that kind of thing even after he dies!"

This time it was Zhang Xingyu's turn to almost vomit blood, and now he finally understood what Otilia was thinking!

In fact, the place where the nightmare mark exists is the same for everyone, that is, it is on the back of the right hand, and what Zhang Xingyu said was unexpected, in fact, it is an irony, which means that the nightmare mark may be in a very common place mean.

However, Otilia understood unexpected as being in that kind of place!

Is Otilia blushing!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this wonderful misunderstanding, the reason is that the information is poor, because Zhang Xingyu knows the location of the nightmare mark, so unexpectedly it refers to a normal place, but on Otilia's side, the nightmare The imprint is a very mysterious thing, just now Otilia searched all over her body but couldn't find it, and Zhang Xingyu said it was "unexpected place

"Wait, that's not what you understand. I actually just mean [it may be in a very common place, but it's easy not to ignore it], such as the forehead, arms and so on." Zhang Xingyu said.

"Yes, yes..." After listening to Zhang Xingyu's explanation, Otilia gradually calmed down, but her face was still very red, very cute.

"However..." Looking at Otilia's shy|shy and cute look, Zhang Xingyu couldn't help but said desperately: "Unexpectedly, I just said something unexpected... ...I didn't expect Otilia to think of such a place, could it be, Otilia, you are actually a boring..."

"Stupid, stupid, what are you talking about!" Otilia interrupted Zhang Xingyu in a hurry, her face became even more reddened, and her eyes turned into a shape of black. You made me want to cry cold, right? !Fool--

— Perverts——! Ordinary people would think so!”

"Ordinary people would think so?...but you are so young..."

"Sex ed class, where did you come from, wild monkey!" Otilia yelled.

...Uh, the sex education class here is so early (adea), what did you learn?"

"That, of course, is about the sex of men and women..." As she said that, Otilia was startled, jumped up, and kicked Zhang Xingyu: "Idiot, what do you want me to say?" one-!!"

"It's what you say.

"Dare to hide

"I hide!"

After a while, Otilia calmed down.

"Ahem, well, don't be angry, I was wrong." Zhang Xingyu said.

"huh, ga"

"Don't make such a fuss, is it normal for you to be curious about that kind of thing at your age..."

"You still say it!" Otilia said angrily with her eyes widened.

"Stop talking, stop talking."

"If you got 2000PT, the first choice reward, what would you choose?" Zhang Xingyu asked.

"Hmm...I think the first place is very difficult...but, if I really have to choose...I feel|I feel that an elite-level fire dragon suit is not bad...but I have alienation gems , it seems that the fire dragon orb is also very good, after all, it is purple, and it looks very rare..." Otilia thought for a while, but immediately became annoyed: "But the follower cat is also very good, ah— ———Trouble——"

"And you?"

"Feel|feel like follow the cat, after all, you can do better after equipment.

"That's true."

"If the nightmare imprint could allow other players to enter the nightmare world, who would you choose to let into the nightmare world?"

"Well, this..." Otilia fell into distress...

"Hey... From what I've observed, you little house girl doesn't seem to have any friends at school, hey——" Zhang Xingyu laughed.

"Who, who said I have no friends! A—"

"Online doesn't count."

"Well..." Otilia's momentum suddenly weakened.

"Or that Felicia?"

"I, I am not friends with her!"

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