The Virtual Game Of Nightmare Lord

Chapter 098: The Beginning Of "Revenge Of The King Of Sky"

Zhang Xingyu originally thought that setting the upper limit of PT points that can be obtained from daily tasks, coupled with reducing the PT points obtained from daily tasks, would take at least 3 nights to complete the process of rebuilding the home.

However, Zhang Xingyu far underestimated the extent of the player's liver explosion.

"Hey, brother, didn't you reach the peak of PT points today, why are you still helping to donate materials to the blacksmith shop?" A new player asked an old player in surprise.

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Seeing that every player is working hard to rebuild their homes, it's been a long time since I saw this kind of scene in the game where players are united as one. Equipment to kill the King of the Sky!" the player said "617".

There is almost no time for rest, and the players are busy rebuilding their homes. Even, some players have reached the limit of PT points they can get every day, but if the rebuilding place still needs supplies or help, the players donate the supplies if they have money. Those who have no money go to work as coolies!

You should know that in the daily tasks of rebuilding the home, the rewards have been turned into PT points, and there are no other rewards.

That is to say, when the PT points that a player can get every day reach the limit, he will not be rewarded for doing daily tasks again!

So, a whole day earlier than Zhang Xingyu estimated, the players completed the task of the second ring "rebuilding their homeland"!

During the past two days, Zhang Xingyu and Otilia are also doing the daily task of the liver explosion. Although Otilia, an old player, complains that the game has started to explode, but her interest is very high. Every day Log in to the game and you will receive all the tasks that can be received in the base.

Zhang Xingyu is also doing missions with Ottilia, and he has not opened any cheats, enjoying everything brought by this real virtual game.

[King of the Sky's second ring "Rebuild Home" is completed, and the third ring "Investigation Clues" begins. 】

[With the efforts of everyone in the Star Base, the Star Base has finally been rebuilt. The layout of the new base is more reasonable, and the protection is stronger, especially the protection against flying monsters and fire.

However, the powerful male and female twin fire dragons still threaten the life of the base and all hunters, they must be found and killed!

Mission objective: Go deep into the ancient tree forest and find the resting place of the male and female twin fire dragons!

Additional objective: some monsters ran near the base, which poses a great threat to the security of the base, clean them up, and find the reason!

The corresponding PT points are obtained according to the extent to which the player completes the task. 】

"Finally, the second ring task is completed!"

"Wow—the new base looks much better than before~~" a player exclaimed.

"Of course, this is a base built with our own hands!"

"Wow—unconsciously, there are already so many players in the nightmare world..."


"Look, that's the poisonous demon bird equipment, there are already 3 pieces!" A player with sharp eyes pointed at one of the players holding a spear.

"It's wildism, it is said that now he has formed a team of 18 people!"

There are more than 300 players in Nightmare World now, but there is no time when the players gather together. Now, more than 300 players gather together in the Star Base. The overcrowded scene makes the players very excited.

"It's here, it's here, the mission progress is full!" a player shouted.

The mission of the second ring has an overall goal progress display. When the progress reaches 99%, almost all the players gathered in the square of the Star Base, waiting for the mission to be completed.

In order to give players a more sense of accomplishment, Zhang Xingyu also specially produced a piece of CG, part of which is the video created by the Nightmare Lord, and part of the video recorded in the Nightmare World 0...

This section of CG explains the reason for the mission "Revenge of the King of the Sky".

Video playback starts.

Somewhere in the mainland, a hunting group composed of 10 elite hunters traveled through mountains and rivers and came to a certain place. Suddenly they were attacked by a female fire dragon!

However, the elite hunter group reacted quickly and quickly counterattacked [and killed the female Charmander!

Afterwards, the hunter group found the female fire dragon's lair and brought back the only two dragon eggs left. In the picture, one dragon egg has been broken...

The hunters transported the body of the female fire dragon back to the base and made it into a female fire dragon suit. Just when the fifth expedition was established, the hunters decided to donate the suit to the expedition.

Then, the screen changed, and a male fire dragon flew back to the lair...

A small female Charmander came out from somewhere, shedding tears, looking at the male Charmander...

The lair of the female fire dragon sent out a shocking chill!!

The Charmander flew up from the valley and hit the fireballs around. It was a normal fireball at first, but after a while, the fireball ejected by the Charmander changed—it became even bigger, and it would explode violently! 5.9

At the same time, the body of the male charmander has also changed - its eyes seem to be burning with fire, and the scales on its body have become more vivid red!

The Charmander has evolved from an elite class to a more powerful Avenger!

It seems to be infected by her father, and the female Charmander is also changing, but it is not as obvious as the male Charmander.

Two fire dragons flew to the sea.

The camera quickly flies to the distance, over there is the ship of the expeditionary force, and in the box inside a certain ship, the "Queen of the Land" suit is stored!

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