""Who is it?" Spandine asked in a cold tone while standing on the island.

Heiji walked slowly to the deck, looked at Spandine and said,"Heiji, the chief jailer of Impel Down,"

"I'm on vacation and I've solved a few problems. I need a navy ship to take me back to Impel Down."

"At the same time, there are more than a dozen civilians on board who need to be sent back to the East China Sea."

"What? It turns out that he is from Impel Down.

Spandine looked at Heiji with disdain in his tone.

"Just handle it yourself, don't bother me!"

Spandine turned and left the shore, leaving the Lieutenant Colonel of the Judicial Island garrison to hand over to Heiji.

The Lieutenant Colonel of the Judicial Island garrison had a good attitude towards Heiji and specially sent a super battleship to transport the five giant pirates captured by Heiji.

"Lord Heiji!"

Before leaving, Lord Heiji was stopped by the group of slaves he had rescued.

"Hmm? What's wrong? Heiji turned around.

"Lord Heiji!" The leading girl named Wenger knelt down in front of Heiji and said respectfully:"Lord Heiji, thank you for saving us!"

Then, the other rescued slaves kowtowed to Heiji to express their gratitude.

Heiji turned and left, leaving only one sentence:"Stand up, don't kneel!"

"Mr. Heiji……"

Wenger knelt on the judicial island, watching the warship Heiji was on set sail, but all he could see was Heiji's shadow


After passing through the Gate of Justice, Heiji quickly approached the Impel Down Town.

The patrol soldiers on the zeroth floor outside the Impel Down Town felt a little strange when they saw the navy warship.

Today was not the day for delivering supplies, and there was no prior communication about sending prisoners over, so how could a navy warship suddenly appear?

The patrolling guards told the captain on the underground floor about this, and the captain reported it to Mukudera, the deputy chief of the jailers.

Mukudera immediately brought his men to the zeroth floor platform.

Across the vast ocean, Mukudera could see clearly at a glance that the man standing on the bow was Heiji!

"The tenth generation!"

"Welcome back!"

Yu Si shouted excitedly even from such a distance.

"Oh, Gokudera is still so energetic. Yamamoto stretched and walked out of the cabin.

"Are you awake? How do you feel?"

Heiji turned to look at Yamamoto beside him, and Yamamoto smiled.

"Haha, I’m fine now, except for some soreness, everything is OK!"

"Then let's rest for two more days."


The warship slowly approached Impel Down, and Yusi shouted loudly:"Prepare to receive the ship!"

"Move faster!"

When the boat came to a stop, Heiji and Yamamoto stepped onto the platform of the city again.

"Tenth generation! Did you enjoy your vacation this time?"

Jiu Dera came forward and asked excitedly

"Overall, it's not bad, after all, it's very rewarding." Heiji said

"Hahaha, yes, I had a very fulfilling vacation this time!"Yamamoto, who was following behind Heiji, also said with a smile.

Hearing Yamamoto's words, Yudera became even more jealous.

"What are you so proud of, you baseball idiot!"

"Originally, the person who should be taking vacation with the Judaime should be me, his confidant!"

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry!"

Keiji watched Yamamoto and Yudera bickering, and felt a sense of warmth after a long time.

Maybe this is the feeling of family.

At the same time, the jailers who boarded the warship exclaimed

"Ah! Why are there five giants on the ship?!"

"Lord Heiji went on vacation and captured five giant pirates?!"

"Wow! Isn't the leader the giant York with a bounty of 94 million berries? Is Lord Heiji already that powerful?!"


"Okay, Gokudera, Yamamoto, there are five giant prisoners on the boat behind us, let's get to work first." Heiji listened to the exclamation behind him and said lightly

"Yes! The tenth generation!"

"Hahaha, great, Heiji."

The jailer of Impel Down was responsible for baptizing the giant pirates, and Heiji and the other two were responsible for putting them in jail.

Heiji dragged the already three-quarters cooked York with one hand and went to the fourth floor underground.

He found the cell where Barry was imprisoned and threw York in.

Suddenly, a line of information appeared in front of Heiji.

【Prisoner: York】

【Grade: C9】

【Status: In custody】

【Crime Index: 28】

【Capture participation: 100%】

【Optional benefits: Giant talent, giant axe forging process】

【Character Event: Activatable! 】

Without any hesitation, Heiji directly chose to obtain the benefits of the giant's talent

【Benefit: Giant Talent +863]

At the same time, a prompt popped up on Barry next to York

【Barry's character event is completed, do I want to withdraw the proceeds?】


【Benefit: Observation Haki +39]

Observation Haki only increased by 39, after all, Heiji's participation in Barry's capture was only 5%.

However, even if there were only 39 points of Observation Haki, it helped Heiji a lot.

As long as the Observation Haki is activated, Heiji can completely practice the level of Observation Haki by himself!

After successfully activating Observation Haki, it can be regarded as fulfilling a wish in Heiji's heart.

At the same time, Heiji also received rewards from Jikudera and Yamamoto for imprisoning the four giant prisoners.

【Benefit: Giant Talent +625】

【Benefit: Physical strength +768】

【Income: Brewing +321】

【Benefit: Giant Talent +598]

Because Heiji's participation in the capture of these four prisoners was 100%, the reward he received was particularly generous.

Then, Heiji set his sights on York and tried to activate the character event on York.

【Character Event: York was found by Heiji, the jailer of Impel Down, and was imprisoned in Impel Down. This made York very angry and unwilling to】

【Mission requirements: Let York or help York kill Heiji! 】

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