Heiji brought the two pirates to a cell, opened the cell, and threw the two pirates in.

At the same time, two messages appeared in front of Heiji.

【Prisoner; Wolski】

【Level: D4】

【Status: In custody】

【Crime Index; 14】

【Capture participation: 100%】

【Benefit: Navigation +120】


【Prisoner; Brundy】

【Level: D6】

【Status: In custody】

【Crime Index; 11】

【Capture participation: 100%】

【[Revenue: Swordsmanship +110]

These two pirates were captured by Heiji himself, and their participation in the capture was 100%.

Similarly, the benefits brought to Heiji were also very good.

Seeing these benefits, Heiji felt a little hot in his heart.

He could feel that he was getting stronger!

Only by constantly getting stronger can he have the strength to overthrow the World Government and slaughter all the Celestial Dragons.

Only by constantly getting stronger can he compete with Shanks, Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom in the Great Pirate Era!

These big pirates will be imprisoned in the Impel Downtown by him sooner or later!

Thinking of the rich benefits that will be obtained after imprisoning the big pirates such as Whitebeard and Kaido in the Impel Downtown, Heiji's heart is moved.

At the same time, Heiji quickly reacted.

Soon after, the system will send him two big gift packs!

Eight years later, Roger will surrender.

At the same time, Golden Lion Shiki will go to Marinford alone, and will be defeated by Sengoku and Garp in the end and imprisoned in the Impel Downtown!

If I can participate in the capture of these two legendary pirates, how much reward will I get?

When he thought of this, Heiji's heart started beating wildly.

However, Pirate King Roger and Golden Lion Shiki will be imprisoned in the sixth underground floor of Impel Down.

And there, it will be managed by the warden himself!

Thinking of this, Heiji set a small goal!

At the latest in eight years, he must become the warden of Impel Down!

And personally send Roger and Shiki to the prison cell of Impel Down.

Eight years later, when he has enough strength, it will not be too late to leave Impel Down!

Thinking of this, Heiji became more motivated!

Back in the baptism room, Heiji began to escort the pirates who had been baptized again.

He carried two pirates at a time, traveling back and forth between the baptism room and the prison area.

After a total of ten trips, Heiji received another twenty rewards.

Even with Heiji's current body, he would feel very tired.

However, this kind of fatigue instantly turned into a sense of satisfaction after seeing the benefits.

【Benefit: Physical Strength +150】

【Benefit: Fighting +135】

【Income: Cooking +144】

【Benefit: Steal +136】


Although most of the randomly acquired abilities are useless, the occasional physical and fighting abilities still make Heiji excited.

Especially physical!

In the world of Age of Discovery, physical fitness is extremely important.

It is even more important than the devil fruit!

Garp and Roger are both powerless people, but they stand at the top of the world's combat power simply by relying on their physical fitness and domineering.

Garp can blow up a mountain with one punch, so are you afraid?

Heiji checked his physical fitness, 366 (Level 2 Strong Fitness Person!) Heiji clenched his fist, and a rush of power flowed through his body.

"The physical value increased by detaining two criminals today is more than ten times the physical value obtained by his twenty years of training!"

Heiji sighed, he has never felt that he is as strong as he is now!

The current Heiji can beat ten of his yesterday's self!

Of course, the root cause of such a generous reward is that this batch of pirates were all pirates he personally captured when he was a major in the headquarters.

The participation rate of the capture of these pirates is 100%, which is why there are such generous rewards.

The participation rate of the pirates sent after this will drop below 10%.

At that time, the benefits he gets will be much less.

However, what if the pirates sent later are at level C, B, or even A?

These big pirates will definitely not be detained on the first floor, but what if he is enthusiastic to help? ?

There is no reason for the captains of other floors to refuse, right?

Of course, the sixth floor is guarded by the warden himself. Even if Heiji wants to help, there is no way unless he becomes the warden.

After all the criminals were taken to prison, Heiji's work for the day came to an end.

Led by the jailer, Heiji came to the restaurant in the city of Pushing Forward.

After Heiji sat down, a jailer in the cafeteria brought him a large plate of barbecue.

After Heiji's physique grew, he also felt extremely hungry. He directly took the barbecue and stuffed it into his stomach.

One plate of barbecue was not enough. Heiji ate thirty plates of barbecue before he was barely eight-tenths full.

The jailers around him looked at Heiji's huge appetite and felt envious.

"Oh my god! Kuroji Banchang has a huge appetite! He must be very powerful!"

"Yes, I can only eat three plates of barbecue at most, but Kuroji Banchang ate thirty plates. I doubt he can kill a blue ape with one punch!"

"Lord Heiji, you are worthy of being a Banchang!"

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