The Wandering Planet

Chapter 134 The Eve of the War

On this night, the three giants of the Avengers all met their own challenges in life and death under the support of the Wandering Earth technical staff.

Iron Man Tony injected the virus into his body after a hasty exchange with Maya Hansen, and is now in an unstable state of high temperature and fever, which may explode at any time.

The mist formed by the evaporation of sweat surrounded him, and his body was like being stuffed into a furnace, and the orange light shone from the depths of his internal organs, illuminating him like a human lantern.

This is a kind of suffering in which all the internal organs are burned by fire. For Tony, who is a rich second generation, it is probably the first time that he has encountered such suffering.

But he couldn't lose consciousness, because the virus would constantly stimulate his nerve center, keeping him awake even in such severe pain.

If he can't keep going and chooses to give up in his will, then the only thing waiting for him is to die by self-destruction.

Captain America has also been tested here.

The last time he was tied to injecting medicine to absorb the reform, it was the plan of the super soldier of the US military in the last century.

At that time, he was just a weak and weak young man who was even refused to join the army and could only participate in performances. He survived the brutal super soldier serum reform and became the only successful case of this project.

And now, under the sponsorship of the Wandering Earth technical staff, he will inject the mutant spider venom into his body in turn, and then observe the state of these venoms, whether they will be displaced by the super soldier serum, or gradually merge with it to form a new mutant. Gene.

To be honest, no one could foresee the results of such an experiment.

In fact, until now, exactly how Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe gained his superpowers has not been revealed, and the Wandering Earth agents just know that young Peter Parker once went in and out of Osborn Industries' mutant spiders Birth room, and then symptoms of acquiring Spider-Man's superpowers emerged.

Different Marvel parallel universes have different explanations for this phenomenon. For example, in the old "Spider-Man" trilogy, this is an ordinary genetically engineered radioactive spider.

In the "Amazing Spider-Man" series in another independent parallel universe, it is said that this spider was made by Peter Parker's father based on their family's production, and it will not work for others.

As for how Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe came to be, apart from being bitten by a spider,

Even Qiao Li, who is a transmigrator, doesn't know about other details, and can only be sure that it is different from the old "Spider-Man" series and "The Amazing Spider-Man" series.

In the end, this is just an expectation, and no one knows what kind of effect it can play.

The last man, Thor, threw down his hammer and plunged fearlessly into the terrifying storm of lightning.

It has to be said that he was indeed courageous in doing so, and it was the first time he got rid of his attachment to Thor's Hammer and faced such a terrifying provocation.

But the price is that he may not necessarily be able to come back successfully, after all, this is just an expectation of Thor's own potential.

In the end what the results are, it also depends on whether he can stand it or not.

While the three of them greeted the provocation, the sky gradually revealed a fish belly white, and the light of the morning light re-illuminated the earth.

On the roof of the Stark Building, Loki has asked Dr. Selvig, who was kidnapped by him, to arrange the device to activate the cosmic Rubik's Cube portal, preparing to send the heroic master of the Qitarui people.

This time, they plan to accumulate even more grand energy. While starting a small portal to send a small number of landing troops, they are ready to start another more grand portal, enough to send hundreds of thousands of Zitaari starships. All come to the solar system.

In this case, no matter how strong the ground protection strength is on Earth, as long as there is no ability to destroy these interstellar battleships, even orbital bombardment alone is enough to make mankind completely surrender.

Just like the great green man, can he still jump into space and smash all the ships of the Chitauri fleet?

The Dark Star is to ensure that the portal can continue to expand to that extent. Ronan and his Death Spirit spaceship are the main force of the landing force.

Of course, Ronan doesn't mind taking this battle with just his dark asterisk.

On the Dark Star and the bridge, Ronan asked Nebula, the daughter of Thanos:

"Is the news correct? That crazy woman is no longer on Earth?"

Nebula said with certainty: "As far as we know, Carol Danvers has left Earth, and there is no news of her in the entire universe."

"Very good, I can finally be ashamed."

Ronan raised the hammer in his hand high, facing the distant blue planet with fierce eyesight and said:

"This time, I'm going to let them know what it's like to offend the Kree!"

On the other hand, the other daughter of Thanos, Gamora, looked at the earth with a complicated expression. She kept reminding herself that it was not time yet, but she had to feel for the billions of people who were dying on the earth. regret.

This time, human beings may have escaped from disaster.

At the same time, there is another power in space that is rushing to the solar system, that is, the Marauder Legion led by Yondu, the adoptive father of Star Lord.

On the bridge of the Marauder mothership, Yondu was muttering indignantly:

"That stinky boy not only drove my boat, but also stole my arrows. I should have let him be eaten alive by you in the first place, and I should not have brought him back!"

The predators under his command immediately echoed: "That's right, we want to kill the chickens to warn the monkeys, and let everyone know the fate of the betrayers!"

With the response of his subordinates, Yongdu shouted:

"Since he did all this for his deceased Earth, let's let him know what he's bringing to this planet! Let's rob the planet! Burn it! Kill it! Let them know the predators Not to be provoked!"


His marauders cheered, and after so long in silence, they were finally about to do something big.

However, as soon as the words were uttered, Yongdu began to feel remorse.

Why do you want to say these things like this? When the time comes to really go to the earth, how can I find a step to go down?

He didn't really want to kill Star-Lord.

In any case, his Marauder Legion is about to start heading towards Earth, so Yondu can only point to the ship going straight to the bridge.

For a time, the Marvel Universe Earth became the common goal of the confluence of multiple powers.

The war is coming! \u003c/\u003e\u003c/div\u003eThe Wandering Planet The Novel Will Cross

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