The Wandering Planet

Chapter 143 Independence Day

The changes taking place on the battlefields of New York are exciting to all mankind, and their long-awaited Air Force support has finally arrived.

Superheroes don't have to continue fighting alone, and the Quinjet that crashed before finally didn't die in vain.

Although Qiao Lu did not actually sacrifice it.

It is precisely because of this that the U.S. government, which has not come to support for a long time, has become the target of public criticism. At this important juncture of the unity of all mankind, what is the U.S. government doing?

In fact, the President of the United States is also very troubled by the arrival of these reinforcements.

"Damn, what kind of joint military exercise, it's all a lie!"

He angrily swept all the things on the desk to the ground, gritted his teeth and said:

"What's the point of doing this? It's impossible to get rid of that spaceship with the air force alone! If you don't surrender, are you going to force the other side to carry out a racial cleansing!?"

The US president's concerns are not without reason. It is true that the addition of air forces and aircraft carrier fighters from various countries has greatly eased the pressure on the New York battlefield, but human beings are still completely powerless to the interstellar battleship Dark Star floating over New York.

Neither missiles nor nuclear bombs can threaten this powerful space carrier. The only thing that can be shot down is the large number of Necrons that are constantly being replenished by the Dark Star.

No matter how many undead spaceships were shot down, it was not enough to hurt Ronan. There was more than one complete line of undead spaceships on the Dark Star.

Not to mention that the Chitauri army is still entering the New York battlefield through the portal. In such a war of attrition, human beings will suffer sooner or later.

"Why don't they understand such a simple truth!" The President of the United States said bitterly, "I just don't want our soldiers to die in vain!"

Sometimes, however, soldiers would rather die than live.

At Vandenberg Air Force Base, the superhero war machine and American Colonel James Rhodes broke into the Air Force Command. He asked the Air Force commander unabashedly:

"Our allies have already supported the New York battlefield, why hasn't our air force been dispatched?"

The air force commander shook his head coldly and said, "There is no order from the superior,

No one wants to move! I have answered this question many times! "

Rhodes's face twitched a little, and he took two steps back and said, "Very good, then I won't ask."

In the next second, his fist landed hard on the commander's face, punching him to the ground.

The surrounding guards hurriedly pointed their guns at him, but no one actually pulled the trigger.

Rhodes ignored the wailing air force commander who fell to the ground, looked around and asked:

"I'm going to fight to the end, which of you will come with me?"

As a superhero with a military background - War Machine, Rhodes' reputation in the army is naturally not high. Under his leadership, the people around him put down their guns and hesitated to join the fight. mutiny.

Rhodes ignored them, picked up the broadcast microphone in the command room and shouted:

"All the pilots of the Fourteenth Air Force of the United States gather! Target New York, and the whole army will attack!"

The soldiers in the air base were all taken aback by the sudden announcement, and were surprised why Rhodes was the one who issued the order. He didn't have such a great power to issue an assembly order.

Rhodes continued: "I can't guarantee that each of you will survive, but the world needs you. Not a weak superhero like me, but thousands of heroic soldiers like you. !"

"Today we are fighting for freedom again, not against tyranny or persecution, but for the right to live! If this war is not allowed by our government, then we will declare independence! Today is our Independence Day ! Today we will fight to the last minute!"


The pilots in the air force base erupted into huge cheers. In this Marvel universe, they have not been squarely faced for a long time. Once they encounter a crisis, the first thing everyone thinks of is superheroes.

Now is the time for them to prove themselves, to prove to the world that not only superheroes can save the world, but also thousands of ordinary and fearless soldiers like them!

This is a war for all mankind!

So this US Air Force went to the New York battlefield under the leadership of the war machine Rhodes.

They are the power that should not be absent!

When anxious Americans finally saw their U.S. Air Force fighter jets over New York, there was an urge to burst into tears.

For the first time, they realized that it is not just superheroes who are guarding their own safety, but also their own country's military.

This world is not only for superheroes, it is time to show the backbone of mortals!

After the first pilots fled to New York despite government obstruction, other Americans couldn't hold back.

It even eventually evolved into states that declared independence one after another, and each sent the National Guard to help the New York battlefield.

The federal state of the United States first fell apart and then reunited in New York.

Only this time, they are united under the banner of all mankind fighting against alien aggression!

The policy of appeasement the President of the United States is trying to pursue no longer makes any sense.

Today is America's Second Independence Day!

Just as this New York war intensified, another Avenger from a parallel world suddenly appeared in the center of New York City.

They are Iron Man Tony Stark in white suits, Captain America Steve Rogers, Ant-Man Scott Lang, and Dr. Bruce Banner, who has been integrated with the Hulk.

This future Avengers was taken aback by the situation of the New York battlefield as soon as they came up. The New York War in their memory was not like this at all.

The huge dark asterisk covered half of the sky of New York City, and countless human fighters were fighting against the undead spaceship over New York.

The New York Harbor was full of aircraft carrier battle groups from all over the world, projecting a rain of anti-aircraft missiles onto the New York battlefield.

If it weren't for the presence of the Chitauri army and the original Avengers, they wouldn't believe it was the Battle of New York.

How does this keep them from panicking?

"Stark, are you sure we're not in the wrong place?" Captain America Rogers asked Iron Man.

Tony from the future also shook his head: "It's not wrong from the point of time, but I don't know why it became like this."

"Is this really the New York War we've been through?" Dr. Banner asked, looking around. "It was mostly the Hulk at the time, and I can't remember exactly how."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Hulk passing by the side street, grabbed a Necro spaceship, and tore it in half with his bare hands.

Rogers shook his head and said, "Banner, you don't have to doubt it, this is definitely not the New York War as we know it."

In short, they came to the wrong place!

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