The Wandering Planet

Chapter 383 Exposing the shady scene

After the Wandering Earth launched a general attack, the templar troops who were originally blocked by the tearing force field also launched a charge, but their goal was not the artifact showroom, but the cage where the compatriots were imprisoned.

Qiao Lv also got off the Ark and entered the battlefield. All he needs to do is to confirm the recovery of the last keystone fragment, after all, this is the most important goal of this trip.

At this time, under the overwhelming artillery fire of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force, the gate of the artifact showroom was already crumbling, and it was only one step away from being breached.

Although the defending Tadalin is still struggling to resist, but after successively losing the hole cards such as the Notre Dame and the tearing force field, their resistance has become much weaker, and it is difficult to withstand the joint offensive of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force and the Templars.

Finally, under the direct hit of a super-heavy train gun from the Apocalypse tank, the door of the artifact showroom collapsed.

An expeditionary commando led by Qiao Lu and Wang Lei immediately rushed into the artifact showroom, heading straight for the last keystone fragment in the depths of the showroom. The long journey of collecting all the keystone fragments was finally coming to an end up!

In the dark artifact showroom, there are still many Tadarin warriors fighting stubbornly. As the elite troops responsible for guarding the artifact showroom, they will not let Qiao Lv and others take the last keystone fragment easily.

"Dedicate them to the master!"

Shouting incomprehensible words, the Tal'darin warriors rushed forward frantically, holding psionic blades, as the last battle of their lives.

Qiao Lv sent out his sentry arrows to meet them. The short metal arrows flew left and right in the long and narrow corridor, pulling thin red rays of light through the bodies of these Tadarin warriors, like an embroidery needle of death, passing through quickly. each of their bodies.

However, even though their bodies were pierced by sentry arrows, and several deep bone wounds were burned on their chests, these Tadarin warriors still had no intention of stopping at all.

At this moment, they seemed to feel no pain at all, and braved the hail of bullets to charge the commandos without caring about their own lives. Even if they were hit by Qiao Lu's sentry arrows several times, they had no intention of stopping at all.

"Are these guys immortal?"

Qiao Lv had never seen a protoss with such tenacious vitality, which would make even the Zerg feel ashamed.

Fortunately, the Expeditionary Force still had Gravity Surge to stop them, and the gravity bombs fired by the particle cannon instantly formed an insurmountable Great Wall on the ground.

Just like the energy force field created by the protoss mechanical sentry, it completely blocks the opponent's advance route.

After being sucked by the gravitational gust, Wang Lei immediately ordered the commandos to open fire with all their strength, until they were beaten to pieces, and these weird Tadarin fighters stopped.

Wang Lei also noticed something strange, and said uneasily, "These towers are obviously different from the ones outside. What's going on?"

Qiao Lv stepped forward without saying a word, and picked up a severed limb from the body of the Tadarin warrior who had just been killed.

The severed limb caught his attention because it had zerg-like claws and grew as an appendage on the shoulder of a Tal'darin zealot.

Even this severed limb still has a certain degree of activity. When it was picked up by Qiao Li, it waved its sharp claws like a poisonous snake. Fortunately, Qiao Li, who had unlocked the gene lock, had a strong reaction ability, so he was not disturbed by this severed limb. scratched.

"What's going on? Are they infected with Zerg virus?"

Wang Lei has seen this feature in infected humans, so he took it for granted that these Tadarins were also infected by the Zerg.

Qiao Li shook his head seriously and said, "No, Zerg virus cannot infect protoss, unless..."

Zerg and Protoss are both creations of Xel'Naga. If Xel'Naga did not favor any side when creating the race, Zerg would not be able to assimilate Protoss so easily, otherwise Protoss would not be able to compete with Zerg at all .

So how to explain these weird Tal'darins?

"Go ahead, we have to hurry up!"

Qiao Lv ordered as if he suddenly remembered something, maybe some changes he didn't know were about to happen here!

The commandos of the expeditionary force went all the way to the depths of the artifact showroom, and all they encountered along the way were some Tadarins with Zerg characteristics, and their combat effectiveness and vitality were quite different from those of the Tadarins outside.

Compared with the protoss, they are now more like an indescribable monster, and they are still failures with obvious defects, so Qiao Li can easily defeat them.

However, this was an even worse premonition for Qiao Ledun. Could it be that kind of experiment is really going on here?

Finally, they reached the deepest hall, and the last keystone fragment was suspended in the very center of the hall.

At the same time, an unexpected person also appeared in this place, it was the Tal'darin executive Naion who was supposed to fall with the Notre Dame.

At this time, Nai Ang looked extremely embarrassed, not only disheartened, but also broken places could be seen everywhere in his gorgeous battle robe.

But he still stood in front of the keystone fragments relentlessly, as if he wanted to use his body to protect the Sarnaga artifact.

"Did you abandon the ship and escape at the last moment?" Qiao Lu immediately understood what happened, and it was obvious that Naiang was left alone.

Nai Ang also lost the haughty attitude he had before, and instead said with a tragic face:

"Stupid humans, you will never understand our beliefs and ideals. After all things die, only we can gain new life!"

Qiao Lu sneered and said, "It's better to avoid it. Compared with getting a new life or something, I just want to live this life well."

Qiao Li's completely indifferent attitude further angered Nai Ang. He suddenly raised his hands and shouted with his back to the keystone fragments:

"In this case, let you experience the power of the Lord! The great Sarnaga Emon, please grant your servant a body made by God!"

Scarlet electric light emerged from Niang's body, radiating dazzling light around his whole body, and at the same time causing his body to undergo a sharp mutation.


Realizing that the situation was not good, Wang Lei hurriedly ordered the commandos to pour all the ammunition at Naion, but at this moment, Naion's shield became extremely strong, even more terrifying than the Templar's Immortal.

Despite the commando's full firepower, Naion's mutation still didn't stop. A large number of insect-like tentacles grew on his body, accompanied by powerful psychic energy, rising without wind, floating behind him like six pairs of wings.

At the same time, his figure suddenly became taller, almost breaking through the entire hall of the artifact showroom, his hands turned into sharp claws like Zerg, and his feet turned into giant toes like dinosaurs.

The power of Zerg and Protoss is now integrated in him, which is the destination that all Tadarins dream of, transformed into a brand new body by their worshiped master, the fallen Xel'Naga Amon—— Mixed body!

The biggest shady scene in the entire StarCraft trilogy - Amon the Fallen, his real minion finally appeared in front of Qiao Li.

It is uncertain whether this is Emon's temptation to the wandering earth, or Naion himself is studying how to turn his people into hybrid bodies. In any case, what stands in front of Qiao Lv now is an unprecedented monster!

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