The Wandering Planet

Chapter 484 Another Moon

After the communication was interrupted again, the members of the Yoroha troops on the bunker immediately discovered something even more terrifying:

"Commander, the satellite orbital defense weapons on the moon are targeting this side!"

Undoubtedly, the Human Council on the Lunar Surface finally broke their skin and decided to personally wipe out the Yoroha troops that have now escaped their control.

Doing so seems a bit irritating, but the artificial intelligence in Nier's world has its own personality, not an absolutely rational existence like Moss, and it is not surprising that there are some emotional performances.

Moreover, there is no other way for them. The core instruction of artificial intelligence, or the basis of its existence, is to "protect human beings". The dominance of intelligent robots is fundamentally out of control.

Therefore, they can only choose to block the news. On the one hand, they cut off the communication of the Yoroha troops to prevent the news from spreading further.

They have always been doing this, but they used to use mechanical life forms to achieve it, but now they have to do it themselves!

At this critical juncture, all members of Yoroha's troops realized that what Qiao Li said was true. They had indeed been abandoned by the lunar human council, and now they were going to be wiped out by themselves.

Desperation further spread among them, especially the members of the Yoroha troops in the bunker. They gave everything for the Human Council on the Moon, and now this is the only result they can get?

At this moment, Qiao Li asked the commander of the Yoroha army in a timely manner:

"Okay, give me an answer now. Do you want to carry out the order as the commander of the Yoreha unit to the end, or do you decide to go with us?"

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the commander. She had a very high prestige as the commander of the Yoroha Troop, and her decision would undoubtedly attract the followers of most Yoroha Troop members.

It's just that the commander just solemnly raised the pointer in his hand as if he didn't hear Qiao Lv's words, and stared at it quietly.

This pointer, or baton, is the status symbol given to her by the lunar human council as the commander of the Yoroha Force. It has been with her since she was born as a command model, and with every order she gave, Contains countless memories of her and the Yoroha troops.

It's just that all of this turned out to be nothing more than a lie.

Everything she did was meaningless, and even the Yoroba troop itself was just an abandoned child in the hands of the Human Council on the Moon, which is full of irony.


2B shouted easily from the side, and she was also worried that the commander, like 9S, would not be able to withstand the blow and eventually make a wrong judgment.

"Hahahaha..." The commander suddenly laughed out loud, as if he was laughing at his own innocence all along, as well as the irony of everything he had done for the human council on the moon.

"In this case, there is only one answer!"

The commander severely broke her own pointer, and at the same time broke the mission and responsibilities entrusted to her by the lunar human council. From now on, she will not do her best to protect a lie.

She looked at Qiao Li firmly and said:

"I will be loyal to you!"

Under the leadership of the commander, other members of the Yoroha army also responded one after another, and wanted to follow Qiao Li to the wandering earth.

At this point, Qiao Lv finally fulfilled his purpose of coming to the bunker, successfully incorporated the Yoroha troops, and then only needed to return to the frontline base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force.

Some members of Yoroha's troop followed Qiao Li and Rocket Raccoon on the launch vehicle and returned, while the other part drove the remaining flying mechs on the bunker to evacuate. After all, the bunker has been completely locked by the orbital defense weapons on the moon. .

Not long after they left the bunker, the orbiting satellite base was bombarded by orbital defense weapons on the moon, and they were ruthlessly blown up by the lunar human council with their countless memories.

In the end, the bunker exploded into a pile of metal fragments in lunar orbit, and the hometown of Yoroha's troops ceased to exist from now on.

When many members of the Yoroha Force watched this scene in space, there were tears in their eyes. They are not cold machines without emotions. It is impossible for them to see the place where they were born and have been their homes for a long time being destroyed. .

2B gritted his teeth and said: "One day, the human council on the lunar surface will have to pay the price!"

Qiao Li shook his head and said, "There's no need to wait, it's today!"

After Qiao Lv confirmed that he had rescued all the remaining members of Yoroha's troops, he had already called the Wandering Earth for support, and today he was going to destroy the so-called lunar human council.

Before the words fell, the stargate opened by the keystone slowly opened near the moon, but what came out of it was not a starship, but a huge white sphere, which looked bright and flawless under the reflection of the sun, as if it was a starship. Another moon!

It's just that the moon still has a long blue tail flame, as if it came here after a long journey, and it is slowly adjusting the direction to point the side with the tail flame at the moon of this world.

"What it is!?"

The members of Yoroha's troops were all shocked by this sudden scene. It's fine that there is another moon in the universe, but this moon has its own ideas. It can move forward and rotate through the tail flame sprayed from behind. What kind of heaven is this? Night talk?

Qiao Lu explained to everyone: "Don't worry, that's our moon, to be precise, it's a new moon, but it doesn't matter what you call it."

Obviously, to use the moon to defeat the moon, this is the idea of ​​the wandering earth.

The human parliament on the lunar surface also discovered this terrifying astronomical anomaly, and quickly mobilized the orbital defense weapons on the moon to counterattack the new moon. I have to say that the firepower of the lunar orbital defense weapons deployed by them is still very strong and can be easily eliminated. A space city-level orbiting satellite.

It's a pity that when facing the crescent base that is the same size as the moon, all these seem to be stretched. Especially in terms of firepower, it is impossible for ordinary orbital defense weapons to be compared with planetary engine cannons tens of thousands of meters high, and the caliber alone is already several levels behind.

"Is this your most powerful weapon?" 2B asked in surprise.

Qiao Li denied it honestly: "This is not the biggest, but it is more than enough to deal with them."

The real strongest weapon of mankind is of course the wandering earth itself, but unfortunately, the human council on the lunar surface has no chance to see it at all!

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