The Wandering Planet

Chapter 526 Return in Triumph

The moment he saw Qiao Lu coming back, Zhang Zhezhong immediately ordered the Ark to enter hyperspace at full speed.

While the Executor and the Death Star were still entangled with the Radus, they broke through the blockade of many Imperial Star Destroyers in one fell swoop, and disappeared in the orbit of Scarif between lightning and flint.

Seeing that the scenery outside the cabin turned into a void of hyperspace, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got rid of the pursuit of the imperial fleet.

"Joe, are you alright?"

2B came up to take care of Qiao Lv's situation with concern, and found that his left wrist was cut off by a lightsaber, leaving only a flat gap.

Qiao Li said without hesitation: "Don't worry, this hand was cut off before, and now it's just a prosthesis."

The Zhenjin symbiosis restored the shape of the palm, and Qiao Lv's left hand came back. When he came to the world of Star Wars, breaking his hand can be said to be a common occurrence, but luckily he can afford it too.

Even this hand was not cut off by Darth Vader in vain, the severed part of the vibrating gold symbiosis can still act as an independent individual, because every vibrating gold atom combined with the body is a tiny As long as there are a certain number of computing units left, they can operate normally.

Now Qiao Li's severed wrist is moving quickly on the Radus. Taking advantage of the darkness and his own inconspicuousness, he quietly climbed onto an empire landing ship, got into the undercarriage and lurked, waiting for Joe. further orders of the law.

Qiao Lv has reserved his hand in various senses, and he may not know when it will be effective.

Relying on the excellent turning performance of the Ark, the pursuers of the Imperial Fleet were quickly thrown away.

At the same time, due to Qiao Li's behavioral inducement, Darth Vader did not choose to pursue the Ark, but took the Executor to pursue the escaped Tantive IV.

Everything is going smoothly, the design of the Death Star has been successfully obtained, and Princess Leia, who is riding on Tantivy IV, will also meet her brother Luke Skywalker, the real protagonist of Star Wars.

It's just that these have nothing to do with Qiao Lv for the time being. What he needs to do is to bring the design of the Death Star back to the wandering earth, and discuss the next step based on this important information.

When the Ark returns to the wandering earth, the Wannian Fengxue has completed its mission and returned triumphantly.

Liu Peiqiang and Wang Lei brought back Galen Erso, the designer of the Death Star,

And the Rogue One team that went to rescue him together.

When they saw the wandering earth covered with huge planetary engines, they thought for a while that this was some secret weapon of the empire, especially Galen Erso blurted out:

"Has the Starkiller project been completed? No, if so, why build the Death Star?"

The personnel of the coalition government explained to them for a long time before they could be considered to know the ins and outs of all this.

At this time, the Wandering Earth and the Rebel Alliance can be regarded as standing on the same front, so there is no need to conceal too much. Especially after experiencing the Battle of Scarif, the two sides are fighting side by side.

When he learned that the 10,000 planetary engines were built with the efforts of all mankind, Galen Erso couldn't help but admire:

"If the empire can be as united as you are, I'm afraid even the Dyson sphere has been completed long ago. Why do you need to build something like the Death Star?"

As a huge empire that spans the entire galaxy, rules thousands of galaxies, and has a population of trillions, the total resources of the First Galactic Empire are indeed far greater than that of the Wandering Earth, otherwise it would not be able to create an ultimate weapon like the Death Star.

However, it is impossible for this brutal regime that does not enforce justice to mobilize the information of the entire galaxy to accomplish a major event. Even if it uses all means and painstaking efforts, it can only create the Death Star that can bring people fear and despair.

If it is a coalition government to implement all these, what will be born will not be a Death Star with a diameter of only 160 kilometers, but a Dyson sphere with a diameter of millions of kilometers, which is enough to wrap the entire star and provide energy. The civilization of the galaxy is advancing to new heights!

That's why Galen Erso was so emotional, why their world was born, either the old republic with bureaucratic corruption, or the Galactic Empire that spread fear. Neither of them is a regime that can lead the civilization of the entire galaxy to develop together. It can end up in a mess everywhere.

At the same time, he gradually realized that even if he overthrew the Galactic Empire in the end and established a new republic with the idea of ​​a rebel alliance, he would repeat the same mistakes as the old republic, and the remnants of the empire would surely Rising again, repeating the tragedy of the Galactic Civil War once again.

This is also true, starting from the seventh Star Wars The Force Awakening, the New Republic that overthrew the Galactic Empire is as corrupt and conceited as the Old Republic, and the First Order, which inherited the idea of ​​the Empire, is as cruel and ruthless as before.

The struggle between the two sides will never stop, and the flames of war continue to burn throughout the galaxy.

Regardless of whether it is the Rebel Alliance or the Galactic Empire, whichever side wins in the end, what is left to the civilization of the galaxy is nothing but endless wars.

The only thing that can change all of this now is the new ideas brought by the Wandering Earth, and Galen Erso is deeply aware of this.

He gladly accepted the invitation from the Wandering Earth Central Academy of Sciences, and solemnly said: "If possible, please let me contribute to your cause."

"Of course, welcome to the Wandering Earth." Luo Feng said happily.

When Qiao Li came back, Galen Erso was already helping the Wandering Earth Central Academy of Sciences to study the weakness of the Death Star and how to take out the Death Star's energy core intact.

The design drawings of the Death Star brought back by Qiao Li just helped them a lot. No matter how good Galen Erso's memory was, it was impossible for him to remember every detail of the Death Star.

With this design drawing of the Death Star, they can formulate strategies more accurately. Whether or not they have detailed data is a completely different matter for scientists.

"Thank you." Luo Feng came to greet Qiao Lv and said.

This battle was indeed not easy, especially after Darth Vader's Executor and the Death Star appeared at the same time, and even the Ark was almost unable to break out of the siege, and it was only relying on Qiao Lv himself as a bait to return safely.

But all of this is worth it. While getting the design of the Death Star, he also rescued Galen Erso who was in charge of designing the Death Star. With such critical information and important people, the Wandering Earth can become passive. If you are proactive, you will soon be able to turn defense into offense.

Qiao Lu asked Luo Feng: "Do you have any clues now? What should we do next?"

"We need to complete the Antarctic Garden project as soon as possible." Luo Feng replied:

"End it all with the Earth Cannon!"

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