Want to use the results to convince Li Jingzhi to stop caring about this matter. First www.wuxiaspot.com

"Solved? Are you talking about the media story? Why did they show up there?"

This is what Li Jingzhi has always been unable to understand. She feels that she has just made an appointment with Hai Ziyu.

But it was not normal for the media to appear there, even taking pictures of her when she was unconscious.

She really didn't understand what was going on.

"View ..."

"You tell me, I want to know."

Sloming was thinking about how to persuade Li Jingzhi, but he didn't expect to wait for him to finish his speech.

Li Jingzhi looked at himself firmly, his stubborn look softened his heart.

"Ah, you."

With a helpless sigh, Sloming couldn't refuse Li Jingzhi, but could only hold people in his arms.

"I think you have been accounted for by Su Qi in this matter, and it is not only you, it should have been calculated by Su Qi together with Hai Ziyu."

Being held in his arms, Li Jingzhi was struggling to get up from Sloming's arms and continued to inquire, when he heard a voice in his ear.

Hearing this matter has something to do with Su Qi again, Li Jingzhi's eyes widened.

Pushing her hands out of Sloming's arms, she looked at each other in wonder with flashes in her eyes.

"Yes, the thing is what you think, she calculated it from the beginning, waiting for you to walk with Hai Zi, and then ..."

Seeing that it could not be concealed, Sloming could only hold Li Jingzhi's hand and let her sit beside her.

Then he told Li Jing about the incident.

I thought that Li Jingzhi would be very sad when he heard what he said, but he did not expect that he would sit there silently after he had finished speaking.

"View, are you okay?"

Worried that Li Jingzhi was suffocating things in his own heart and crippled himself, Slomin stepped forward to ask.

While planning to speak comfortably, Li Jingzhi suddenly stood up beside the sofa.

"How can this be? Why did Su Qi do this and do these hurtful things to me again and again, what the **** did I do to her?"

Li Jingzhi really didn't understand and met Su Qi himself from the beginning.

It was Su Qi who started from the point of hurting her, and she always endured it in silence.

Even if she later learned that she was also Su's daughter, things in the past could not pass away in her heart, even if she was eager for family.

She also gave up everything. Isn't this enough? Li Jingzhi really doesn't know where Su Qi wants to hurt herself.

"View, don't be upset, I said I'll make those who hurt you pay the price, relax."

Sloming had never seen Li Jingzhi get so excited, facing her with a cold face.

Complaining there, Sloming felt distressed.

He also blamed himself in his heart, and felt that there was a large part of his reason in it, otherwise Su Qi would not have done so.

Thinking to himself, Slomin stood up and hugged Li Jingzhi firmly to give comfort.

"Luo Ming, I'm fine, I just can't accept it for a while, you just leave me alone."

The emotions in his heart were suppressed together, and Li Jingzhi was really hard to accept.

The person who had half the same blood relationship with herself would be so vilified as to count herself, she wondered.

"Okay, I'm just outside. You call me something."

Realizing that Li Jingzhi needed his own space at the moment, Slomin could only lower his head and kiss her forehead.

With both hands, he strengthened Li Jingzhi's shoulders and said aloud, then turned and went out.

"Why do you do this to me? What exactly do you want?"

In his own room, Li Jingzhi felt cold all over.

He squatted subconsciously, his arms wrapped around his body, his mouth murmured.

"Ding Jing, Ding Jing."

While she was digesting her pain alone, her cell phone rang in the silence.

Holding both arms tightly, glanced over to see that the screen showed a strange number.

Li Jing was puzzled, picked up his phone, stared at it for a few seconds, and then swiped on.

"Hey, is it Miss Li?"

The media boss over there shouted. After hearing that the call was connected, he asked Li Jing politely.

"I am, who are you?"

Hearing the voice on the phone, Li Jingzhi judged that he should not know this person.

But the other party was able to call her name clearly, even if it was a polite questioning voice, but Li Jingzhi couldn't help but hesitate.

Questioning voices blurted out.

"Miss Li doesn't have to be overly nervous. I'm an irrelevant person. I just reported on you from the magazine below. I called to apologize to you. I'm really sorry. I didn't think of the people Will make such a report, Miss Li ... "

Try to speak to Li Jingzhi in a fairly sincere tone. The media owner also hopes that Li Jingzhi can forgive himself after listening to his apology.

Then he will use it to fight for cooperation with Sloming again.

"Did you report?"

Li Jingzhi didn't know who the caller was, but the more he listened to the explanation.

She frowned even more, thinking of the media smeared before and after, and the scandal on the Internet was being rendered.

Li Jingzhi's heart was tangled together, one hand subconsciously pressed his mouth to nibble his nails, and the dull voice exited.

"Miss Li, I'm really sorry, I really didn't manage the following talents to make such a mistake, and please forgive me, I don't know what kind of compensation you want, as long as you can say it, I can satisfy you. "

The media boss is also a personal expert, and is almost the voice of questioning in Li Jing.

He guessed that Li Jingzhi was in a bad mood, and Feng Feng apologized to the phone as soon as he turned around.

The whole man looked pitiful, as if everything had nothing to do with him, and he lowered his posture in the discourse.

"Oh, you're talking lightly, your media reporter has vilified me time and time again, and wrote some messy reports about me. One time is a mistake. Is it a mistake?"

Li Jingzhi, who was feeling uncomfortable, apologized to such a person.

Before she jumped out of her mind, every time something happened, she was scolded by the entire network, even if she was pointed out.

The whole person's heart was getting more and more aggrieved, but she suffered so much.

This person just wanted to forgive her with just a few words. Li Jingzhi felt that he couldn't do it.

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