Su Yang's series of attacks directly knocked Blackbeard to spit blood and fell to his knees.

However, Su Yang still couldn't hear the prompt from the system to defeat the opponent.

And at this time, Su Yang was exhausted, and his physical strength had reached the limit.

"Whew...... Call...... Titch, now you should know me, my name is Su Yang!".

"A survivor of the atrocities you committed on Unifinn back then. "

"Today is your time of death!".

Blackbeard looked up slowly.

He said with a smile on his lips.

"Unifinne? "

"However, Su Yang, I will definitely remember your name for the rest of my life. "

As soon as the words fell.

The huge battleship St. Jackal, which had been hiding behind the naval fortress, suddenly ran over.

grabbed Blackbeard and the others in his hands, turned around and ran.

Seeing this, Su Yang was about to prepare to pursue, but he didn't think that before he could open his legs, he almost fell to the ground with a soft foot.

The Warring States on the side hurriedly stepped forward and helped Su Yang.

"Little ghost, that's enough, if you keep making trouble like this, even I won't be able to end it. "

Su Yang had no choice but to give up when he heard this.

At the moment, he has almost no strength, and even if he can catch up with Blackbeard, he may not be able to kill him.

The only regret in my heart now is that I have not been able to raise my Dao Fa to the highest level.

Otherwise, Blackbeard would have been killed with one blow.

The Warring States saw that Su Yang had also stopped.

Turning to the crowd of Marinfando, he shouted.

"This war is completely over!".

With the Warring States shouted.

The navy present all breathed a sigh of relief.

Sakasky was the only one who was still angry.

On the other hand, on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, not only did they fail to save Ace, but both Whitebeard and Ace died.

Eventually, the Whitebeard Pirates couldn't hold back their cries any longer.

In this war, the pirates lost completely.

Redhead turned to look at Whitebeard and Ace's bodies.

"Please also give me a face, leave the aftermath of Whitebeard and Ace to us to deal with. "

The Warring States no longer obstructed when they heard this.

"If it's you, of course you can. "

The redhead turned his head to look at Su Yang.

"Leave it to me, can you?".

Su Yang looked up and saw that the redhead was looking at him with a provocative expression.

Su Yang couldn't help but sneer.

The ability of this face fruit is really powerful, and he is trying to regain the face he just lost.

Whether you agree with your answer or not, you will let the redhead successfully regain face.

However, what I didn't expect was this.

Su Yang replied coldly.

"It's my business, I don't know them!".

As soon as these words came out, the ability of the face fruit became invalid again.

The redhead didn't know how to answer for a while.

At this time, Marco also stepped forward, looked at Su Yang and said.

"Unexpectedly, you are really not one of us. "

Su Yang smiled slightly, and suddenly remembered one thing again.

"I didn't say I was your man in the first place, but, Marko, I have to tell you one thing to thank you for saving me once. "

"Don't seek revenge on Blackbeard, or you'll be doomed. "

Marco frowned.

Although I don't know why Su Yang said this, after seeing Su Yang's ability, I have to pay some attention to this sentence.

Marco nodded and replied lightly.

"Thank you. "

Su Yang saw that the matter had come to this, and there was no need to stay here.

Turn around and leave.

Before he could take a few steps, the Warring States suddenly stopped Su Yang.

"Hey, the little ghost named Su Yang, can you talk?".

Su Yang glanced at the Warring States, and the other party didn't seem to have malicious intent.

He walked to Sengoku's side and found a place to sit down.

"Your ability is very special, I know it's an ability from the Dragon Kingdom, but I want to know, which side do you belong to?".

Su Yang replied lazily.

"I'm not a pirate or a navy. "

Sengoku pondered for a moment and said.

"So, Su Yang, I want to invite you to join the Navy, are you willing?".

Su Yang immediately smiled when he heard this.

No wonder when he stopped Tiqi just now, Sengoku would help him.

It turned out that he was selfish.

"Generalissimo of the Navy, what kind of operation is it to invite a nobody to join the Navy?"

Sengoku replied.

"The whole world has changed dramatically now, and the evil generation has disturbed the order of this sea. "

"There is still a revolutionary army in the shadows, and those who are as capable as you should join the navy to contribute your strength. "

Su Yang smiled and shook his head.

"Sengoku, you just go to a small island and ask the children on the island what they want to do when they grow up?"

"I can guarantee that their evil answer must be to go to sea!".

Hearing Su Yang's words, Warring States opened his mouth to refute, but failed to say a word.

"That's the case with the Straw Hat Kid, and it's the same with Fire Fist Ace. "

"Haven't you ever wondered where this is going wrong?"

Su Yang stood up as he spoke.

"But I still want to thank you for personally blocking me once just now. "

"We'll see you later. "

As soon as Su Yang turned around, Warring States suddenly said.

"But have you ever thought that if you don't join the navy, in this world, you can only be a pirate!".

"Because neither side will allow you to have that ability to exist on your own. "

Su Yang stopped and thought about it.

"Then I'll be a pirate, Sengoku, goodbye!".

After saying this, in the stunned expression of the Warring States, under the gaze of the navy.

Su Yang slowly walked towards the outside of Marin Fando.

At this time, Sengoku shouted loudly from behind.

"Imp, being a pirate is going to face the entire navy!"

Su Yang waved his hand without looking back, and continued to walk away in style.

However, this state of being noticed by 10,000 people soon disappeared.

Su Yang walked past a street corner and instantly hung his head.

At this time, I can't wait to slap myself in the mouth.

"It's a bit overdone. "

"I don't have a boat right now, and I don't know where to go, so what should I do next? "

Not long after walking in such a trance, Su Yang suddenly heard a frightened cry from in front of him.

"You bastard, Doflamingo......



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