Abu Salom's ship.

Moria asked Su Yang with the newspaper.

"I didn't expect that guy Morgans to make all your deeds in Marin Vando public, and combined with Absalom's report, there must be a lot of people following us. "

"But why should we go to Rocky Harbor?".

Su Yang replied.

"As far as I can remember, Blackbeard's gang could show up in Rocky Harbor and start a big battle with the One Piece there. "

"Recruiting manpower is one thing, and on the other hand, I'm going to get a thousand pirate heads there and hand them over to the navy to become the Seven Martial Seas. "

"More importantly, I wanted to get to Rocky Harbor early and take out Blackbeard. "


Absalom asked suddenly.

"Wang Zhi, is that the same Wang Zhi of the original Rocks Pirates?".

Su Yang nodded.

"That's right. "

Absalom laughed suddenly.

"Lord Su Yang, there may be something wrong with your information. "

"Wang Zhi's lair is on Hive Island, and Rocky Harbor is just a port for a town that you will pass by on your way to Hive Island. "

Su Yang was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

According to his own recollections, Blackbeard killed Wang Zhi with the help of Kirby.

Could it be that my memory is wrong?

"Aren't Rocky Harbor and Hive Island the same place?".

"In my memory, Navy Kirby was also called the new Naval Hero for protecting civilians there?".

Absalom smiled again.

"Lord Su Yang, you must have misremembered. "

"Hive Island is known as a paradise for pirates, it's full of pirates, how can there be a navy to protect civilians. "

"Rocky Harbor is the harbor of Rocky Island, not the same place as Hive Island. "

Su Yang heard this and recalled again.

It seems that in his own memory, the description of Rocky Harbor in the original book is only a very small fragment of memory.

Could it be that it was because of his appearance that he inadvertently changed the course of the entire One Piece?

Absalom looked at Su Yang's strange appearance and said.

"Lord Su Yang, if you want to go to Hive Island, we also happen to be on the way, you don't have to worry, we don't need to change direction. "

Su Yang took a deep breath.

"No, let's go to Rocky Harbor as planned. "

"After all, there, there will be a new Seven Martial Seas appearing, and I don't want him to steal my spot. "

Hearing this, Moria gritted her teeth and said.

"What bullshit Seven Martial Seas, it's just a puppet of the navy. "

"The pirates refer to the Seven Martial Seas as the government's lackeys, and many people regard the Seven Martial Seas as enemies. "

"And Su Yang, you don't even have a bounty, why do you want to be the Seven Martial Seas. "

Su Yang replied.

"I've already identified myself with Sengoku before, and I'm sure they'll be on a wanted warrant for me soon. So I don't want to be harassed by the Navy until I take out Blackbeard. "

"Although the Seven Martial Seas must accept the compulsory convening of the World Government and pay a certain amount of income to the government, they can move freely in normal times without government interference. "

"At the same time, I can also use the identity of the Seven Martial Seas to obtain information about Blackbeard's whereabouts from the Navy. "

Moriah snorted.

"Then you have to be careful, once the government seizes the opportunity, it will get rid of you, I am a living example. "

"I think about it and I'm so angry, and that guy Doflamingo, I'm going to kill him!".

Su Yang smiled.

"Don't be in a hurry, I'll help you kill Doflamingo in the future!"

"Anyway, what about your terrible three-masted ship, and where did we get this ship from now?".

Absalom explained.

"Lord Su Yang, I snatched this ship from other pirates. "

"As for Lord Moria's terrifying three-masted ship, it's too big. In addition to the inconvenience of navigation, it is also too obvious in the sea. "

Su Yang sighed.

"When will this little wrecked ship arrive at Rocky Harbor?"

"I'd better go and squint first. "


The first half of the Great Voyage.

On a naval warship that has the same goal as Su Yang.

Berumeber asked Kirby.

"Kirby, Mr. Karp only sent the two of us to Rocky Harbor this time, what is it for?".

Kirby stood on the deck of the warship, staring ahead to return.

"Mr. Karp did not specify the specific task, only told me that we should protect the civilians on the ground. "

"In particular, I made a special statement not to clash with the pirates I saw. "

Berumeber looked puzzled.

"What kind of mission is this? Kirby, it can't be because of your performance in Marin Vando that Mr. Karp sent to the frontier. "

Kirby took out a stack of newspapers and smiled, and replied.

"Berumeber, in fact, I already know the specific reason. "

"It has been reported in the newspaper that Su Yang is going to recruit pirates in Rocky Harbor, and I think this mission should be related to him. "

"Moreover, the navy has also issued a bounty order for Su Yang, with a bounty of 100 million!".

When Berumeber heard Su Yang's name, his face was immediately frightened.

"What?Su Yang?".

"That guy is a ruthless and powerful guy, Kirby, you won't forget it, will you?"

Kirby smiled.

"Since it was a mission arranged by Mr. Karp himself, I think there must be a reason why he told me about the content of the mission. "

"And that Su Yang, I don't think he's as cruel as rumored. "

"In short, what Mr. Karp has taught. I'm going to do it!".

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