Su Yang turned his head and saw Trafalgarro who suddenly appeared in Rocky Harbor.

Moria also followed Su Yang's gaze, and suddenly shouted with a smile on his face.

"Yo, Trafalgar, why are you here too?".

Trafalgaro only glanced at Su Yang, turned around and left.

"Why did that guy from the Worst Era suddenly appear here?".

"Are you here to follow us?"

Moria asked, puzzled.

Su Yang sneered.

"How is it possible, that guy is very arrogant. "

"I think his purpose is the same as mine, he should also be here for the Seven Martial Seas, but it seems that I preempted it. "

After speaking, Su Yang recalled the content of the original book in his heart.

It was Trafalgarro who was responsible for the Rocky Harbor tragedy.

Now the truth of the Rocky Harbor tragedy has become self-inflicted.

However, in order to join the Seven Martial Seas, Trafalgaro must hurry up and go elsewhere to continue chasing and killing pirates.

It's better to set him up yourself!

Thinking of this, an idea suddenly appeared in Su Yang's heart.

hurriedly yelled at Trafalgaro, who walked away.

"Hey, Trafalgar, do you need help?".

Trafalgaro ignored Su Yang at all and continued to walk forward.

Su Yang snorted disdainfully and shouted again.

"Don't you just want a hundred pirate hearts, I can give them to you!".

As soon as these words came out, Trafalgaro suddenly stopped.

Then he slowly turned around, hesitated for a moment and walked over to Su Yang.

Moria asked, puzzled.

"Su Yang, what are you helping him for no reason?"

Su Yang smiled.

"This guy has a lot of ability, and I don't want to be his enemy. And, in the near future, joining forces with this guy will make it easier to defeat our enemies. "

As he spoke, Trafalgaro had already walked in front of Su Yang and asked coldly.

"How do you know what I'm here for?".

Su Yang replied with a smile.

"I don't just know what you're here for, I know what you're trying to do?

Hearing this, Trafalgaro's pupils dilated instantly.

I knew very well in my heart that the Tianlong man Su Yang was talking about was Don Quixote Doflamingo.

"Su Yang, although I don't know what tricks you are playing, I warn you, it's best not to spoil my business. "

Trafalgaro's face suddenly changed, and he said viciously.

Su Yang spread his hands and replied.

"It's okay if you don't want it, now there are no pirates in Rocky Harbor except for my people, don't be afraid of trouble, you can go somewhere else to find it." "

Trafalgaro thought for a moment and replied casually.

"Then thank you. "

Su Yang snorted suddenly.

pretended, but in the end, they still accepted my help.

Compare to a fight with a hundred pirates.

It's easier to pick up a hundred pirate hearts for nothing.

"But..."Su Yang continued with a wicked laugh. "We helped you, please help me too. "

Trafalgaro looked at Su Yang suspiciously.

Su Yang pointed to the pirate ship not far away and said.

"With your ability, it's easy to transfer these thousands of pirates in the port to the pirate ship. "

Trafalgarro only reacted at this time.

However, he had already accepted Su Yang's help, and he had no way to refuse.

I had to raise my hand lightly.


The corpses of the pirates in the harbor were carried by Trafalgaro to the ship in an instant.

"Thank you. "

Su Yang smiled maliciously.

"We have some business here, please. "

Trafalgaro glanced at Su Yang, turned around and left with the hearts of 100 pirates on his back.


Moria walked over and asked.

"Hey, Su Yang, what are we doing here? Once Trafalgar arrives at the Navy Headquarters first, he will rob you of the Seven Martial Seas. "

Su Yang smiled and waved his hand.

"Rest assured, of course I know that. "

"Trafalgar with 100 hearts will definitely make the Navy recognize his strength. "

"However, if we hand over the corpses of thousands of pirates to the Navy in advance, the chips in his hands are not worth mentioning at all. "

Moria became even more anxious when she heard this.

"Yes, since you know it all, why don't you go before Trafalgar. "

Su Yang smiled slightly and turned his head to look aside.

"There's no hurry, because we can hand over these pirates to the Navy now. "

As he spoke, Su Yang shouted into the distance.

"Hey, Kirby, how long are you going to sneak around?"

As soon as these words came out, Moria instantly raised his vigilance.

"Kirby, was it Marin Vando who stopped Sakasky's navy? When did they get here? "

Sure enough, with Su Yang's shout.

Kebi, who was hiding in the shadows, slowly stood up and walked towards Su Yang.

Berumeber on the side whispered.

"Kirby, don't go over, that guy killed thousands of pirates, be careful that he kills you too. "

Su Yang sneered.

"Don't worry, Belrumeber, I'm not going to do anything with you. "

Berumeber was startled when he heard Su Yang's shout, and he curled up in the corner even more tremblingly.

Kirby walked in front of Su Yang, but he was not afraid at all.

"Su Yang, Mr. Karp sent us here to protect civilians, but I saw the whole process, and you didn't mean to hurt civilians. "

"It seems that I have completed the task that Mr. Karp has given me. "

Su Yang smiled slightly, pointed to the pirate ship in the distance and said.

"You now have a new mission, those thousands of pirates, I'll hand it over to the navy now. "

"Please also help me give a message to Sengoku, either pay the bounty of these pirates, or let me become the king of the Seven Martial Seas!".

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