The Straw Hats' Sunshine of the Miles.

Outside the cabin.

Several people listened to Nami's sudden screams in the room.

From moaning to crying, to wailing ......

Monchi D Luffy was already excited.

"Do you hear that? Nami can speak, and her voice is powerful!"

Chopper also said with an incredulous expression.

"Sure enough, it's a great doctor, and Nami, who is so weak, actually recovers the same voice as when she lost her temper. "

However, there were indescribable expressions on the faces of the others.

Finally, after six hours of waiting, the door to the cabin slowly opened.

Su Yang walked out with a tired face, stretched out his hand and said.

"Everyone, Miss Nami!".

As soon as the words ended, Nami walked out of the cabin in high spirits.

"Everyone, I'm fine!".

Seeing this scene, everyone on the ship was instantly stunned.

Monchi D Luffy shouted loudly.

"Sure enough, this guy really cured Nami?!".

Chopper also said with a look of disbelief.

"How come, there is no plasma at all, so what was the ischemic Nami transfused?".

Usopp looked at Nami even more closely.

"First I connected Nami's broken leg without a trace, and then I healed and restored the dying Nami to its original state, this guy is really amazing!".

Nami grabbed Su Yang's arm with a satisfied expression.

"Yes, thanks to Mr. Doctor, his medical skills are really amazing. "

Although the three fools on this ship don't understand what is going on.

But this is not the case for others.

Sanji had a resentful look on his face full of tears.

"Nami... Nami... Nami is still so grateful to him......".

Brooke also collapsed to the side and muttered to himself.

"I haven't even seen the panties yet, this guy is actually ......".

Roronoa Sauron frowned.

"What kind of witchcraft does this guy use? "

Su Yang looked at everyone's strange expressions, turned his head and smiled at Nami.

"Since you're all right, I'm going back. "

Nami hurriedly stayed after hearing this.

"Mr. Doctor, my body may not have recovered to its perfect condition. "

Nicole Robin on the side also suddenly walked over.

"Mr. Doctor, I seem to be feeling a little unwell. "

Su Yang looked up and saw that Nami and Nico Robin were all shy.

Su Yang suddenly screamed in his heart.

I'm tired of all the noise I'm making with Nami in the cabin.

At present, Nicole Robin even took the initiative to approach her, afraid that she would die on this boat before she could stop.

Sanji, who was on the side, saw this scene, lifted his clothes and bit them in his mouth to avoid making a sound.

"Damn... Even Robin is going to ......


Su Yang looked at Nicole Robin, who was full of longing, and waved his hand repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, Miss Nami, Miss Robin, but my abilities need time to recover. I've just used too many abilities and I'm tired now. "

"If you have a chance to see you again in the future, you will definitely help the two. "

As soon as these words came out, a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on Nami and Nico Robin's faces.

Su Yang hurriedly said goodbye, if he didn't leave, he would really die.

But before he could walk away.

Monchi D, Luffy and a few people ran over and grabbed him.

"Hey, Mr. Doctor, we haven't repaid you yet. "

"That's right, banquet, banquet, we're going to have a banquet!"

"Sanji, go cook, we're going to treat the doctor. "

At this time, Sanji on the side had already been stunned to the ground.

Su Yang waved his hand again and again.

"It really doesn't have to, it's been a long time, my crew will be worried. "

Suddenly, Roronoa Sauron got up and walked in front of him.

"This Su Yang can become the Seven Martial Seas, I think it's not just because of your medical skills. "

"And you're willing to help us without being reciprocated, it's not like a pirate. "

Su Yang was stunned for a moment, and then smiled slightly.

"Then what kind of style should I be, according to you?"

Roronoa Sauron replied.

"Since you helped us, you should stay and receive our thanks. "

"And, let's take a look at what we should be able to do as the Seven Martial Seas. "

As soon as this remark came out.

Su Yang instantly understood.

This guy turned out to be trying to test himself.

Monchi D Luffy on the side also shouted.

"That's right, Mr. Doctor, let's see what you're capable of. "

Usopp is also in line with the Tao.

"yes, it's pretty good enough to get through the water, what else do you have to do? "

Su Yang waved his hand.

"It's just some skills that don't work. "

"Since you want to see it, I'll barely show my hands!"

Su Yang pinched his hands and made a decision, using the skill of the doppelganger technique.

A burst of smoke came out of the "bang".

Four identical Su Yang appeared in front of several people.

The three fools instantly showed a golden light.

"Wow... Awesome, is this ninjutsu?".

"If five of the same people appear all at once, will the combat effectiveness also increase?".

"One more, one more ......


However, Roronoa Sauron on the side said coldly.

"Sure enough, that guy didn't want us to see it, so he left quietly. "

Several people turned their heads to look.

I don't know when, Su Yang's true body has used the water avoidance technique again and returned to his boat.

Monchi D Luffy smiled.

"This guy is really powerful, and in the future, maybe he will be a strong opponent. "

At this time, Sanji finally couldn't hold it anymore and got up from the ground.

"Where's that guy? I'm going to kill him......


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