Monet, who Su Yang heard, made a special sound at himself, not only frowning.

"It's disgusting, why are you making such a noise all of a sudden?"

At this time, Monet suddenly let go of Su Yang and jumped to the side.

What's going on, what the hell is going on with this feeling.

Why did I just get in touch with that guy up close, but I never felt more comfortable in my heart?

Su Yang finally understood at this time.

Although this guy in front of him is half human and half bird.

But in essence, she is also a woman.

The humming just now was precisely because of the effect of the flattery.

But the half-orc in front of him really didn't have any interest.

"Damn it, you must have some kind of witchcraft!".

Monet's face turned red at this time, and he shouted at Su Yang.

Su Yang snorted.

"What if there's witchcraft, if you want to do it, I've got something to do. "

However, at this time, Monet distanced himself from Su Yang.

The feeling of sudden appearance just now suddenly disappeared again.

On the one hand, it is a longing for this feeling, and on the other hand, it is extremely loyal to the young master of Doflamingo.

Monet, after hesitating for a moment, turned around and fled quickly.

Seeing this, Su Yang scolded secretly.

"What a waste of time. "

As he spoke, he turned around and tried to catch up with Perona.

The phone bug in his arms rang suddenly.

Su Yang connected the phone bug, and suddenly Perona's voice sounded.

"Brother Su Yang, we are in a room labeled C8, come and help me. "

"It's like a garbage dump. "

Hearing this, Su Yang hurriedly ran forward, looked at the labels of each room, and finally found the room of C8.

Pushing open the door, Su Yang was suddenly almost knocked to the ground by a stench.

"Perona, where are you?".

Su Yang shouted loudly.

I saw Perona floating over with an umbrella.

"Brother Su Yang, there is actually a deep pit in this room. "

"It looks like a waste disposal site down there, and a few of us accidentally fell into it. "

"Right now, only I can fly out, and the crew is still down there. "

Su Yang covered his nose and stepped forward, and sure enough, there was a huge pit in this room.

An inexplicable stench was wafting from the bottom of the pit upwards.

Su Yang pulled out the long sword from his back, pinched his hand and used his sword control technique, and the iron sword quickly flew to the bottom of the pit.

"Hold on to the iron sword, and I will bring you up. "

Su Yang shouted as he launched his sword control technique to bring the crew up from the bottom of the pit.

As the crew members were brought up one after another, a wail also sounded.

"Lord Su Yang, we almost fell to our deaths, how could this broken place build a big pit in the house?"

"What the hell, when I entered this room, I thought there was something special, but I didn't expect to fall straight down. "

"It hurts me, my ass hurts. "

"Thank you for your rescue, and if we see him again in the future, I will thank you in every possible way. "

The ears heard a wail, but the sudden appearance of this sentence made the crew stunned for an instant.

"Who is this guy?".

"Why did a child suddenly appear?".

"Hey, is this our crew?".

"I'm a samurai, and what I say will come true!"

The crew turned their heads to look, only to realize that it was a child who was talking in front of them.

"Where did this guy come from?".

"I guess I was brought up from this pit just now. "

"Hey, kid, who are you, and why are you here?".

At the same time, Su Yang finally saw the little ghost in front of him clearly.

He is dressed as a samurai of Wano Country, and the hair on the top of his head is shaved, and only the back of his head is combed into a bun.

He wears a pink kimono with a pair of clogs at his feet.

The obvious outfit, the stinky face that is lewd at any time, and that nasty temperament.

Isn't this guy Momonosuke?!!!

Although Su Yang was a little reluctant, he still stepped forward and asked.

"Hey, you little ghost, is it Momonosuke?".

Unexpectedly, the little ghost in front of him actually replied.

"You don't have to ask again, there is no name below. "

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding crew members instantly became interested.

"Yo, this little ghost is pretty good. "

"Don't you have a name?"

"Stinky boy, it's very arrogant, our captain asked you something, and he actually had this attitude. "

"Look at that underbeaten face, you might as well throw him down. "

At this point, Perona suddenly stepped forward and took off her mask.

"Hey, you guys are too much, this is a kid, what are you trying to scare him?".

To everyone's surprise, the little ghost in front of him saw Perona, suddenly got up and ran to Perona, and threw himself into Perona's arms.

Then, he looked at everyone with an obscene expression.

When Su Yang saw this, he immediately confirmed.

Who else could this kid be if he wasn't Momonosuke?

"Perona, let go of that kid, this guy isn't as simple as it seems. "

"Go out and wait for me outside the door. "

Perona was stunned for a moment.

"Brother Su Yang, what are you talking about? This child is obviously a child. "

Su Yang scolded loudly.

"Everybody out, this little ghost, it's not as simple as you see. "

Seeing this, Perona had no choice but to walk out with the crew.

Su Yang sneered and said to the little ghost in front of him.

"Moonlight Momonosuke, your sister Moonlight Hiyori is 26 years old this year. "

"What kind of mind are you, and what are you putting on me here?"

Momonosuke turned his head to see that Su Yang's face was already covered with a terrible expression.

"You, you, you, what do you want to do? "

"Don't want to be offended by Zaixia, or you won't give in to your seppuku. "

Su Yang cut off disdainfully.

"I really still have to listen to the reminders of my seniors. "

"One Piece can be inappropriate, but Momonosuke must die!".

As he spoke, Su Yang had already stretched out his two fingers and pointed upwards.

Momonosuke slowly raised his head, and a thundercloud had appeared above ...... his head

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