Su Yang raised his hand and slashed at Kebi with his sword.

Suddenly, a huge figure suddenly appeared beside Su Yang.

Su Yang raised his eyes and looked.

A long knife had slashed at him.

Su Yang subconsciously raised the iron sword in his hand to block it.


The strength of this long knife was extremely strong, and it directly knocked the iron sword in his hand out.

Su Yang fixed his eyes.

The person in front of him was none other than Rear Admiral Yuchmura.

Yukimula turned to Kirby and yelled at Kirby.

"What are you doing? This is a battlefield, and people who are not enlightened will only hinder others!"

After speaking, Yuqi Mura turned back to Su Yang and asked.

"Boy, it's not a small amount of courage, your captain Whitebeard has ordered you to retreat, and you dare to stay here and kill my sailors!"

Su Yang replied coldly.

"Is there finally a person in a higher official position?"

"I'm not a whitebeard man, and I'm not here for you. "

"Major General Yuchimura, get out of the way for me!".

Su Yang, who was listening to Yuqi Mura in front of him, knew himself, shook the long knife in his hand and smiled.

"No matter what kind of pirate you are, you're a pirate. Since you know me, be polite to me!".

As he spoke, the long knife in Yuqi Mura's hand had already slashed towards Su Yang.

Marco in the distance was in the grappling and saw that Su Yang was still in place, and shouted loudly.

"What a nuisance, stinky boy, run, that's a rear admiral!".

"Which captain is he under him, and why are he still in love?".

Joz replied loudly.

"I haven't seen this kid, could it be that he fell in with the Straw Hat Kid. "

Bista wondered.

"I don't think I've ever seen this kid before, maybe it's a newcomer. "

In front of Su Yang, Yukimula turned around and raised his long knife again.

He cut off Su Yang's head.

Su Yang easily dodged and jumped to the side.

The right hand quickly got up.

"Du Tian Lei Gong, He Yi Qiankun!".

There was another "click" in the sky.

Once again, a thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck directly above Yukimura's head.

Seeing that Su Yang once again used the ability of lightning strikes from the sky.

The pirates were instantly excited when they saw this scene.

"Haha, that guy is going to be split into black charcoal again. "

"Okay, well done!, boy, keep chopping those navies to death!".

"I can't imagine that there are such powerful people around us!".

"It's still a hairy run, and it's up to the navy!"

"No, it doesn't seem right, hey, be careful! That major general is not dead!".

Su Yang didn't hear the reward sound prompted by the system.

Suddenly, he secretly screamed badly, and raised his eyes to look.

Sure enough, when the fire under the five thunder spells in front of him dissipated, the black smoke slowly dissipated.

Yukimura was still standing straight in front of him.

Although the naval cap on his head has been split into tatters by the Five Thunder Curse.

But Yuchmura was unscathed.

Seeing this, the sailors exclaimed loudly and excitedly.

"Look at that, our Major General is fine!".

"Worthy of a thousand people - Major General Yuchimura!".

"That guy is really a capable person!".

"Major General Yuchimura, kill him!".

Su Yang saw the scene in front of him and instantly understood.

Although these five thunder spells are somewhat powerful, the final level of damage is also related to the opponent's ability.

Those who can be major generals in the navy naturally have some skills.

At the moment, his five thunder spells are useless to him, so he can only find another way.

But at this time, Yuqi Mura was already furious at this time, and slashed at Su Yang with a long knife like chopping melons and vegetables.

Su Yang dodged again and again, but he was never able to get rid of it.

Suddenly, Su Yang saw the iron sword that had fallen to the side, and instantly remembered another special skill that appeared in his mind.

Although this Major General Yuchmura is very capable.

But after all, there is no Devil Fruit ability.

In that case, I guess I can hurt him with a weapon!

"Please, the Flying Sword God, descend and slay the wicked!".

Su Yang's right hand rose, and what he recited in his mouth was the mantra of the imperial sword technique.

The iron sword that fell to the side suddenly moved a few times.

Then it suddenly flew up, turned the blade of the sword, and spun rapidly towards Yukimura.

At this time, Yuqi Mura only cared about slashing and killing Su Yang in front of him, and he didn't expect to attack from behind him.

Only a "poof" sound.

The iron sword slashed directly at Yukimura's back.


With Yukimura's screams, a stream of blood burst out.

Yuchimura fell to his knees with a "poof".

The word "justice" on the navy coat he was wearing was also split in half.

However, Su Yang had used the Five Thunder Spell twice before, and he had a blow from this Blade of Thin Air.

Nature has attracted more people's attention.

"Mr. Smoker, do you see?".

Dusty asked with a frown as he watched Su Yang use the Five Thunder Spell and the Imperial Sword Technique.

Smoker whispered as he took a cigar in his mouth.

"Hmph, it's just a beginner's ability, so don't be afraid. "

Don Quixote and Doflamingo on the high platform not far away naturally noticed it.

Moonlight Moriah on the side.

"Hee-hee-hee, look, Doflamingo, manipulating weapons out of thin air is very similar to your thread fruit. "

Doflamingo sneered.

"I don't know where the imp came out of nowhere, thinking that if you eat a devil fruit, you can do something wrong. "

Karp also sensed the anomaly and said in his mouth.

"Is that a two-ability power? It's the first time I've seen it. "

Sengoku stared at Whitebeard in the battlefield on the side, and returned without turning his head.

"Karp, be careful, we're not targeting that imp for no reason. "

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