Su Yang hit the top with five thunders, not only breaking Monet, but also directly penetrating the floor.

Trafalgarro also fell.

Su Yang's ears sounded again at this time.

[Ding, defeat Monet, gain Dao Power Points: 50.] 】

Su Yang and Perona slowly fell to Trafalgaro's side on the next floor.

Trafalgaro struggled to stand up and said viciously to Su Yang.

"You guy, can you have some plans for doing things?".

Su Yang smiled.

"Now things are going according to my plan. "

Trafalgaro exhaled a sullen breath.

"My heart is still with Caesar, you killed Monet so recklessly, Caesar will definitely not give me back the heart. "

Su Yang smiled and waved his hand.

"Don't worry, I've already thought about it for you. "

"One of my men has been captured by the PH troops, and if you find him, you can steal your heart back. "

Hearing this, Perona immediately understood what Su Yang meant.

"That's right, Absalom is an invisibility fruit powerhouser, and if you find him, you can easily steal your heart back. "

Trafalgarro sighed helplessly.

"It's too difficult to communicate with you guys, and the plan has to be said in advance, okay?"

Su Yang urged beside him.

"Without further ado, my men are locked up somewhere, take me to him right away. "

Trafalgarro replied.

"Usually the intruders who are caught are held in the secret room of Building 1. "

"If it is used as an experimental subject, it is on the lower floor of the laboratory in Building 2. "

Su Yang hurriedly said.

"That should be in the lower levels of this lab. "

"I heard from the PH team that they were going to take him for research. "

Trafalgarro turned and said.

"I'll take you there, but be careful, because Building 2 belongs to Caesar's experimental area. "

"It's very heavily guarded, and it's easy not to get into an argument with that guy. "

"Because the result of the power of the gas fruit is either death or injury. "

With that, Trafalgaro took Su Yang and Perona and went to the place where Abu Salom was being held.

Unexpectedly, because of Trafalgaro's previous reminder, Su Yang was cautious along the way.

However, unexpectedly, a few people easily came to the door where the experimental subjects were held.

Su Yang raised his hand and was about to launch his skill to split the door.

Trafalgaro suddenly reached out and stopped.

"Have you forgotten what I just said?".

"If you make a fuss here, you'll be discovered by Caesar. "

Su Yang snorted.

"Haven't nothing happened all this way?"

"If you don't smash this door open, how can you get Abu Salom out? "

Trafalgarro replied.

"If you know that if you smash, you don't have any other way to do things?"

Su Yang suddenly came to his senses.

"Oh, I see, start your slaughterhouse and get Absalom out of it. "

Trafalgaro scolded when he heard this.

"You fool, my heart! my heart is with Caesar, so I can't use my abilities, and you forgot it so quickly?".

Su Yang scratched his head and smiled.

"Don't get excited, beware that your shouts attract Caesar. "

As he spoke, Su Yang turned his head and said to Perona.

"Perona, use your doppelganger to see if Absalom is in this room?"

As he spoke, Su Yang winked at Perona again.

Perona suddenly understood, and with a "whew", she flew out of her body and flew out of the spirit body, directly through the gate in front of her.

"That's fine, check if your men are in this room first, and save us a waste of time. "

Trafalgarro saw that Su Yang had finally made a correct decision, and decided to praise it.

However, what I didn't expect was that Trafalgaro's words just fell.

Perona's spirit suddenly burst out of the room.

"Brother Su Yang, Absalom is really here. "

"But you two lean to the side and be careful ......


Before Perona could finish her words, the iron door of this room suddenly flew out with a "boom".

Su Yang hurriedly dodged and turned his head to look.

It was Absalom who opened the iron door with a single punch.

"Absalom, are you alright?".

Su Yang asked, and Absalom smiled.

"I don't know why I fell asleep and woke up in this room. "

"I didn't expect anyone to come and bring me food and drink, and if Perona hadn't come in out of nowhere, I wouldn't have known that I was about to be used as an experiment. "

Su Yang nodded.

"It's a good thing we arrived just in time, otherwise you'd have been miserable. "

At this moment, a voice came from behind the iron gate on the side.

"Rub, Su Yang, you bastard, can you also care about my ......."

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