Seeing Virgo's appearance, Su Yang suddenly felt bad.

The appearance of this guy may disrupt his plans.

However, at the moment, he and Trafalgarro and others can't see each other at all.

Now that he was so close to Caesar Kurang's room, he naturally couldn't speak.

Thinking about it.

Someone suddenly grabbed him on the shoulder.

According to the size and strength of his palm, Su Yang instantly understood that it was Trafalgaro who held him down.

Then, the other hand reached over and grabbed Su Yang's hand.

Su Yang couldn't be more familiar, and it was Perona in his hand.

However, after waiting for a long time, there was no signal from Absalom.

At this time, Trafalgaro didn't wait anymore and gently pushed Su Yang.

Su Yang walked forward with comprehension and entered Caesar Kurang's room.

Inside the room, Caesar Kuran was talking to Virgo.

Su Yang leaned against Trafalgaro and Perona in the corner.

Virgo said, sitting across from Caesar Kurang.


"If I had shot him directly, his ability would have been a big problem. "

Caesar Kurang laughed when he heard this.

"Hee-lo, Virgo, that kid can't use his abilities right now. "

As he spoke, Caesar Kurang pulled a heart out of his bosom.

"Because, that guy's heart has been placed here for a long time. "

Su Yang obviously felt the hand on his shoulder suddenly exert force.

This also shows that the heart that Caesar Kurang is holding in his hand is Trafalgaro's heart.

Su Yang was just about to step forward to grab it, but the hand on his shoulder grabbed him.

Su Yang said silently in his heart.

"What's going on with this guy, his heart is right in front of him but he doesn't dare to take it?".

Then, Trafalgaro stretched out his finger again and tapped Su Yang's shoulder twice.

Although Su Yang didn't know what this meant, there must be a reason for it.

Virgo saw Trafalgaro's heart and couldn't help but snort.

"That guy dares to put his heart in your hands, which means that he is indeed desperate. "

"Oh no, that guy knows all the details of you. "

Caesar replied disdainfully.

"That stinky boy doesn't understand bullshit, he thought I was producing SAD for JOKER to make artificial devil fruits. "

But he didn't know that the death kingdom that Joker had dreamed of was about to be completed. "

Virgo muttered.

"Dead Realm, what's that?".

Caesar smiled again and continued.

"That's a gas monster I created by compressing the gas around Punk Hazard. "

"I used high technology to make it eat the Devil Fruit in the form of a salamander fruit. "

"Immediately, the kingdom of death can be completely completed, and once the kingdom of death appears, there will be no grass everywhere it goes!"

"Moreover, I am going to show them the power of the Dead Realm by broadcasting live to the major underground intermediaries in the New World. "

"In this way, JOKER's business will be able to get better and better. "

Su Yang also clearly felt the strength of Trafalgaro's hand on his shoulder at this time.

It seems that this guy didn't know all this.

Virgo stood up and said to Caesar Kuran.

"Then you can speed up your research and give me Trafalgarro's heart. "


Hearing this, Trafalgaro, who was behind Su Yang, suddenly let go of his hand.

Su Yang secretly screamed badly.

This guy doesn't have a heart now, and he can't activate his abilities, so it's too dangerous to go up and snatch it like this.

But who knows.

Trafalgaro's hand had just let go of Su Yang.

Virgo suddenly turned to look to the side.

At the same time, he muttered in his mouth.

"Caesar, it seems that you are not completely hidden here. "

"Someone sneaked in, but you didn't know it. "

Su Yang was stunned for a moment when he heard this, could it be that this guy discovered his existence?

Caesar Kurang was also stunned for a moment.

"How is it possible, my secretary Monet has been watching from the monitoring room, and I will know what is going on immediately. "

Virgo snorted.

He snatched Trafalgaro's heart from Caesar Kurang and held it up in front of him.

"Really, then, it seems that this guy has perfectly escaped your surveillance. "

With that, Virgo suddenly stretched out a punch and slammed it in front of him.

With a scream of "wow", Absalom spat blood from his mouth and his figure suddenly appeared.

At this time, because Absalom was attacked, the figures of Su Yang, Trafalgaro, and Perona also appeared at the same time.

Caesar Kurant suddenly shouted loudly.

"Luo, it's really you, and Su Yang, how did you sneak into my research room?"

"Monet, Monet, kill them for me right away. "

Su Yang immediately understood.

Virgo has an unusually insightful and domineering and armed domineering.

That's why the presence of Absalom is perceived.

In this case, fortunately, I no longer hide it.

"Caesar, Monet has been killed by me, and I will definitely make public what you have done here. "

"You two, suffer death!".

As he spoke, Su Yang pinched his hands and thought about it, and a black cloud suddenly appeared above the heads of Caesar Kurang and Virgo.

But before Su Yang could use his skills.

Trafalgarro suddenly screamed.

"Stop, you guy, do you want me dead?".

Su Yang fixed his eyes.

Virgo held Trafalgaro's heart high.

"Thunder God Su Yang, why don't you split it and see if Luo dies first, or I die first......


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