Punk Hazard.

Su Yang had the thrilling success of joining forces with Trafalgaro to defeat Caesar Crunan and Virgo.

At the same time, the SAD lab and the SMILE factory were destroyed.

Now that he has successfully kidnapped Caesar Kuran, Trafalgaro has finally begun to implement his plan.

Trafalgaro dialed Don Quixote Doflamingo again.

Blu Blu ...... Kacha ......

Soon, Doflamingo answered the phone bug and asked with a smile.

"Luo, you actually took the initiative to call me, you really can't beat Virgo, right?"

"BABY-5 and Buffalo have already gone to pick you up, and if you are willing to repent, the position of hearts will still be yours. "

Trafalgaro sneered.

"Doflamingo, this call is not to compromise with you. "

"Rather, to tell you that the war between us has begun. "

At this time, Caesar Kurang on the side cried loudly.


"Moreover, even Virgo was killed by them. "

Hearing Caesar's cry, Doflamingo let out a sound of surprise.


Trafalgarro continued.

"Right now, the only one who can still make artificial devil fruits is Caesar Kurang. "

"If Caesar Kurang dies, I wonder if Kaido will be angry with you. "

When Doflamingo heard this, he immediately understood Trafalgaro's intentions.

Today, only Kaiser Kurang has the technology for SAD.

If Caesar Kurang died, he would no longer be able to produce artificial demon fruits.

As a result, SMILE, which was originally provided to Kaido, could not be supplied.

But Kaido will definitely attack himself.

Thinking about it, Doflamingo immediately asked.

"Luo, what the hell are you trying to say?".

Trafalgaro snorted.

"Let's make a deal, Doflamingo. "

"As long as you resign from the position of the Seven Martial Seas, we will hand over Caesar Kulang to you. "

"How? Do you dare to agree to my conditions?"

Doflamingo laughed.

"Woo Woo T "

"But do you really think you can beat me?"

Trafalgaro snorted.

"Without further ado, in the newspaper tomorrow at the latest, I want to see the news of your resignation from the Seven Martial Seas of the King. "

"Otherwise, you'll never see Caesar Khurang again. "

With that, Trafalgaro hung up the phone.

Su Yang on the side said.

"Hey, Trafalgar, don't you bother with so much hemp?"

"Just do what I said, go straight to Dressrosa and go to war with Doflamingo. "

"Where is it so complicated? "

Trafalgarro replied.

"If it's just Doflamingo, you and I certainly wouldn't have a problem. "

"But now Doflamingo has a lot of cadres, and most of them are capable people. "

"It's hard for me to kill Doflamingo on your own. "

Su Yang asked again, then what is your plan?

"It's very simple, Doflamingo resigns as King of the Seven Martial Seas, and the Navy Headquarters can launch an attack on him. "

Moreover, once the news of his resignation from the Seven Martial Seas of the King came out, many underground intermediaries would also be dissatisfied with him. "

"When the time comes, not only us, but more people will join us in attacking Doflamingo. "

Su Yang scratched his head.

"That being said, do you think Doflamingo will agree to your terms, though?"

Trafalgaro nodded.

"Punk Hazard's SMILE factory has been destroyed, and the only other SMILE factory is currently in Dressrosa. "

"Caesar Kurang, is his last bottom line, he will definitely agree. "

Su Yang smiled.

"It seems that you still didn't expect that the other SMILE factory in Dressrosa had already been destroyed by someone I sent someone to destroy it. "

Trafalgarro was stunned when he heard this.

"What? how is that possible?".

Caesar Kurang was also shocked.

"No way, the SMILE factory is built of sea building stone, and JOKER is heavily guarded there, so it's impossible for anyone to destroy him. "

Su Yang smiled.

"That's how careful I was with my plans, Perona, tell them how I sent Moria to do it?"

However, what Su Yang didn't expect was that.

Perona asked with a look of ignorance.

"Brother Su Yang, Moria, who is it?"

Su Yang was stunned for a moment.

"Moria, didn't you hear my name clearly?Absalom, with Moria's ability, could he easily take out a SMILE factory?".

Unexpectedly, Absalom actually scratched his head and asked.

"Lord Su Yang, who is Moria? I haven't heard of this name. "

Su Yang was suddenly shocked at this time.

Oh no, Moria may have had an accident.

And at the same time, I thought of someone.

Childlike fruit ability, sugar.

Sugar doesn't just turn people into toys.

In addition, people who are related to the target of being turned into a toy will lose all memories of the person who became a toy.

I don't belong to this world, so I still keep memories of Moria.

"It's too late, something may have happened to my men. "

"Trafalga, we must go to Dressrosa right now!".

Su Yang stood up abruptly and said, but the words just fell.

Another voice came from the air.

"Hey, isn't that Caesar and Luo?".

"Where's Virgo, the young master sent me to pick you up......


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