"..." Franz was speechless for a while, it seems that the hero is sad about the beauty.

Franz looked at Thalia, and saw Thalia's head shaking like a rattle.

Franz originally wanted to tell Friedrich that Thalia was going to be the president of the Royal Women's Academy in Vienna, and he didn't want to think about such things for the time being.

But then I thought, wouldn't this be another target? The kid on the other side obviously regarded himself as a competitor. If he helped Thalia speak again, I'm afraid it would make this kid's misunderstanding even deeper.

Cruel though it may be, Thalia had to face it on her own, and Franz didn't have much energy for her.

"As long as Miss Thalia agrees, after her term of office ends, it is her freedom to stay or stay."

Franz kicked the ball back to Thalia. Thalia herself did not yearn for noble marriages, and even sneered at the nobles' view of love. She didn't want to be anyone's lover.

She would rather be the headmaster than a sweet lover. Thalia understood what Franz meant, which was to give her the opportunity to make her own choice, and at the same time give both parties a cooling-off period for thinking.

Franz's approach was very rational and thoughtful, and no one could find any faults. It was just that Thalia was a little disappointed in her heart.

Friedrich looked expectantly at Thalia, and Thalia returned a very standard smile, but she didn't look at him.

Friedrich is not a man who loves his sons and daughters, so he quickly entered the role and brought the topic to the conflict between Egypt and Egypt.

"Frantz, you said that the Egyptians are expanding their armies and preparing for war, ready to move? Why didn't the intelligence department of the empire notice it? After all, I am also a naval staff officer, but there is no news at all. Could it be that Earl Tular deliberately concealed it?"

Franz shook his head.

"The Treaty of Kutahia gave Egypt a large area of ​​the Ottoman Empire, but Ali Pasha still had to surrender to the Ottoman Sultan and pay a symbolic tax every year. At the same time, the Ottoman Sultan always regarded it as a shame and always wanted to Take revenge on Egypt.

In short, in a word, the Treaty of Kutahya is not a peace agreement, but an armistice agreement, and the deadline is when one of the parties feels that the time is ripe. "

Friedrich knew the content of the Treaty of Kutahia, but this treaty was signed at the urging of the five major European powers. Do Egypt and Ottomans really have the guts to challenge the order established by the Europeans?

"Does one party really dare to break the order? Don't they know what the consequences are?"

"But now Britain, France and Russia have their own ghosts, and the French are flirting with the Egyptians. The technology of the Egyptians was given by the French, and France is also the biggest benefactor of the Ali government in Egypt.

The Russians are busy embezzling the inheritance of the Ottoman Empire. As long as the Egyptians touch the bottom line of the Russians, they would like the Egyptians to continue to weaken the Ottoman Empire.

Only Britain wants to maintain the integrity of the Ottoman Empire in order to maximize its own interests, but in this way, Britain has conflicts with Russia, France, and Egypt.

Will we and Prussia really pay a huge price for the Near East?

In theory, the Egyptians have the opportunity to take advantage of the conflicts among European countries and the distribution of interests to fish in troubled waters. "

But in history, the European powers did not give the Egyptians a chance to directly unite to sanction Egypt, making Egypt completely withdraw from the historical stage of the struggle for hegemony.

"But Franz, you know that our Austrian Empire has almost no interests in Egypt and West Asia, why should we get involved in such things?" Friedrich asked.

"However, the Austrian Empire is the maker and defender of order. If the Austrian Empire retreats, then the empire's face may be lost, and even its original status will be deprived." Franz replied.

"But this is just your guess, or your wishful thinking. Even if you are the future heir to the throne, if I send what you said to the Ministry of War, I'm afraid I will only be laughed at."

"As you said, all this is just my child's guess, but I can give you some data, which are all documents from Prime Minister Metternich's Office."

Thalia took out a box and opened it, which contained a thick stack of documents.

The Egyptian government has taken tough economic measures, controlling 95% of export goods and 40% of import goods. Among them, the trade volume of cotton has increased by 256 times compared with before the last war. This alone can provide the Egyptian government with Nearly a million pounds in revenue.

The Egyptians built their own arsenal in Cairo, using technology outdated by the French, capable of producing four cannons and seven hundred rifles a month.

The total force of the Egyptians is as high as 210,000, and they are trained by French instructors.

In terms of the navy, the two large shipyards can add considerable combat power to the Egyptian navy every year, and have successively purchased dozens of warships in France, and their strength has far exceeded that of the past.

What shocked Friedrich the most was that there were actually nine first-class battleships under construction in the Alexandria dockyard in Egypt.

There is an exaggeration in it, because most of the warships sold by the French to the Egyptians were refitted from scrapped ships, and the Egyptians' shipbuilding technology was not up to standard, and the first-tier battleships they built were equivalent to the level of European third-tier battleships.

Just reading the report, Friedrich's palms were full of sweat. After all, according to the Navy's intelligence, the Egyptian ships were mainly light gunboats and sloops.

What Friedrich didn't know was that the naval intelligence he saw was compiled a decade earlier.

It may be because of the huge contrast between the front and the back. At this time, Friedrich's hands were trembling a little, and Franz was also thinking about whether he had changed Prime Minister Metternich's government report too much~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After all, the opponent is real Stronger than expected...

At this moment, Friedrich laughed out loud, beating the information in his hand.

"Interesting! If the Egyptian navy can be blocked and wiped out in their docks, then the navy of our Austrian Empire will definitely become famous."

Sure enough, people are not frivolous, and in just a few minutes, Friedrich not only decided to destroy the Egyptian navy, but also formulated a set of tactics for this purpose, and even predicted the battle process and outcome.

"How long will it take to refit the existing naval ships of the Austrian Empire?" Franz suddenly asked.

"One to three months. It's not difficult to refit, but the soldiers need to be familiar with the operation. The military expenditure of the Austrian Imperial Navy has always been insufficient. Many departments of the navy usually have no personnel, and they are only hired during the war." Friedrich explained. .

"Then how long will it take to gather the troops needed for an ocean-going battle?"

"Ocean combat? Since the establishment of the Austrian Imperial Navy, it has not conducted a real ocean voyage."

"What? Are you scared?"

"Such a clumsy aggressive method, do you think it will work for me?"

"Then what do you mean?"

"Where is the enemy? Is it Mexico?"

With the support of the United States, the Mexican rebels blocked the port of the Mexican government army. Mexico asked for help from France, but was rejected. Tasan Anna was smuggled to Vienna by boat, asked for help from the Austrian Empire and asked to see Franz Archduke Karl.

However, after being ruthlessly delayed by the Regency Council, Count Korolaf supported helping the Mexican government forces to fight against the rebels, while Metternich opposed meddling in Mexican affairs. After all, the Austrian Empire did not have enough troops and financial resources to fight for others.

"No, it's Zhenla."

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