The War Of National Destiny: From Village Fight To Battle Of Gods

Chapter 141 Many Gains, Return To Dragon City

Sunni looked at Olga's attributes and felt very uneasy.

If Liu Lang returns, he will bring a large number of units to fight Olga and the old Marquis.

Olga's attributes alone are enough to overthrow any enemy.

He hoped in his heart that such a scene would never happen.

In the game screen, Liu Lang's current territory includes the northern border area, which is a huge area.

But his rule was not safe.

The orcs and the Northern Kingdom will attack here at any time. If he comes to rescue, the front line will be extremely long.

He needs to make overall arrangements to hold the northern border.

In this way, the countless resources in the northern border area can be attributed to him.

Before arranging everyone, he raised his hand to dispose of the corpses on the ground!

[You decomposed the enemy's corpse! 】

[You get a lava sledgehammer (perfect quality)*1]

[You get the lava giant’s horn (perfect quality)*2]

[You get the skill book-Earthly Lava (Perfect Quality)*1]

[You get sharp stone*58]

[You get blunt stone*76]

[You get heavy stone*77]

[You get Fire Gem*96]

[You get Demonic Soul Crystal*10]

[You get blue orbs*10]

[Exquisite blue orb*3]

[You get gold coins*6145]

【You get...】

Liu Lang got three items of perfect quality this time, and the smile on his face was bright.

The entire lava hammer is red and will not disappear.

Liu Lang took one look and knew that this was a weapon with a fire attribute attack. Even a normal attack could cause fire attribute damage.

The attack power of the lava hammer is an exaggerated 250 points, and it requires 60 points of strength to pick it up with both hands.

Liu Lang's current strength is slightly lower, but his own attributes plus the effect of the equipment, he has 35 points of strength.

Although the 5 points of strength increased by God's Blessing cannot be used to learn skills, they can be used to use equipment.

It's just that when the effect of God's Blessing disappears, Liu Lang has to take off his equipment, otherwise he will feel that the equipment is extremely heavy and he will be unable to move and attack normally.

Now he has 40 strength points and a few free attribute points.

He only needs to get a few power-increasing equipment to pick up the lava sledgehammer.

At the beginning, his total attack power can reach 250*(1+60/100)=400. With other attributes, the attack power can be increased again.

During the introduction, Liu Lang's own combat effectiveness could also reach 4 stars.

As for the horns of the lava giant, they are also made of special materials.

[Lava Giant's Horn (Perfect Quality): A horn containing special metals. Players can use it to make territorial decorations to increase their reputation, and can also be used to make weapons and equipment. 】

Liu Lang handed this thing directly to Olga and asked Olga to build a set of equipment suitable for him.

As for the skill book - Ground Roaring Lava, Liu Lang must learn it.

[Skill Name: Earthly Roaring Lava]

[Quality: perfect grade]

[Learning conditions: Strength 50]

[Passive effect - Lava: Your fire attribute enhancement is increased by 15 points, and when attacking the enemy, lava will be attached to it, causing the enemy to enter a long-term burn state. 】

[Active effect - Earth Cry: You use fire and earth fighting energy to summon lava in an area, putting the enemy in a burning state for a long time. 】

Liu Lang can't learn this thing yet, but it only requires 50 points of strength, which is a quick thing.

It is expected that Liu Lang can handle it before attacking the Goblin Kingdom.

Most of the buildings in the Goblin Kingdom are made of wood. Once you use this skill, you can set the enemy's buildings on fire, reducing the difficulty of siege.

After days of fighting and attacking the city at night, Liu Lang felt very tired.

After having fun with Aaliya for a while, he entered a state of rest.

In the real world, because Liu Lang's territory has become extremely large, his sister Aying's power has also become extremely terrifying.

In the huge laboratory, many scientists looked at Ah Ying and felt very incredible.

The object weighing several hundred kilograms was actually lifted up by Ah Ying's telekinesis and flew beside Ah Ying.

It's like a satellite orbiting a planet.

After a while, a frozen big fat pig was brought. Ah Ying just gently activated her telekinesis, and it was like pulling the big fat pig into the "Luo Xi Limit" and tearing it apart instantly.

Frozen pork is stronger than live pigs, but Ah Ying made it so simple.

This only shows that her power has grown too quickly.

The large territory at the northern border was included in Liu Lang's territory, which was a huge increase for Ah Ying.

And Ah Ying also showed more abilities.

For example, she can control the growth of her nails, making them instantly sharp like spears.

She can make a glass of water cold when she exhales. If this ability is further strengthened, it will not be difficult to freeze water instantly.

In addition, there are many mysterious things that scientists have not discovered yet.

"Brother, you are so awesome!"

"I love you to death!"

"Don't be indulging in the gentle land. Keep working hard to make Aying stronger!"

Ah Ying was thinking while testing.

Her parents died in the rift of another dimension, and she will conquer the rift of another dimension in the near future.

This is the mission of the Chosen One.

In the game screen, the next day comes.

It's snowing again in the Northland, but the inside of the hillfort is very comfortable.

Because of its special structure, the hill fort is warm in winter and cool in summer.

Liu Lang gathered everyone and started his arrangements.

"Barbarian leader Wanster, if there are still barbarians coming to your territory to seek help, then you will take them to the border area!"

"The land in the border forest is not big enough, and the soil and water are different from where you originally lived. The border area is more suitable for you."

"But you are not without your mission. You must work with the dwarves to defend against the attacks of the orcs and the United Kingdom of the North!"

He looked at Wanster and said.

Generally, humans and dwarves are prone to conflicts, but the barbarians are one of the few human groups that have good relations with the dwarves.

Liu Lang arranged them together, which was a relatively good combination.

Vantes accepted the order and said: "Yes, Lord Lord!"

"I can't stand the humidity and heat in the border forest for a long time, and there are so many mosquitoes!"

“It’s great that there are no mosquitoes in the north!”

Anyone who suddenly enters a foreign place due to an accident will feel a strong sense of discomfort.

This lack of adaptability can lead to acclimatization, resulting in illness and even death.

Although Wanster knew that Liu Lang wanted them to help fight against the orcs, he still accepted the proposal.

The dwarves were invaded by orcs, and many people died. With their current strength, they could only retreat, which would result in losing most of their territory.

This is naturally something Liu Lang cannot accept.

How can you spit out the fat you eat?

He had other arrangements, including keeping the orc laborers to help the dwarves repair their defenses.

If the orcs attack further, a solid line of defense will delay enough for Liu Lang to send reinforcements.

In addition, Liu Lang also asked the dwarves to build two more musketeers, two hammermen, and two gunners' barracks.

Try your best to train three-star combat units.

As long as he has strong troops, Liu Lang can stabilize the border.

In addition, he also asked most of the scattered dwarves to gather in the hillfort, and a few to guard the saltpeter and sulfur mines.

With such a concentration of troops, even if the orcs attack, they can still defend it.

In a few days, the barracks will be built and more three-star units will appear, and the dwarves can disperse again.

After staying here for another day, Liu Lang made more detailed strategic arrangements and returned with Olga and three three-star leaders, a total of one hundred and twenty dwarf three-star soldiers.

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