The War Of National Destiny: From Village Fight To Battle Of Gods

Chapter 86 Ishtar, The Goddess Of Venus, The Younger Sister Of The Conquering Sister

Next, Liu Lang summoned the housekeeper and said, "Send more farmers and go all out to build an apprentice knight training ground!"

Although there are still more than twenty days before the next National Games siege, Liu Lang's schedule is very tight.

Use your troops to open mines, challenge the Goblin Kingdom's forward base, and complete Olga's heroic path...

Each of these things is important and takes time to do.

Steward Boris said seriously: "Lord, I will do it right away!"

Without saying a word, he directly designated a piece of land, arranged for more than thirty farmers and all orcs to work hard, and began to build an apprentice knight training ground.

Because there are so many people now, although the knight training ground is more complicated, it only takes 4 hours to build.

In other words, it can be repaired by night when Aaliya is not pestering Liu Lang.

Liu Lang couldn't be idle during this free time.

There are many things that Boris cannot call the shots and must be decided by him.

The first is how to collect taxes.

Much of the forest around the lord has been bulldozed, and farmers dig out tree roots so they can farm.

What Liu Lang needs to do as a lord is to collect "imperial grain".

In ancient times, the general ratio of harvesting grain in the West was to harvest six and leave four, or to harvest five and leave five.

Such harsh taxation, but there is no large-scale peasant uprising, "princes, generals, ministers, etc.". It can only be said that the Catholic Church's brainwashing work is done well.

Agricultural taxation in ancient times in Daxia was relatively low. In the Han Dynasty, there was a tax of thirty to one, in the Tang and Song Dynasties, there was a tax of ten to one, and in the Ming Dynasty, there was a tax of twenty-five to one.

It is precisely because of lower agricultural taxes that the population of ancient Bactria was always larger than that of the West at the same time.

Boris proposed to keep six and keep four, because the other lords did the same.

Liu Lang didn't agree with this. If he wanted to quickly expand his territory, he had to be "lenient".

Finally, he collected Si Liuliu. When the scattered farmers heard the news, they would go to live in his territory.

Having farmers means that the construction of the territory will speed up and the territory will be more prosperous, and when he uses the barracks to explode troops, he will not have to worry about no one filling in.

[You enacted a relatively loose agricultural tax plan, and your reputation increased by 200! 】

Sure enough, as Liu Lang thought, after the tax plan was finalized, his reputation was greatly improved.

In addition to collecting taxes, Liu Lang also needs to form an additional city defense team to stay in the territory for a long time to prevent enemies or wild monsters from sneak attacks.

This is a simple matter, just divide some of the arms.

"One more thing, Lord Lord, the priest of the "Venus Goddess" has arrived on the orders of the oracle."

"They ask you to build a church for them so that the territory can be protected by the goddess Venus."

"What do you think should be done with these priests?"

Boris finally told Liu Lang the most important thing.

Liu Lang raised his eyes and said, "Promise them that after the construction of the knight training camp is completed, we will let the farmers build the church of the Venus Goddess."

As the player's territory is about to be upgraded to the level of a town, the player will be asked to make a family crest, and will welcome the priest of the god who bestows the player with talents.

Yes, the talents awakened naturally by players are not "randomly generated", but are gifts from gods.

The beautiful country's fortunes in the past 200 years have been so good that the seemingly most powerful god in the world, the "God of Light", gave him the best A-level talent.

The B-level talent Demon Transformation possessed by Honda Sangang was given by the evil god Lilith.

Because of this, Honda Sansteel did not receive much punishment after entering hell, he was just whipped.

Liu Lang's talent was given by Ishtar, the goddess of Venus.

The goddess Venus is the sister of the God of Light, and has multiple priesthoods such as women, love and sex, and war.

The C-level talent charge that Liu Lang received was exactly the embodied ability of the War Priest.

In his previous life, Liu Lang had insufficient resources and wanted to invest them in explosives. The construction of the church was delayed for a long time.

As a result, when the church was repaired, Liu Lang was dumbfounded. He really regretted it and wondered why he didn't repair the church earlier.

After players build a church, they can add buffs to their units by presenting treasures.

This is similar to the "technology tree" in World of Warcraft, which increases the combat effectiveness of the units.

Although building a church requires manpower and resources, it is worth it.

The national destiny war not only requires a larger number of soldiers, but also more powerful soldiers.

Only with a large number of troops and strong combat effectiveness can they be invincible.

In the live broadcast room, Sun Nicheng was thinking about how to slap Liu Lang.

The matter of Liu Lang's church construction hit him right in the face.

He immediately said angrily:

"Liu Lang didn't do this right."

"Although we Daxia people say on the surface that we don't talk about the power of gods and monsters, everyone knows what it's like in reality!"

"How can Liu Lang put the matter of "superstition" on the table?"

"Building a church, what to build!"

"I'm really speechless!"

He will not be absent when he can expose the bad roots of Daxia people.

Even David of the beautiful country, who was born religious, didn't build a church. Liu Lang came to show his courtesy. Isn't that stupid?

Following his words, the leading party, spies, and ghosts hidden in the barrage began to act together:

"What? You Daxia players are actually wasting your time building a useless church. It's outrageous!"

"Wouldn't it be better to use the materials used to build the church to build the barracks?"

"Damn it, what is Liu Lang doing? Is he suffering from intermittent madness?"

"Originally, you Daxia people still had some head start in development. Once the church is completed, your early advantage will disappear!"

"Just watch, just watch, the Great Xia led by Liu Lang will surely die like ancient Egypt, due to strange forces and chaotic gods."

Foreigners usually look pious, but at certain times, their true faces will show.

It’s as if they “represented God” in the Middle Ages to “rob” the Middle East and launch “Crusades”.

They usually scold Daxia people as "having no faith" and interpret something as noble as "faith" in a narrow sense as something ridiculous like "belief in religion".

Now they are ridiculing the "superstitious" people of Daxia in the national destiny war game. Don't you know that the people of Daxia are the most "pragmatic".

Praying to God and worshiping Buddha is just for promotion and wealth.

Even if you are a god, if you are useless, you will still be thrown into the garbage.

In the game screen, two hours after Liu Lang returned to the territory, Yanuo moved his sister into the territory.

"Brother, is this where we will live?"

"I heard that the lord here is kind and generous, and no other lord can compare to him."

"We will definitely be able to live a good life here!"

Arno's innocent sister Elaine said with a smile.

Compared to her brother Arno, her sister Ailian has not awakened the bloodline of the Son of the Killing God, and is just an ordinary person with a slight talent for magic.

[Because of your sister’s praise, Arnold’s loyalty to you increased by 5 points, reaching 26 points! 】

Liu Lang looked at the new prompt and suddenly thought of something.

For a girl like Ya Nuo, as long as her sister is captured, she can firmly capture Ya Nuo's heart.

This was an easy thing to do, and Liu Lang immediately ordered Boris to prepare a good house for the brother and sister to live in.

Next, Liu Lang will offer a series of benefits to keep Yano's sister's heart in the territory.

In this way, Arno will fight to protect her territory and her sister.

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