Chapter 1 A different leader!

"Master, if you leave the good leader of the main force, why do you come to this remote country to recruit some defeated troops?" A man in a second lieutenant uniform looked at the dilapidated Zenda City in front of him with a puzzled look on his face. asked.

The man known as the young master was looking at the simple sandbag fortifications of Zenda City in front of him, with a smile on his lips.

"The main commander? Is he the one who hides in the back and only trains? I have no interest in a commander who can't fight the Japanese."

Cun Yunsheng, (a person who traveled through time) was originally a direct descendant of the Cun family in Dian Province, and was a member of a general family.

 Several members of the family fought on the front lines of the Anti-Japanese War.

He naturally did not disappoint everyone. He joined the army at the age of sixteen. After that, he made many military exploits and rose through the ranks. Finally, at the age of twenty-five, he became the commander of a lieutenant colonel.

 The commander of the 45th Army at the time hoped that he could stay in the military headquarters and serve as the head of the guard regiment.

 It’s a pity that Cun Yunsheng rejected him directly.

Facing the other party's disbelieving expression, Cun Yunsheng silenced the other party with just one word.

 I hope to go to the front line to fight the Japanese and avenge the dead brothers.

  Before this, in the camp where Cun Yunsheng was, except for him, there were about ten brothers who survived, and the rest were all killed.

 He will never forget the scene of the brothers desperately resisting the Japanese army.

He will never forget what the brothers said when they told him to retreat.

 Must avenge us!

 It was this promise that led Cun Yunsheng to reject the position of head of the main regiment and choose to reorganize the Sichuan Army.

As for Cun Yunsheng's request, the army commander nodded and agreed after thinking about it for a while.

 And gave him the designation of the independent regiment of the 126th Division of the 45th Army.

Of course, a squad of soldiers were given all beautiful weapons and equipment.

 Cun Yunsheng is naturally very grateful for this.

 After all, except for the guard regiment, the rest of the troops have not yet been equipped with fine equipment.

 Being able to give a class a full set of art equipment shows that he still values ​​him very much.

"Master, the front line is really dangerous. You scared the old man quite a lot last time." The second lieutenant officer wanted to say a few more words, but was interrupted by Cun Yunsheng.

  "Okay, just like Tang Monk, Luo Liba Suo, there is no one who can't die in a war."

 Hearing this, the second lieutenant officer did not speak either.

 Instead, he looked at the city in front of him near the border.

 The whole city is very large, including residential areas and so-called military areas.

The military zone sounds tall, but it is actually an area where a group of broken soldiers are located.

 The common people in the residential area hated these defeated soldiers.

 In short, this is a receiving station for broken troops.

  Any officers with some strength will not recruit troops from here.

Not to mention, which kind-hearted army will come to take over these old fritters.

 According to convention, it is managed locally by Chanda.

 It’s a pity that the local people don’t want to take care of it at all.

 But in order to prevent being harassed by the defeated soldiers, we can only throw in a little ration every month to ensure that these people will not starve to death and will not eat too much.

 The so-called rations are just some paste mixed with banana leaves.

There is no other way, who made the war now chaotic, and food is only hard currency.

If you can ensure that they don't starve to death, it's considered a good intention.

After sorting out his military appearance, Cun Yunsheng walked towards the entrance of Zenda City, followed by a squad of fully armed soldiers with fine weapons.

Far away, the soldier on guard saw Cun Yunsheng and his party, and thought they were sent by Shangfeng to inspect them, so they stood in a very standard military posture.

 When they saw that Cun Yunsheng had the rank of lieutenant colonel and his face was very young, they couldn't help but be surprised. At the same time, I muttered to myself that he must be a person with a profound background, and then his military posture became more standard.

 “Hello, sir.” The two sentries gave a very standard gun salute.

 Glancing at the two sentries, Cun Yunsheng took out a pack of Hardmen from his chest pocket and threw it to one of the older sentries.

 “Ask a question.”


The sentry who received the cigarette glanced at it and was startled, and then became more respectful.

 “You say it, sir.”

“Where is the shelter for defeated troops?” Cun Yunsheng asked directly.

 Hearing the location of the defeated troops receiving station, the sentry was stunned for a moment, and then said quickly.

“Sir, follow this road and go straight in, then turn right and you’ll be there.”

"Well, thank you." Cun Yunsheng was still very polite, nodded, and then walked inside with his subordinates.

 The two sentries looked at each other's majestic appearance and couldn't help but feel envious.

“Brother Li, judging from his military uniform, he should be from the Sichuan Army. I didn’t expect him to be so young. It’s really rare.” The young sentry next to him said with emotion.

"What's wrong with the Sichuan Army? Do you look down on them? Didn't you see that a squad was fully equipped with beautiful weapons? They must have a big head." The sentry who was replaced by Brother Li tore open his cigarette, lit a cigarette, and said slowly.

 “Brother Li, give me one.”

 Lighting a cigarette skillfully, the sentry also echoed.

“You’re right, it’s about the beautiful equipment, it must have a very big background.”

“But why does such a big man come to the receiving station for defeated soldiers? Is he here to recruit soldiers?”

 “Who knows, we don’t understand the thoughts of these big people at all.”

 “Okay, stop guessing, just stand guard honestly.”

On the other side, Cun Yunsheng, who had lit a cigarette, was looking at the houses inside Zenda City.

Green bricks and blue tiles, a unique courtyard scenery.

If you were in later generations, this would definitely be a tourist attraction.

Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of the war, a large number of broken soldiers and fleeing people crowded here.

 Let this originally peaceful small town become dilapidated.

"Master, why are you so polite to the two sentries? You even brought a pack of Hardmen, which is worth one or two oceans on the black market." the second lieutenant said with some distress.

"Old Xue, when did you become so verbose? Besides, it's not easy for them. They can still stand guard. At least they still have a bottom line of being a soldier." Cun Yunsheng replied angrily.

He then looked at the broken soldiers lying in the alley and couldn't help but say.

“Look at them, do you think those two sentries are at least still performing their duties?”

In the eyes of Cun Yunsheng, these defeated soldiers lying on the ground are worse than bandits.

Hearing this, Xue Tian said no more, because what the other party said was right.

In this way, a group of people walked to the end of the alley and came to a dilapidated house.

Looking at the door with the vermilion paint falling off, Cun Yunsheng's eyes flashed with an inexplicable emotion.

 The words "Shelter Station" are hung on the door.

The people here are those whose establishments have been broken up or cancelled, but who don’t want to be deserters and have nowhere to go.

“It looks like this is Zenda’s shelter.” Cun Yunsheng muttered.

At this time, a person ran out. Looking at the angry four-parted bangs, the smile on Cun Yunsheng's lips became even bigger.

 “Hey, you don’t know how to salute when you see the chief?”

 (End of this chapter)

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