Chapter 11 Hating iron but not steel

Walking on the road, Cun Yunsheng felt much more relaxed, as he had fulfilled Chen Xiaojiu's instructions.

Even though my predecessor agreed to this request, after I completed it, my thoughts became much clearer.

On the way to the shelter, I saw many soldiers in rags and rags, all rushing towards the shelter.

 There is no need to think about it, it must be the members of the cannon fodder regiment who spread the news that he is going to treat everyone to eat butchered vegetables in the evening.

 There were about three to four thousand broken troops in Zenda, coming from various places.

 There are local security groups that have been dispersed like lost dragons, and there are also broken troops whose establishment has been abolished and they have no home.

It can be said that the composition of the defeated soldiers here is complex.

As for why Yu Xiaoqing later came here to recruit troops, it was purely because he wanted to prove himself and rely on his own abilities to form a powerful Sichuan Army.

Facts have proved that he thought too much, and the Sichuan Army Corps he formed was destroyed as soon as he got off the plane.

 Later, I had no choice but to compromise, so although he was regarded as a teacher, there were not many things he could really make the decision on.

 It's because the troops in his hands are not really direct descendants.

As for the members of the cannon fodder regiment, he looked down upon them.

"It looks like I won't have to worry about the supply of soldiers anymore, but I will have to worry about money." Cun Yunsheng watched more and more people crowding towards the shelter, and he couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

 But then I started to worry again. No matter what, I must send out some military pay.

The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers, so naturally he cannot be in debt with pay.

 So one thing he has to solve is how to deal with Dayang.

The only things I can cash in, apart from those small yellow croakers, is penicillin, but this thing is a miracle drug and I definitely can't give it away.

Then there is only one way, and that is to sell arms.

His current weapons and equipment combined can almost form a company.

 But this is not enough. A regiment must have at least thousands of rifles.

 Fortunately, even if we recruit troops next, we must first conduct queue training.

 Wash away the lazy breath of these defeated soldiers.

 Let’s not say that we will follow the rules and prohibitions, but at least it will be better than what we are doing now.

Cun Yun had a headache when he thought about the large amount of money needed to form an army.

You can only pin your hopes in the next batch of equipment. Otherwise, this group will really become a joke.

But for now, we still need to find Milong first and use his black market connections to get a batch of money.

Thinking of this, Cun Yunsheng quickened his pace and returned to the shelter soon.

 At this moment, the reception station is already filled with many broken soldiers.

Looking at the confused people in front of him, Cun Yunsheng frowned slightly.

Except for some busy people in the venue, the rest were leaning against the wall, bragging and chatting, smiling.

Either he is like a lost dragon, lying leisurely while someone blows the wind next to him.

 There were even people sleeping on the ground.

This made Cun Yunsheng a little annoyed.

 Some people with very sharp eyesight stood up immediately when they saw the cloud.

 At this time, Cun Yunsheng took out the Browning and opened the safety cover.

Milong, who was eating melon on the recliner and enjoying the good life, was shocked when he saw this scene.

   I don’t even care about the watermelon in my hand.

“What are you trying to do, you little thing? Are you trying to beat me to death?”

Now Milong was frightened when he saw Cun Yunsheng, so when he saw Cun Yunsheng pulling out a gun, he subconsciously thought that the other party was going to cause trouble for him.

Before he could recall carefully, what had he done to make the Plague God on the other side so angry?


Cun Yunsheng pulled the trigger, and gunshots resounded throughout the shelter. All the defeated soldiers were startled, even Xue Tian, ​​who was directing the cooking, was also startled.

 Subconsciously, I thought the Japanese troops were coming and I was ready to draw my gun.

 In the end, I saw that Cun Yunsheng had fired the gun, so I trotted over quickly.

"Tuanzu, you are back. According to your instructions, I have bought all the side dishes. I am boiling water and cutting vegetables." Xue Tian quickly reported.

  Unfortunately, Cun Yunsheng had no interest in listening to his report at this time, and immediately shouted at the cannon fodder who were still confused and dazed.

 “Emergency gathering, complete the formation within one minute, otherwise military law will be imposed.”

 Speaking, he pulled the trigger again, and the gunshot rang out again.

Sure enough, the whole yard was in chaos.

Those defeated soldiers, you look at me, I look at you, look at each other.

They all saw in each other's eyes that they didn't want to line up.

But when I thought about the butchered vegetables that night, I hesitated for a while and then went to line up obediently.

 There is no other way. After being hungry for a long time, I really need oil and water.

As expected, the defeated soldiers initially refused, but watching the piece of pork being cut into pieces one after another, in the end they still obeyed.

 Use a stick on one side and a carrot on the other, a two-pronged approach to decisively defeat these defeated soldiers.

Not long after, with everyone pushing and shoving, the queue was finally lined up.

Looking at the crooked queue in front of him, Cun Yunsheng frowned slightly and then raised his voice.

“Stand still, let’s see if you have any military skills?”

 “Everyone is as disgraced as a beggar.”

“To put it bluntly, even the bandits are better than you.”

This sentence is somewhat hurtful. After all, the bandits do not have such good military qualities.

 “I don’t know where to fix this turtle thing.” Bula muttered in the queue.

"Keep your voice down. If you are caught, you will definitely be punished. This young leader is very cruel and ruthless. Even if you don't see the dragon, you will be treated obediently." Kaname next to him explained quickly.

   “Damn you, I can’t stand it because of the pork butchers served in the evening.”

They gave in when they saw Bu La, and naturally others did not dare to shoot the leader.

"Herald, where is my herald? Meng is annoyed, within three meters, within three meters." Cun Yunsheng roared loudly.

 He estimated that Meng Fanle would be almost awake at this time, so he raised his voice.

As expected, Meng Fanlia had actually woken up long ago, but the wound on his **** was causing bursts of pain from time to time.

Now when he heard Cun Yunsheng calling him, he couldn't help but cursed, "You're not a human being."

 Don’t you see that you are a wounded person now?

But he still endured the pain, climbed out of bed, opened the door, limped to Cun Yunsheng, and shouted with some resentment.

“Regiment leader, the messenger Meng Fanle has come to report. May I have any instructions?”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng looked at Meng Fanxiao carefully, and then said with a smile.

“It looks like the patient is recovering well. There is no post-operative infection, which is very good.”

"Here, give me three minutes to put myself in order. I really can't stand this mess. Ask them to line up and stand up for me."

 “If you don’t stand properly, don’t eat the butcher’s cabbage tonight.”

“If someone else comes in the future, we will follow this standard. If they don’t pass, if they don’t want to do it, just let them go.”

"If anyone dares to cause trouble, Lao Xue will leave it to you."

"Yes, young master." Xue Tian responded quickly.

 At that time, Meng Fan was surprised for a while, and left it all to himself?

 (End of this chapter)

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