The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 182: Strike first to gain the upper hand! (Third update!)

Chapter 182: Strike first to gain the upper hand! (Third update!)

 Don’t forget the soldiers of the expeditionary force who were tricked to death by the British army!

These words made Sun Liren's face become extremely ugly.

 His newly formed Thirty-Eighth Division was better, with not many casualties.

 But there are also!

 As for other troops, there are more!

There are many battalion and regiment level officers who were tricked and killed, and even division commanders were killed in battle.

 Two more divisions have been declassified!

Even Du Yuming sat on the bench.

The culprit of all this is the British army.

But Shancheng did not dare to blame these crimes on the British army, so he could only bear the blame himself.

Had he not retreated to Imphal, I'm afraid he would have been on the bench at this time.

However, I disobeyed Du Yuming's order, and I'm afraid that in the eyes of those in the mountain city, I will not be trusted at all.

This is why he was so excited when he heard that Stilwell asked him to go west.

 The purpose is to offset the previous guilt of disobeying orders by making achievements.

Now Cun Yunsheng asked him to fight passively, which made him hesitate for a while.

 But after hearing what the other party said, he fell silent again.

"The British army does not deserve any sympathy. From the beginning to the end, they have never really regarded us as allies." Cun Yunsheng advised again.

"To put it bluntly, the British army treats us like toilet paper. They take it out and use it when needed, and throw it aside when not needed."

“Brother Sun, you have to understand that since the British army doesn’t care about us, why should we work hard for them?”

Hearing this, Sun Liren didn't know what to say at all.

"Brother Sun, the duty of our soldiers is to protect our homeland and our country, not to protect their colonies for the British army. Maybe to the natives of these colonies, we are also invaders." Cun Yunsheng said meaningfully.

“But fighting passively will cause dissatisfaction among the British army.” Sun Liren hesitated.

 Obviously he was convinced that there was indeed no need for them to work so hard for the British colonies.

 But he was still worried that he would be criticized by the British army.

Who knew that Cun Yunsheng sneered.

"What does the dissatisfaction of the British army have to do with us? Brother Sun, you are just too honest and down-to-earth. You can find other reasons, such as acclimatization, non-combat attrition, etc."

“Anyway, what you have to do is to slow down the march, let the Japanese army break through the British defense line, and let the British army have a headache.”

“But in that case, wouldn’t the situation in Tianzhu become even more corrupt?” Sun Liren asked in confusion.

 “What does it have to do with us?” Cun Yunsheng said disdainfully.

“Brother Sun, do you know why my troops have not moved south for so long?”

Hearing this, not only Sun Liren was curious, but Tang Shouzhi next to him was also curious as to why the Sichuan Army did not continue to go south and try to reach Yangon in one go. Wouldn't the war in Myanmar be over?

They have analyzed whether it is to open the China-Myanmar highway, ensure the transportation of materials, etc.

Now seeing the expression on Cun Yunsheng's face, does it seem like there is something hidden?

"Because the British army put pressure through General Stilwell and did not allow us to go south to attack Mandalay, Lashio is their bottom line." After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, he saw the two people opposite him looking in disbelief.

“How is this possible?” Sun Liren said subconsciously.

“Is it true?” Deputy Division Commander Tang Shouzhi asked quickly.

"Of course it is true. There is no need to lie to you, because the British army does not want our Chinese army to expand its influence here, which will affect their rule." Cun Yunsheng looked extremely ridiculous.

"This used to be our vassal state, but what happened? Whether we can go south still requires the consent of the British army."

"Is such a British army worthy of your dedicated efforts?"

“To put it bluntly, the British army has looked down upon us from beginning to end and does not want us to enter Myanmar. It doesn’t matter even if it is handed over to the Japanese army.”

At this time, Zisun Liren was completely speechless. He did not expect that the British army would be so bad.

Fortunately, he thought that it was just the British army's will to fight that was not good enough.

 I didn’t expect there to be such a deep reason.

 So the soldiers of the expeditionary force who died were deliberately tricked to death by the British army.

Thinking of this, Sun Liren's hands couldn't help but tremble.

 “These **** British guys.” Tang Shouzhi cursed directly.

"So you want to use a strategy to drive away wolves and swallow tigers?" Sun Liren asked with narrowed eyes.

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from Brother Sun. That's what I mean. The British army is not a good thing, and the Japanese army is not a good thing. Let them bite dogs and let us watch the show." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

“As for Liao Yaoxiang of the newly established 22nd Division, I’m not very familiar with him, so I’ll ask Brother Sun to tell him. I believe he can tell right from wrong.”

Hearing this, Sun Liren responded with a wry smile. In fact, he was not familiar with it either.

 They are direct descendants!

 What kind of direct descendant is he?

However, it can be said how much can be said.

 So I can only agree.

After leaving the headquarters of the newly reorganized 38th Division, Meng Fanglia couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

“Tuanzuo, in order to deceive the British army, you really did everything possible. Are you not afraid that others will backhand you and sell you?”

Who knows that Cun Yunsheng is not worried at all.

"There is no recording, so what am I afraid of? If he sells me, I will sue him for frame-up. Do you think Stilwell believes me or him?" Cun Yunsheng said indifferently.

"Sure enough, Jiang is still hot, but will they really agree?" Meng Fangliao asked in confusion.

"I don't know. Maybe I will agree. Maybe I will pretend I didn't hear anything. Anyway, I have done everything I can, and leave the rest to God." Cun Yunsheng spread his hands and said that he had no choice.

 After all, he can't control other people's thoughts.

 When Cun Yunsheng left, Tang Shouzhi looked at Sun Liren and asked.

“Teacher, can you believe his words?”

"You can definitely believe the letter, and none of it is a lie. However, if troops like ours, who are not direct descendants, want to be reused, they can only rely on military exploits." Sun Liren sighed helplessly.

"What he said is right. The British army is not a thing, and the Japanese army is a beast. Their fighting life and death really has nothing to do with us."

“Brothers, please be smart and don’t rush forward all at once. When something goes wrong, retreat first and try to save your lives.”

“Yes.” Tang Shouzhi nodded and responded.


Jingdong, after just recruiting a group of veterans, Li Liansheng decided to take action first.

 After all, waiting for the enemy to come knocking is not the style of the Sichuan Army.

What's more, the combat effectiveness of the Thai army on the opposite side is really too weak.

To put it mildly, they may not be as good as those puppet soldiers.

This is really not an exaggeration.

Li Liansheng once discussed with Bula and felt that the combat effectiveness of the Thai army may really be inferior to that of the puppet army.

 At least the puppet troops know tactics and stuff!

These Thai soldiers don’t know anything about it.

 “Is this considered a private attack?” Bula said hesitantly. “How about sending a telegram to the regiment first.”

Hearing this, Li Liansheng thought it was right, and then asked someone to send a telegram to the group.

As a result, the call back from Lashio stated that the delegation went to Imphal for a meeting.

"Then let's do it first?" Ma Dazhi thought for a while and put forward his own opinion.

“At worst, if you want to scold me, I’ll take it.”

"Forget it, let me do it. After all, I am the person in charge of Jingdong." Li Wula shook his head and said.

“Let each battalion and company attack immediately. We cannot wait for the enemy to gather, otherwise there will be more and more enemies. Even if we catch pigs, it will take several days.”

Following several victories, Li Liansheng became more comfortable in commanding and no longer felt as nervous as before.

 “Yes.” Bu La and others looked at each other and responded quickly.

 At this time, the reconnaissance force sent back news.

"Report, there is a call from the forward observation post. They found that the Siamese fighter planes have taken off and are heading towards us." The communications staff quickly reported the report with a telegram.

 After listening to the report, Li Liansheng thought for a while.

“How about we dispatch our aviation fleet?” Before Li Liansheng could speak, Bu La took the lead.

“Didn’t we equip an anti-aircraft artillery battery? Why not let them test their power?” Li Liansheng rejected his proposal.

“The command of the air force does not belong to us. Without orders from the regiment, it is impossible for us to mobilize them.”

Hearing this, everyone thought the same thing. After all, their attack did not receive an order from the regiment headquarters and it was a private deployment of troops.

If the air force is mobilized again, I am afraid that my own team will go crazy.

What's more, the Thai army's combat effectiveness is just that, and their air force should not be very strong.

"Yes, our anti-aircraft artillery company has been established for a long time and has not been opened yet. Why not let them try and see if they can open it." Bula also agreed.

“Well, let the anti-aircraft artillery company give it a try, and contact the regiment headquarters again to report the situation here as soon as possible.” Li Liansheng added.

"Okay, I'll notify the anti-aircraft artillery company right away." Bu La nodded and immediately started making arrangements.

On the other side, in the sky, four Thai fighter planes were swinging slowly.

 Their mission is to investigate the specific situation of Jingdong's Sichuan Army.

 After all, the Thai army suffered such a big loss, how could they go back without revenge?

Not to mention, the Japanese army promised them that they could annex Burma.

 So, they have long regarded Jingdong as their own territory.

 Now that our territory is occupied by the Sichuan Army, it is natural to take it back.

 Fortunately, not all Thai army generals are fools.

 At least we know how to send out reconnaissance planes for reconnaissance.

Mainly because I suffered too much loss last time, so I learned smarter this time.

 When they arrived over Jingdong, the commander in charge shouted loudly through the headset.

 “Lower altitude and detect enemy positions.”


Immediately, the pilots began to descend in altitude and look for the target. At this time, a pilot noticed a light on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he saw streaks of light heading towards the location of his plane.

“Damn, it’s a tracer, it’s a tracer, there’s an anti-aircraft gun here.”

 “Be careful to avoid, be careful to avoid.”

“Asshole, why didn’t anyone say there were anti-aircraft guns here?” The sharp-eyed Thai pilot immediately judged that there were anti-aircraft guns here, so he shouted loudly through the radio.

 “There was an ambush, there was an ambush, we were ambushed.”

Several other pilots also heard the sound, glanced at the ground, and found that there were indeed several streaks of fire coming towards them. They immediately pulled up the nose of the plane, trying to climb quickly and escape from here.

 Unfortunately, the ground was lit up with fire again, and streaks of fire were heading towards them.

 “Damn, there’s an anti-aircraft machine gun here, there’s an anti-aircraft machine gun here.”

 “Evade quickly, evade quickly!”

 The lead pilot saw a streak of fire flying towards a wingman and immediately shouted loudly.

The pilot on the wingman was already panicking. He had no actual combat experience at all. Faced with this unexpected situation, he didn't know what to do and could only raise the nose of the plane.

 As a result, the wing was hit by an anti-aircraft gun, and smoke began to emit from the tail.

 “I’ve been hit, I’ve been hit.” The wingman pilot was completely panicked and tried to operate the aircraft.

As a result, another burst of fire struck again.

This time it penetrated the cockpit directly, and the inside was suddenly a mess of blood and flesh.

 I saw that the fighter plane rotated in the sky and then crashed straight towards the ground.

“Retreat, retreat, retreat immediately.” Seeing this, the lead pilot no longer cared about reconnaissance and just wanted to escape from here.

 The fastest way to escape from here is to climb!

 But at this time, it takes at least three or four minutes for a propeller-driven aircraft to climb from a position of three to four hundred meters to a position of two thousand meters. In this time, it would have been shot down by anti-aircraft guns.

Not to mention, Jingdong's two anti-aircraft artillery batteries, a total of twenty 88mm anti-aircraft guns, plus twenty M2 water-cooled tube anti-aircraft machine guns, such a huge air defense firepower network.

It is simply impossible to escape from here.

 To deal with this kind of aircraft that flies low, runs slowly, and has almost no armor, basically as long as they are hit, they will be shot down.

"Bastard, we fell into a trap. They were deliberately waiting for us to take the bait." A wingman looked at the fire coming from the front, back and left, knowing that he couldn't run away, and shouted in despair.

He saw bullets like tongues of fire chasing him, and finally, in despair, he watched the fighter plane being blown up by shells from an 88mm anti-aircraft gun.

 The fighter plane turned into countless fragments, and the pilot inside also spilled blood into the sky.

"You bastard..." The lead pilot of the Thai army roared in pain as he watched another wingman being shot down.

 It’s a pity that his anger was useless.

The anti-aircraft artillery battery that had already set up a dragnet would make it impossible for them to leave unharmed.

“Tower, tower, the seventh team was attacked by anti-aircraft fire and lost three fighter planes. Three fighter planes were lost.”

 “Tower, tower, requesting support.”

While calling for help, I saw the tail of the third fighter plane was hit, and then it rushed directly to the ground in a gyroscopic manner.

 And when the plane flew one thousand meters, he was also hit by an anti-aircraft shell and exploded in the air.

 At this point, all four Thai fighter planes that came for reconnaissance were shot down.

“The Thai pilots are too weak and dare to fly at low altitude. Isn’t this looking for death?” Li Liansheng looked at the downed fighter plane and couldn’t help but shake his head.

As long as the opponent's height is kept at about two thousand meters, there may not be such a big result.

This kind of low-altitude flight of three to four hundred meters really doesn't take his anti-aircraft artillery battery seriously.

“Send a telegram to the regiment and tell him that we shot down four Thai fighter planes.”


  A little later, there is another update!



 (End of this chapter)

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