Chapter 19 Hope of going home!

Cun Yunsheng was completely dumbfounded. If he remembered correctly, he had tried to persuade him many times before, including Li Liansheng, but in the end this guy refused to agree.

 Now you actually want to be a soldier?

 This is simply a big joke.

 For a moment, Cun Yunsheng didn't know what to say.

“Tell me, why did you figure it out again?” Cun Yunsheng rubbed his head and asked helplessly.

"I really didn't want to be your soldier at the beginning. Even if you recruited Li Wula, I didn't want to go. I even wanted you to row him away." Milong began to explain.

“Before you, many officers came to recruit soldiers. Their words were better than their songs, but they all wanted to get promoted and make a fortune, and they didn’t care about the lives of their brothers.”

“Some people even drink the blood of soldiers for their own enjoyment.”

"But you are different. You have worked hard to raise military pay and housing expenses. As Mr. Chen said, your uncle died in the battle."

"From then on, I knew that you were dedicated to fighting the Japanese. I saw a glimmer of hope in you."

Cun Yunsheng didn't expect that Mi Long, who always liked to use force to solve things, could say such a thing, so he asked subconsciously.

 “What hope?”

 “The hope of returning home.” Milong said solemnly and affirmatively.

Cun Yunsheng did not expect that Mi Long would say these words.

Originally, he thought that the other party just wanted to live a muddleheaded life.

Unexpectedly, I have been thinking about going home.

 Go home!

These three words seem very ordinary, but they are very heavy when spoken.

  How many soldiers died fighting in a foreign country, and some will even die fighting in a foreign country later.

 The only thought they had before their sacrifice was probably to go home.

 For a moment, Cun Yunsheng didn't know what to say, and his eyes were a little red.

 And the lost dragon cried.

 In fact, he had broken the defense many times this day.

 Now that he said he wanted to go home, he felt really wronged.

 Especially in the afternoon, his heart was completely shaken by the sentence "My home is on the Songhua River."

“Sir, do you think I can really go home?” Milong asked while crying.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng patted his shoulder and said solemnly.

 “Trust me, I will definitely take you home.”

"Yes, Tuanzuo, I believe you." Milong wiped away his tears and said loudly.

 “Let’s go, go back.”

After Cun Yunsheng finished speaking, he led a few people towards the shelter.

At the reception station at this moment, the soldiers who had just joined the independent regiment were still a little excited, and many of them were still thinking about how much ocean they could get.

 This is the ocean, not some legal currency.

That thing is almost worse than a piece of toilet paper.

“You said, our Tuanzu adults, will we really fulfill our promise?” Someone couldn’t help but muttered.

"I think so. He seems to have a great reputation, and he is much more reliable than the previous officers." The person next to him thought for a while, shook his head and said.

“That’s right, there are just a few pigs here, this is indeed an extraordinary act of generosity.”

“Not only that, I also saw a lot of flour, saying that I would make dumplings for us to eat tomorrow.” At this time, another soldier interrupted.

 “Really?” Now more people are asking.

"Of course, there was a mover who was a fellow villager of mine. He told me that he moved several carriages of flour, several pigs, and cattle." The soldier who spoke before said with confidence.

Hearing this, many soldiers looked at each other, obviously seeing a trace of desire.

“No, I have to tell my fellow villager and ask him to come quickly, otherwise I will miss this village and there will be no store.”

“Yes, yes, yes, I will also inform my fellow villagers.”

 “That’s right, I’ll go too.”

 For a time, many soldiers wanted to tell their fellow villagers about this good thing.

 When you are in a foreign country, your fellow villagers are your greatest support, and they also share their needs. As soon as they went out together, they met Cun Yunsheng who came back with Dayang.

"What are you doing out so late?" Milong looked at the people and shouted with a somewhat unhappy look on his face.

When they saw it was a mysterious dragon, several people were startled. Then they saw Cun Yunsheng standing next to them, and they quickly stood at attention and saluted.


"I..." Several soldiers were anxious and didn't know what to say.

After all, they are now registered soldiers. If they leave their posts without permission at night or leave the barracks, they can be regarded as deserters. If they are caught, they deserve to be shot on the spot.

Especially if you are caught by Tuanzuo, you are courting death.

"Don't be afraid. Tell me slowly. Is it because you don't want to be a soldier? Or what?" Cun Yunsheng was slightly angry, but considering that these soldiers were originally veterans.

 It is normal to apply oil on the soles of your feet and run away.

 So, on the surface, Cun Yunsheng still has a calm expression.

"No, Commander, we really want to be your soldiers, because you let us know what it means to be a soldier."




 The other soldiers quickly agreed.

 “That is?” Cun Yunsheng was even more puzzled.

“The food here is really good for us, and we can’t bear that our fellow villagers are still eating grass, so we thought of going back at night and persuading them to join us,” one of the soldiers said bravely.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was stunned for a moment, and then a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 Look, doesn’t fission happen?

However, a fire needs to be added.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Cun Yunsheng's face.

“Yes, I am very happy to be able to think of my fellow countrymen while enjoying the happiness.”

“Tell your fellow villagers that I not only eat meat here, but also eat meat.”

 Speaking, Cun Yunsheng asked the guards behind him to open all the boxes.

 There were only a few boxes filled with oceans.

 For a time, several soldiers were shocked.

  It turns out that what Tuan Zuo said is true. He went out so late just to catch up with the ocean.

"Yes, regimental leader, I will go and inform my fellow villagers right away." Several soldiers were completely convinced now and quickly expressed their intention to go.

 “Go and be safe on the road.”

“Tell them to come early tomorrow and eat pork and cabbage dumplings in the morning.” Cun Yunsheng warned again.

 Hearing this, several soldiers walked faster.

“Tuanzu, are you really going to eat pork and cabbage dumplings tomorrow?” Milong couldn’t help but drool after hearing this.

Even though he usually leads a good life, he may not be able to eat pork and cabbage dumplings many times.

Now that I hear this, I naturally want to ask one more question.

“Of course, when have I ever lied to you?” Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile.

As soon as he walked into the shelter, he saw Xue Tian standing in front of him.

"Master, I've got everything you ordered." Xue Tian looked tired.

 It was obvious that he had put a lot of effort into getting these things.

"Thank you for your hard work. The few boxes at the back are all oceans. I leave them to you. Let's eat pork and cabbage dumplings tomorrow. Please go down." Cun Yunsheng looked at the other party and said with concern.

"Yes, young master, I will give the order right away." Xue Tian shook his head and said yes, then turned around to greet others and get busy.

Seeking a wave of support, wanting to rush to the new book list, it is a bit difficult to rely on updating, and everyone needs support! Thank you all!



 (End of this chapter)

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