The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 191: Do you know what eight-treasure rice is? (Third update!)

Chapter 191 Do you know what eight-treasure rice is? (Third update!)

"Principal Mei, please sign and agree to these people." Li Jiu looked at Principal Mei in front of him and said with great respect.

"Humph, I won't agree." Principal Mei shook his head and refused.

 “Their studies have not been completed and they still need to continue their studies in school.”

 In this regard, Li Jiu did not give up, but said leisurely.

“Principal Mei, do you know where the rice on the market comes from during this time?”

 Before this, the life of students at Southwest Associated University was not very good.

 The simplest example is that the military commanders often defaulted on military pay, and some military commanders in Japanese-occupied areas even planned funds on the spot.

And the funds of Southwest Associated University are getting less and less. There is no way. In order to fill their stomachs, the students’ lunch becomes eight-treasure rice.

 What is eight-treasure rice?

  Made up of red brown rice, mixed with sand, sawdust, and even a few grains of mouse droppings.

The students have had enough of this kind of lunch.

After lunch, let’s talk about the canteen’s regular dishes: kidney beans boiled in salt water and purple-gray konjac tofu, which were mushy and tasteless.

 Actually, it was much better than the cannon fodder regiments. What they ate later were boiled banana leaves.

That stuff is really hard to swallow.

 During this period, a large amount of rice appeared in Kunming City.

 Some people even donated a large sum of money and rice to the Southwest Associated University.

 So students can eat fragrant rice.

Principal Mei originally wanted to refuse, but after seeing the rice, he finally accepted it.

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world, so these people who are not under military control came to find out.

“Even the army doesn’t have enough to eat at this time. There is such rice on the market. Apart from the south, I can’t think of anywhere else that would be willing to take out such rice to relieve the hungry people.” Principal Mei sneered.

 He is not a fool.

It’s just that he didn’t expect the military commander to be so deeply involved with the Sichuan Army.

 If it’s just a simple business, it’s okay.

 He can pretend he didn't see it.

 But now that the other party has an idea for his student, it is naturally impossible to agree.

"Principal Mei is indeed a scholar. He is just smart. He was indeed brought from the Sichuan Army." Li Jiu smiled slightly, and then sighed softly.

 “The Sichuan Army Corps is benevolent and righteous, thinking of transporting these endless grains back to provide relief to those who cannot eat enough.”

“Naturally, our military commander cannot help at all.”

“So, you are going to ask me to sign and let these students go to the battlefield?” Principal Mei said sarcastically.

“Do you know what they do? Are they students or college students? Do you know how many college students there are in China after decades of accumulation?”

"To put it bluntly, they can be said to be carefully selected talents who have been selected through layers of selection. Now let them go to fight? To be used as cannon fodder?"

 “Do you think I will agree?”

“They are seeds that will take root and sprout in the future and give birth to more trees. I will never allow them to go to the battlefield.”

Hearing this, Li Jiu frowned slightly. This stubborn little old man was really difficult to serve.

 After thinking for a while, Li Jiu explained again.

“Principal Mei, they are not going to the battlefield, but to engage in scientific research.”

Hearing this, Principal Mei sarcastically said again.

“Scientific research? As a soldier, he knows what scientific research is? Does he have the equipment?”

 “Still making airplanes? Where is the equipment?”

“As long as I have the equipment, I immediately agree to release them, and I don’t even care whether they join the army or not.”

 In his eyes, what does a soldier know about scientific research?

 Just to fool him, and then let those people go to the battlefield as cannon fodder.

 These students were all trained by him with great efforts. How could he just be used as cannon fodder?

Hearing this, Li Jiu's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he looked around.

“Principal Mei, this is what you said. You must not lie to others.”

"What? There is really equipment? Don't worry, if there is equipment, I promise that I will never stop it." Principal Mei said confidently.

“Principal Mei, have you ever heard of Lei Yun Airport?” Li Jiu said in a low voice.

As the person who has the deepest experience with the Sichuan Army, he knows many details about the Sichuan Army.

For example, some of the workers and equipment of Leiyun Airport were in Myitkyina.

Had it not been limited by raw materials, people would have built the fighter jet long ago.

Not only that, but a batch of civilian equipment was also acquired.

“Of course I’ve heard of it, wasn’t it destroyed?” Principal Mei asked in confusion.

“It was indeed destroyed, but before the destruction, some workers and equipment were transported to Myitkyina.”

 After hearing what Li Jiu said, Principal Mei was stunned for a moment.

It really has equipment.

 At the same time, he was also more curious about Cun Yunsheng. Through publicity, he also learned about the loyalty of the Cun family in Tengchong.

The old man went on a hunger strike and committed suicide, the third son was killed in the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, and the fifth son also died heroically while guarding Leiyun Airport.

 The other seven sons also serve in the army.

"So, Principal Mei, the cannon fodder you are worried about does not exist. Commander Cun promised me that he will never let them go to the battlefield. Their mission is to do research." Li Jiu saw Principal Mei deep in thought and continued to persuade. .

"Chief Cun said that he hopes that China can also have its own aircraft manufacturing factory. Now that these students have graduated, they can give it a try. Maybe we will have our own aircraft manufacturing factory in the future?"

“Principal Mei, don’t you believe in these students of yours?”

“In addition to these, Commander Cun also supported a fund totaling five hundred thousand oceans, as well as various materials and so on.”

“This is just a one-off, and there will be a fund of 100,000 yuan every month. He can even personally contribute to help students who are willing to study abroad.”

I have to say that this series of conditions is indeed very generous.

 At least Principal Mei is moved.

 After all, people are iron and food is steel.

 Hungry if you don’t eat a meal.

  Why eat eight-treasure rice when you can have fragrant rice?

Not to mention, people are sponsoring funds every month.

“This Sichuan Legion is so rich?” Principal Mei asked in surprise.

 He knows that life is not easy for anyone these days.

 So if you want to live well, you have to drink the blood of soldiers.

If the other party spends so much money in one go, it will definitely drink the blood of the soldiers.

 Otherwise, how could you come up with so much money?

“Not only is there money, it’s our rice business, cough cough cough…” Li Jiu suddenly felt that it was a bit inappropriate to talk about this to an only person.

“I know, I didn’t expect this Sichuan Army Corps to be quite profitable. Does he have any other requests?” Principal Mei waved his hand and didn’t pay much attention.

Hearing this, Li Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Principal Mei had compromised and quickly told Cun Yunsheng's conditions. "The request is very simple. I hope you will recruit more students. Chief Cun believes that the current number of students is still too few. Looking at the decline in the past few decades, the reason for our decline is that we are too focused on eight-legged essays and are too focused on scientific development. not enough."

“He hopes that you can enroll more students. As for the funding, don’t worry, he will solve it. He can provide it, including US dollars for studying in Europe and the United States.”

 This condition can be said to be extremely generous, at least Principal Mei couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Isn’t the reason why he didn’t expand enrollment just because of funding?

If funds were sufficient, who wouldn’t want to recruit more students?

  He also knows that the essence of the gap between China and the Western powers is education.

 One hundred thousand young people, one hundred thousand troops, he also agreed with this slogan.

 However, due to limited funding, we did not recruit more people, and we were even hesitant to reduce the scale.

"What about the request? I don't believe he is so selfless." Principal Mei blurted out.

"Of course, there is no free lunch in the world. He hopes to recruit more students. His army has recently been equipped with many new weapons. Those big-headed soldiers who cannot read a word cannot operate them at all." After Li Jiu finished speaking, he looked at the other party .

 He knew that the other party would definitely agree.

 After all, no one would refuse such a generous offer.

As expected, after thinking for a while, Principal Mei stood up.

"From now on, I will no longer block recruitment, but I don't want your military commander's tactics to be used on my students." After taking two steps, Principal Mei paused, and then said calmly.

“Including those medical students, don’t think I don’t know.”

Hearing this, Li Jiu was not dissatisfied at all, but instead showed a long-lost smile on his face.

The mission assigned to him by Cun Yunsheng was completed, and as for the remaining officers, it was nothing to him.

The only trouble was the sons of the Duan family, but when they heard that they could go south to avenge their shame, they immediately agreed.

As for Han Shaogong, it is simpler. He offended Shangfeng. Now that he is at home, he can go to Burma to fight the Japanese. Without saying anything, he just packs up his things and heads to Myitkyina alone.

“Sir, we are bleeding a lot this time. The amount of blood that has been spread out into the ocean alone is tens of thousands.” The confidant next to him couldn’t help but feel distressed.

"You know what you're doing. This is called spending a small amount of money to do big things. Once this thing is done, just wait and count the money. Five thousand tons of rice is just the beginning, and there will be more in the future." Li Jiu glared angrily.

“Hehe, I know, it’s natural to feel distressed just watching the white flowers go out.” The confidant scratched his head and said.

“What did the officers of the Fifth Army say?” Li Jiu asked again.

"It's not easy to handle. I have a bright future. If I follow the Sichuan Army, wouldn't I be lowering my status? What's going on?" the confidant said helplessly.

“Yes, but what about Zhu Maoqin?” Li Jiu nodded and then asked again.

"I didn't agree, but I didn't refuse either. I feel like I didn't think about it well." The confidant thought for a while and expressed his judgment.

Hearing this, Li Jiu also felt a little troubled.

Whose idea is not easy to win, why put it in the Fifth Army?

 “Where are the other troops?” Li Jiuduo asked.

“Have you heard of the new Thirty-Third Division?” a confidant said cautiously.

“They are all new recruits, what do we need them for?”

"There are also some veterans. Their division is not full at all, and they are receiving military pay in vain." The confidant continued.

Hearing this, Li Jiu instantly understood what his confidant meant. Only such a unit could take advantage of the loopholes and poach some veterans without anyone noticing.

It is difficult to dig out direct troops like the Fifth Army. Even if they are discovered, I am afraid that he will be dead.

“I didn’t expect these people to be so courageous. I heard that they fought pretty well some time ago, didn’t they?” Li Jiu said with emotion.

"False reports of record results are actually very watery. I have a fellow countryman in there." A confidant quickly explained.

"Okay, I understand. You can make arrangements. Don't worry about money." Li Jiu patted his confidant on the shoulder and said.



On the other side, on the Nantianmen position, it has become a temporary location for the guerrillas.

 After all, there are so many caves, which are particularly suitable for hiding.

The main purpose was to capture Usuke Hirai, so after the Sichuan Army Corps left, the guerrillas did not retreat.

Yu Division is still stationed across the Nu River, waiting for the beautiful weapons and equipment allocated by the military headquarters.

 More importantly, this is also a golden road to make money.

 “Is that naughty little devil not out yet?” The guerrilla leader looked at the dense forest in the distance and asked doubtfully.

"No, it has been more than ten days. Logically speaking, we should have come out." The guerrilla next to him explained.

“These little devils are really capable of carrying them, they won’t be eating grass in there, right?” the guerrilla leader guessed.

 “No way, how can you eat grass?” the guerrilla asked curiously.

 As for leaves, he has eaten them.

 But grass, I really can’t eat it.

“The officer of the Sichuan Army Corps said that these little devils are particularly resistant and can even eat grass.” The guerrilla leader spread his hands and said helplessly.

 Hearing this, the guerrillas couldn't help but click their tongues.

 It really eats grass.

 At this moment, someone trotted over and said.

 “Come out, come out.”

 “What’s coming out?” the guerrilla leader asked subconsciously.

"The little devils came out, there are about forty or fifty of them, and they are all as hungry as skin and bones." The team member who came to report said quickly.

 “No resistance?” the guerrilla leader asked doubtfully.

 “No, the weapons are all gone.”

 “Where is the little devil in the lead?” the guerrilla leader asked again.

“I didn’t see it, he probably died inside.” The team member thought about it and guessed.

“Captain, what should we do with these little devils? Have they all been killed?”

Hearing this, the guerrilla captain frowned slightly, thought for a while, and then gritted his teeth and said.

“Give them to the Sichuan Army and let them handle it. After all, strictly speaking, these are prisoners of the Sichuan Army, and we can’t handle them privately.”

 “Yes.” The other team members had no objections either.

 Not long after, Cun Yunsheng received a telegram from Myitkyina.

"Forty or fifty kid prisoners? Didn't you see that guy Usuke Hirai? Suspected to have died in the dense forest?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the telegram in his hand repeatedly. Unexpectedly, the credibility of these guerrillas was really good, and they actually took these kid prisoners. All delivered.

“Tuan Zuo, what should we do with him? How about killing them all?” Meng Fanlao asked.

"Hmm..." Cun Yunsheng nodded subconsciously. Normally, he would not take prisoners.

However, I have seen that Long Wenwen’s resistance army has been developing quite well recently.

 For a while, Cun Yunsheng thought of a better idea.

 “What about down the well? What have you been doing recently?”

"Ah? Isn't he just squatting in the cell, providing good food and drink every day." Meng Fangliao asked in confusion.

"Send him to me. There is something that requires his help." Cun Yunsheng ordered.

“Yes, where are the prisoners?” Meng Fan nodded, and then asked again.

 “Keep it for now, wait until I see it in the well.” Cun Yunsheng said calmly.

   Try to write another update as much as possible!



 (End of this chapter)

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