The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 200: Can this thing be contagious? (Second update!)

Chapter 200 Can this thing be contagious? (Second update!)

"Baga..." Hebian Zhengzo looked at the telegram in his hand, his expression extremely ugly.

 First they withdrew from Yangon to Thonggu. They originally wanted to wait for reinforcements here and then recapture Yangon.

 As a result, the 55th Division in Mandalay sent a telegram, indicating that the main Allied force was preparing to move south.

 There was no other way, so Hebian Zhengsan rushed to Mandalay from Tonggu with the military headquarters.

 As soon as they arrived, a new army from the Allies was dispatched.

 This made Hebian Zhengzo very angry.

 My hope of taking back Yangon is probably going to be dashed.

 Because according to intelligence, the number of the newly reorganized New First Army is almost 30,000.

And they are all beautiful equipment.

The 55th Division is a Category B division with only over 20,000 troops.

 After the two infantry regiments were transferred, more than 10,000 people were left.

 In other words, he has more than 10,000 people and has to stand up to an artillery force of more than 30,000 people.

 Suddenly it made his head feel very heavy.

 Even Yahara Hiromichi, who has always been full of tricks, has no better way at the moment.

 I can only look at the map in a daze.

 Originally in Yangon, they could still retreat from the sea.

 As a result, if we retreat to Mandalay now, we are afraid that we have fallen into a trap.

 If the Sichuan Army goes south again, they will really be doomed.

More than 10,000 people face an elite force of 40,000 to 50,000 people. Are they going to fight with their heads?

 For a time, Yahara Hiromichi also felt a little regretful. He had known that he would have retreated directly from the sea.

"Yahara-kun, what should we do now? Do we try to take back Yangon at all costs? Or continue to hold on?" Kawabe Shozo didn't know what to do, so he simply looked at Yahara Hiromichi who was standing aside in a daze.

"Your Majesty Commander, can we retake Yangon now?" Yahara Hiromichi did not answer, but asked rhetorically.

Hebean Masami was immediately stunned by the question. If it had been before, he would have said it confidently.

 There is no city that cannot be captured by the imperial army.

 But now, there is really no guarantee that Hebian Zhengsan will be able to capture it.

Especially the pro-Japanese natives who stayed in Yangon reported that the rebels were recruiting heavily in the past two days.

 It is said that 30,000 to 40,000 people have been recruited.

 He is really confident that he can win it now.

Especially since the main force of the Allied forces is about to move south, once it is surrounded in the wild, it will really make the sky and the earth unable to function.

Huntong Yahara also obviously saw that Shozo Kawabe could not answer his question, so he thought about it and said.

“Your Excellency, Commander, why not ask when the Fourth Division will arrive in Myanmar? With their participation, there is still hope of winning.” Yahara Hiromichi can only place his hope on the Fourth Division now.

When Hebian Zhengsan heard this, his heart suddenly dropped.

 How can he still not know the situation of the Fourth Division if others don't know it?

 Let them fight and die?

 What a joke.

If the battle goes smoothly, it is still possible, but the current fatal situation is absolutely impossible.

 However, if there are no reinforcements now, all that awaits them is death.

 Suddenly, Hebian Zhengzo looked at the map and came up with a bold idea.

“Yahara-kun, do you think it would be better if we marched westward?”

 “Go west?” Yahara Hiromichi was immediately confused.

 Why are you thinking about heading west so calmly?

 Isn’t this crazy?

 Wouldn’t it be better to stay where you are?

However, upon careful analysis, it would be better to stay where you are and move westward.

If at least three divisions come together, the combat effectiveness that breaks out will definitely exceed the imagination of the British army.

 And there is no shortage of supplies and so on.

 Staying here will lead to death in the end.

Thinking of this, Yahara Hiromichi's eyes flickered, as if he was considering whether it would work or not.

“Your Excellency Commander, your suggestion seems feasible. If we go westward, there will be vast land waiting for us, and the British army’s combat effectiveness is not strong. This has been confirmed in previous battles.”

“If we can capture a large territory in Tianzhu, we can even learn from the Kwantung Army and mobilize more troops from China.”

“It is said that the land there is very fertile and can support more people.”

“Moreover, there are also factories built by the British army and so on, which can completely achieve self-sufficiency.”

 Another point is that the navy is also preparing to move westward. The resources they obtain can be transported back to the country through the navy.

I believe that when the base camp sees these resources, it will definitely support their actions.

 Hearing the Kwantung Army, a glint flashed in the eyes of Hebian Zhengzo.

 The current Kwantung Army is so powerful that it listens to orders rather than propaganda.

 The base camp has nothing to do with them.

If you can do something like this in Tianzhu.

Thinking of this, Hebian Zhengzo's heart felt hot.

"Yo Xi, you are right. We really do not need to stay where we are and continue to consume. As for the fourth division you mentioned, Lieutenant General Kitano Kenzo has sent me a telegram. They need to rest for a month before setting off. ”

“Perhaps by the time they arrive, we may all be in pieces.”

“The 56th Division is already in tatters. I can’t afford to lose another division.”

"I will never become a sinner of the Japanese Empire." Kawabe Masami said righteously.

“So, I decided to go west and pull back the two regiments that went south to attack Yangon, and before the New First Army went south to Mandalay, we bypassed Imphal and went directly west to join Mutaguchi-kun.”

 “Hai.” Everyone responded in unison.

 At least there is hope of survival if we advance westward. If we stay here, the final outcome will be to be surrounded and annihilated.

Maybe Stilwell himself didn't know it, because his plan to attack Mandalay in advance caused the Japanese army to scare away.

 When he received the news that the Japanese army was about to advance westward, Stilwell's whole head was buzzing.

 He could even anticipate the scene where Admiral Wavell would question him.

 But no matter what, Myanmar at least recovered easily.


On the other side, He Shuguang led the 9th Battalion to bypass the French position in front and began to attack in depth.

 But before that, the 120mm heavy mortars they carried began to show their power.

“Heavy artillery is very sharp, and it is easy to carry. As long as there is a truck, it can be towed.”

Looking at the earth-shattering noise in the distance, He Shuguang couldn't help but praise it.

In order to get to Jingdong as soon as possible, Cun Yunsheng dispatched more than 30 trucks, that is to say.

He Shuguang's battalion can be regarded as a mechanized force.

Once the cannon is fired, the general temporary fortifications built by the French army cannot stop it at all. Even if the accuracy is not good, then get closer. If the first cannon fails, then fire another cannon.

He Shuguang was still very happy after the difficult fortifications were breached one by one. According to this attack rhythm, the entire Khmer could be penetrated in five days at most.

 This is no joke, the depth looks very long, but is actually very short.

 Because most of the French army was stationed in Annan.

“Adjust the elements and aim at the point.” At the artillery position, the artillery company commander looked at the calibration coordinates sent and said again.

"Boom!" After the earth-shattering loud noise, when the smoke dissipated, the fortress built by the French army in the distance had lost a corner, and there was no movement for a long time.

"If you miss again this time, I will stuff you into the barrel."

   “Get ready…”     “Wait…”

"What's wrong?"

“It seems we surrendered,” the artillery company commander said with a somewhat gloomy expression after hanging up the phone.

You surrendered after just a few shots?

On the forward position, a white flag was fluttering in the wind over the fortress in the distance.

“Sure enough, after the deep advance, the morale of the French army collapsed very quickly.” He Shuguang looked at the surrendering French army and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

 Everything Tuan Zuo said is true, not a word is false.

 “Keep pushing forward.” He Shuguang waved his hand.

Yu Zhi, who could not wait any longer, led the tank company to continue advancing forward.

Governor Degu couldn't believe it even to death. The defense line he had arranged in a hurry actually failed to block the Sichuan Army's attack.

 It took only two days to break through his defenses.

 Now, what he has to do is to mobilize heavy troops and continue to deploy new lines of defense.

 But in that case, the rear will be empty again.

 If the enemy breaks through his defenses again, he will have to attack his governor's palace.

By that time, he, the governor, will probably be completely disgraced.

Originally, what he thought was that if the front was defeated, he could retreat to the rear to consolidate the defense line, and rely on depth with the Soviet army to resist the German army step by step.

 The idea turned out to be good, but the actual effect was average.

 The French army is not tenacious in fighting will.

 In other words, they simply don’t know why they are fighting this war.

More importantly, the Sichuan Army did not care about the French troops on the front line, but went straight to the rear wholeheartedly.

This style of play is that after the German army breaks through the Ardennes Forest, it bypasses the Maginot Line and goes straight to Paris.

 In the end, France chose to surrender in order to save Paris.

 After all, no one could capture Paris before France surrendered.

 Now the Sichuan Army has also used this trick.

 The key issue is that the air support of the Sichuan Army has never been interrupted.

Every day there are fighter planes escorting and opening roads, and there are also transport planes airdropping supplies and so on.

Their air force was so beaten that they did not dare to take to the air for combat.

 Mainly the colonial air force fighter planes are really poor.

"Report, a telegram has been sent from the front line. Jingdong's Sichuan Army has launched a general offensive. It is expected that more than a hundred heavy artillery pieces are blasting at the position. The front line troops have lost a large number of positions and are currently fleeing." At this time, the communications staff walked in and said This news made Governor Degu look a little ugly.

"Your Majesty the Governor, we can't continue fighting. The task assigned to us by the base camp is to defend these colonies. We must not lose them in our hands." An officer stood up and persuaded.

"Yes, if the Khmer is lost, just throw it away. It is just a primitive forest and is of no use at all, but Hanoi must not lose it again, otherwise, we will be sinners." Another officer also stood up and advised.

The Khmer will be lost if they are lost, but Annan must not be lost. If they are lost, they will really be driven into the sea.

 “Seek peace?” Governor Degou was stunned. He did not expect that the invincible French army would surrender one day.

“Your Majesty the Governor, we must not let the Sichuan Army reach Hanoi. We must negotiate a peace before them.”

 Hearing this, Governor Degu was so angry that he almost had a cerebral hemorrhage.

They are still so far away from Hanoi. Whether they can hit Hanoi is another matter. So these people want to negotiate a peace?

 Sure enough, have all domestic traditions been transmitted here?

“Asshole, how dare you negotiate for peace? I will never agree to negotiate for peace.” Governor Degu roared angrily.

“Your Majesty the Governor, everyone is here to make a fortune, not to fight. Otherwise, when the Japanese come, we can reject their proposal.” Another officer told the truth.

 His words attracted the approval of many people.

 Everyone is far away from the prosperous life in China and goes to this place where birds don’t shit.

Isn’t it just to make money?

 Otherwise, why come here?

  Why bother those who are fighting life and death now?

 What's more, the Allies are calling now.

 They can completely change their identities and continue to live a good life.

"Asshole..." Perhaps the truth was too harsh to hear. Governor Degu fainted without even taking a breath.

 “Your Excellency the Governor, the Governor…”

Others were also a little panicked when they saw this scene, and some even glared at the officer who told the truth before.

 Although this is the truth, what you said is too realistic.

 Always consider whether the governor is old and can bear it.

 “What to do now?” someone asked doubtfully.

 “Send someone to try to sue for peace first.” Someone said through gritted teeth.

 After all, no one could capture Annam before Hanoi surrendered.

He Shuguang received the news that the French army wanted to negotiate peace, and everyone was dumbfounded.

 He was leading his troops to charge and fight all the way, advancing very quickly.

 The results now tell him that the French army is about to surrender.

 Isn’t this nonsense?

 But he didn’t dare to make such a decision in private.

 So, immediately have someone send the telegram to Cun Yunsheng.

 Cun Yunsheng was stunned for a long time after receiving the telegram.

 No one could do it before France surrendered? Occupy Paris?

Can this surrender of riding a horse be contagious?

 If you think about it carefully, it’s not surprising.

If he were a French general, there would be no need to fight him to death.

France is so good at playing.

 Vichy France and Free France.

 No matter who wins, it will not lose.

 The only thing that lost was the French Navy.

 So, there is nothing wrong with negotiating a peace if you can't fight.

Now that the Allies have the upper hand, Vichy France can become a Free French colony.

However, Cun Yunsheng would not let the other party surrender so easily.

“Commander, do you want to accept the French army’s peace negotiation?” Meng Fangliao asked.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng said meaningfully.

 “Am I able to decide on peace negotiations?”

“Don’t forget that we have the Allied Forces Headquarters above us, and Stilwell is our leader.”

"You are so bad..." Meng Fanglia immediately understood what Cun Yunsheng meant.

It's useless to talk to me about this kind of thing. If you have any questions, just go to Stilwell directly.

“But it’s not that easy to negotiate a peace.” Cun Yunsheng said with a half-smile.

“Sometimes the direction of the war cannot be decided by the other party.”

 “Ah? Do you want to continue fighting?” Meng Fanlian asked doubtfully.

"Of course, is there any Khmer Chinese in the volunteer team? Ask him if he is interested in going back to drive away the French army." Cun Yunsheng didn't say much, but the meaning was obvious.

“Arrange another plane for me and I’ll go to meet Stilwell.”

There is one more update. I drank Chinese medicine in the afternoon and I have no appetite at all. I am just a little hungry now. I will have a meal before continuing to update.



 (End of this chapter)

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