The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 209: Big dog owner? There is more than enough oil! (Second update!

Chapter 209 Big Dog? There is more than enough oil! (Second update!)

"Don't you care about your life? Let me fix it within half a year?" Duan Liguo looked at the telegram in his hand with a look of helplessness.

You must know that when building the China-Myanmar Highway, more than 3,000 people were sacrificed, and the key materials consumed were also huge.

 Now let him build it according to the requirements of the Burma Highway.

 This means more people will die.

 Although the dead were all prisoners, it would not be good if word spread.

"Yes, this is the order from the regimental commander. He said there is not much time left for us now, so let us repair it as soon as possible. As for the cement needed, etc., he will find a way." The deputy nodded.

Hearing this, Duan Liguo thought for a while, constantly weighing the existing conditions.

“If there are some road construction machinery to assist, the construction speed will be faster. If it relies on manpower alone, at least hundreds of thousands of people will be needed to repair it.”

“And be prepared to suffer at least 10,000 casualties.”

 “Hiss, so much?” The deputy couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat.

“This is only a low-intensity situation. If the intensity increases, the casualties will be greater.” Duan Liguo said.

 Originally, he didn't want to come here, but Cun Yunsheng wrote him a letter personally.

 Considering that the Cun family and the Duan family are related by marriage.

 More importantly, the clouds are directly on the surface.

Shancheng is already very dissatisfied with the Yunnan Army, so he will take action against the Yunnan Army soon.

 If they continue to stay in western Yunnan, not only will they have no way out, but they will also get themselves into trouble.

The man from Shancheng is not a broad-minded person.

 After listening to Cun Yunsheng's analysis, the three brothers of the Duan family finally decided to come over and take a look.

When they came over, Cun Yunsheng didn't give them a chance to think about it.

 The boss was directly assigned to build roads.

 Originally, Milong was responsible for building the road, but this guy complained to him that this thing couldn't be done at all.

Just in time to catch up with the three Duan brothers, Cun Yunsheng handed over the road construction matter to Duan Liguo, the eldest brother of the Duan family, without saying anything.

 ‘Leave professional matters to professional people, you only need to build roads, and I will solve whatever you need. Give money if you need it, give people people if you need it. In a word, build roads. ’

 This is what Cun Yunsheng left behind.

It was precisely because of this sentence that Duan Liguo agreed to build the road without saying a word.

As for the second son of the Duan family, he threw him to Myitkyina and followed Lin Yi to do some staff work.

 The main thing is to get familiar with the structure of the Sichuan Army and train him how to be a good staff officer.

Cun Yunsheng yearned for the German staff very much, so he had been collecting staff talents.

But before, the Sichuan Army Corps was small and could not attract many great talents.

Now that it has gradually gained a reputation, it can also attract some talents.

And the second eldest son of the Duan family is quite talented as a staff officer, and he also holds the rank of second lieutenant.

Thinking of Lin Yi complaining every day and dying of exhaustion alone, he threw him over.

 The third son of the Duan family was left in Lashio by him to serve as the leader of the newly formed infantry regiment.

It can be said that from this moment on, the three brothers of the Duan family have been completely tied to the chariot.

“Send a telegram to the regiment and ask him to find a way to get a batch of machinery, otherwise I won’t be able to repair this road.” Duan Liguo said helplessly.

 “Yes.” The deputy responded immediately.


"Are you having trouble building the road? Do you want me to get some mechanical equipment?" Cun Yunsheng looked at the telegram sent by Duan Liguo and was speechless for a while.


 Can this be obtained with money?

Imphal does have a number of mechanical equipment, but they all belong to the US military.

 It should be okay to spend some money and borrow it.

 In this era, it is indeed very slow to build roads by manpower alone.

The Burma Highway alone employed 400,000 people, sacrificed more than 3,000 people, and took nearly a year.

 The road situation in northern Myanmar is even worse now.

 He cannot mobilize 400,000 people.

 So we can only rely on machinery.

 As for purchasing machinery and equipment.

It’s not impossible.

 The key point is that the old boy Stilwell is a bit defensive now, and it will be difficult to buy these equipment.

But if you need money to rent, it should be no problem.

 After thinking about it, Cun Yunsheng decided to send someone to try.

 After all, false alarm consumption is a unique skill of the US military.

 A single sheep can be quoted for $6 million.

 He spends some money to buy some scrapped machinery and equipment?

 It’s definitely no problem.

He still doesn’t believe it. At this time, the US military can also struggle with money?

"Cement..." Seeing the mention of cement at the end of the telegram, Cun Yunsheng felt dizzy.

 At this time, we were not in later generations, and cement could be bought everywhere.

 Cement is in short supply at this time.

Moreover, this is a tropical rainforest. If cement roads are not built, during the rainy season, the built dirt roads will be washed away and become pitted when the water soaks them.

 So the best way is to use cement to pour gravel and then lay a layer of asphalt on top.

The road built in this way is absolutely very strong.

 Just where did he get the cement?

 Thinking of this, I couldn’t help but feel a pain in my head.

 However, he promised Duan Liguo that he would only be responsible for building roads and leave the rest to him.

 The key point is where did he get the cement?

And asphalt?

This thing can only be found when petroleum is refined.

 So back to the original question.

 Just buying it requires a lot of money.

 He cannot allow road construction to consume too much money.

 If you want to completely solve this problem, you need to buy equipment and produce it yourself.

 Especially Khmer, which is rich in resources.

 As long as you have the equipment, it won’t take long to produce it.

"Can't the German army just give it a try? If we kill the British army in Alexandria, won't we open up the route?" Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but sigh.

Even after so long, there is still no news, and we don’t know what the German army is doing.

“Regiment leader, a Persian businessman has come outside and wants to see you.” At this time, a soldier came in to report.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was startled, what kind of Persian businessman?

Do you know any Persian merchants?

 And how did he know that he was in Lashio?

With doubts, Cun Yunsheng still asked someone to invite him in.

 As a result, I saw a man wearing a turban walking in.

He is really a Persian businessman.

This outfit cannot be fake.

 “What do you want to buy?” Cun Yunsheng tried to communicate in English.

Unexpectedly, when the other party heard him speaking in English, a smile appeared on his face.

"Hello, sir, my name is Alberts. I am a businessman from Persia. I heard that you can buy magic medicine here." Alberts asked excitedly when he saw Cun Yunsheng. Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng was stunned. How did this guy know?

Did Li Si leak it?

 It shouldn’t be!

 He should not have the courage.

 Or did Anjia leak it?

Less likely.

 The lives of those who make their home are in their own hands, and anyone who dares to say another word will be killed.

"Oh? How did you know that I have the magic medicine here?" Cun Yunsheng asked with squinted eyes.

If he couldn't explain why, he would definitely kill the other person.

 During war, it is quite normal to kill a lot of people.

But Alberts didn’t know that he was already on the verge of death, and then honestly told how he got the news.

It turns out that the news of the emergence of penicillin in Xiangjiang has spread to all countries.

The king of Persia had someone in his family who was infected. He heard about this miracle medicine, so he sent people to Xiangjiang to see if he could buy this miracle medicine.

 As a result, the ship Alberts was on encountered a typhoon in Southeast Asia, and had no choice but to dock in Yangon.

And Alberts met Long Wenzhang by chance.

 Through understanding, I learned that this miracle medicine also exists in Lashio.

So Alberts came to Lashio with the attitude of giving it a try.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng suddenly realized. He didn't expect the news to spread quickly enough.

 More importantly, this guy was lucky enough to find himself.

“You are talking about penicillin, right?” Cun Yunsheng said with a smile and narrowed his eyes when he heard about the magic medicine.

"Yes, yes, it's penicillin. Long Wenwen said you can buy it here. This is simply a miracle medicine. Do you know, our king is willing to spend a lot of money to buy this miracle medicine because our little prince has pneumonia. Only this miracle medicine can be purchased here." Only medicine can save him," Alberts explained quickly.

You must know that it is not that easy to survive if you get pneumonia these days. This is not a self-healing disease. Without anti-inflammatory drugs, you will just wait to die.

Cun Yunsheng is not surprised that penicillin can cure pneumonia. For people without drug resistance, 50,000 units of penicillin is enough to cure pneumonia.

“I do have this magic medicine, but the price is very high.” Cun Yunsheng was naturally not polite when he heard that the other party was a big business owner.

What's more, he suddenly thought of a question.

 That means Persia is now controlled by the British army.

 But the king of the other side is very close to the German army.

If cooperation between the two parties can be promoted, then this situation will become more interesting.

 After all, the messier the better.

 The more countries that are dragged into the quagmire of war, the more they will gain.

 More importantly, I also want asphalt to pave the road.

 The source of asphalt is petroleum.

 The most important thing for big business owners is oil.

 So money is really nothing to people.

"The price is not a problem. Is it a box of six gold bars? We can bid ten gold bars." Alberts said proudly.

 He has inquired about the price, six large yellow croakers in gold.

Although the price is a bit high, considering that it can really save people, it’s okay to be a little more expensive.

 Meng Fanglia next to him was directly shocked by the arrogance of the big dog owner.

 Only Cun Yunsheng seemed calm. The most important thing for these big business owners was money.

  People are really making money while sleeping.

 So the front is just a number to others.

 And now Cun Yunsheng is not short of money.

 He needs oil.

 In fact, Cun Yunsheng made a mistake. Most of Persia at the moment is a desert area and there is not much gold.

Furthermore, Persia has been oppressed by the British army for many years, and Persia is still very poor.

 Although oil could be sold, most of it was taken away by the British army, and they got only a small part.

“No, I don’t want gold, I need oil.” Cun Yunsheng shook his head and stated his purpose.

 Hearing about the demand for oil, Alberts was startled because he knew that in order to be able to successfully buy the magic medicine this time.

 He specially exchanged it for a lot of gold.

 As a result, tell him to ask for oil now?

 Don’t you know that the most indispensable thing in Persia is oil?

Although the trucks, tanks, planes, etc. of the Sichuan Army are all provided with fuel by the US military, it feels very uncomfortable to have this lifeline choked by others.

If you can control part of the oil yourself, even if the two sides are unhappy in the future.

You don’t have to worry about being choked.

Not to mention, road construction requires asphalt and so on.

 So, Cun Yunsheng is very eager for oil now.

There is another problem, that is, letting the Germans know that Persia has a lot of oil.

It can stimulate the German army to launch the Battle of El Alamein as soon as possible. After occupying the Suez Canal, they can directly cross the river and attack Persia.

 With this oil, the situation will look even better.

 With enough oil, equipped with rubber from Southeast Asia.

 It may not be that easy for the Allies to win the battlefield easily.

 More importantly, it can also attract some of the firepower of the US military.

“Do you mean to use oil to settle the matter?” Alberts said.

"Yes, it can be traded with oil, but as far as I know, the share of oil you currently control should not be very large. Can you fully afford it?" Cun Yunsheng said.

 Hearing this, Alberts was stunned.

Isn’t it just a few boxes of penicillin?

 Why can’t you pay?

 Although the price of oil is very low now, the production is also very high.

One thousand barrels is not enough?

 If it’s not enough, how about two thousand barrels?

 At the current price, one barrel of oil is about a little over one dollar, and the price of ten large yellow croakers is almost exactly over a thousand barrels of oil.

 Looks like a lot, but for big dog owners, it’s just a sprinkling of water.

"Here, we have several small oil wells privately, which can definitely pay the price of medicines." Alberts said.

He thought that the other party could not afford it, so he quickly explained that they had several small oil wells privately.

Hearing this, the corners of Cun Yunsheng's mouth twitched. These big business owners are really too rich.

 It is no exaggeration to say that oil can be dug out from under their palaces.

"I'm not worried that you don't have enough oil. What I just want to say is, do you just want to buy some medicine? Or don't you want other things?" Cun Yunsheng asked with a half-smile.

 “Something else?” Alberts was stunned, not knowing what this sentence meant.

“Are you willing to be oppressed by the British army all the time?” Cun Yunsheng looked at each other and said word by word.

"I believe you have also seen during this period that the British army's combat effectiveness is not as strong as imagined, and it can even be compared to some third-rate troops."

 “I think you can try to drive them all away.”

Hearing this, Alberts was stunned. He didn't know why the other party said this to him.

 I am just here to buy medicine.

 Don’t dare to think too much about other things.

"Mr. Colonel, what you said is not something I can answer. I am only responsible for purchasing medicines." Alberts shook his head and said.

"That makes sense. Your troops don't have any weapons and equipment. It's really unrealistic for you to fight the British army with bare hands." Cun Yunsheng continued to stare at the opponent and said calmly.

“What if I can provide some weapons?”

  "??????" Alberts looked at the other party in confusion.

 (End of this chapter)

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