The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 214: When the Stuka appeared, the British army was completely desperate! (

Chapter 214 When Stuka appeared, the British army was completely desperate! (First update!)

 The appearance of French warships brought the balance of victory directly to the navies of the four countries.

Although the French battleships suffered heavy losses, the battleships were still available.

 Looking at the British warships in the port, the French sailors were pouring out their anger crazily.

 Cannonballs flew towards the battleships in the port.




I have to say that the French sailors, who are blessed by hatred, are pretty good at naval gun shooting.

“Asshole, there is no aircraft carrier, otherwise the carrier-based aircraft will have a chance to sink all these warships to the bottom of the sea.” Admiral Laborde roared with some annoyance.

It's not that the French army doesn't have an aircraft carrier, they actually have one.

It was built before the war, and was called the Béarn.

 As a result, the aircraft carrier ran away.

 That's right, he just ran away.

The only thing this strange aircraft carrier did was to transfer frivolous wealth to France's colonies in Quebec and other colonies in North America immediately after the war started.

 The gold, jewelry and famous paintings in the French treasury were urgently transferred to France's colonies in North America.

 After the mission was completed, France had surrendered.

As a result, this aircraft carrier neither joined Free France nor dared to openly defect to Vichy France.

The Royal Navy would definitely not let go of someone like this.

 After all, no one likes a wallflower.

So this French aircraft carrier actually hid in the port of a French island in the Caribbean Sea and basked in the sun leisurely.

 Turn a deaf ear to the various tragic battles on the Atlantic Ocean, just like no one else.

 With the addition of this aircraft carrier, this attack may be very smooth.

 But it’s a pity that people don’t care whether you fight life or death.

  Anyway, the main theme is one. I am dead and I have something to do to burn paper.

“Hold on, don’t retreat, continue the attack, and we must send all these **** to the bottom of the sea.” Admiral Laborde continued to roar.

 The battleships began to show off their power.


 The gun of a cruiser was directly taken away by one shot.

This made the Italian sailors who were fishing nearby stunned.

Is this still the frail French sailor?

 It’s very unscientific.

And some fearless French sailors drove destroyers directly towards the port.

He faced the British naval guns, dropped torpedoes, and returned again.

This one-hand operation really shocked many people.

 “Bastard.” Watching a cruiser hit several torpedoes and beginning to sink slowly, Canning in the distance roared again.

“Tell the Air Force that they must repel the invading enemy ships for me, no matter what the cost.”


Since the British carrier-based aircraft are close and can fight immediately as long as they take off, the British army is not far behind for the time being.

However, the Italian and Japanese warships have been conducting air defense, allowing the French fleet to output firepower as much as they want.

 So, overall, the British fleet is still very uncomfortable.

"Baga, where is our carrier-based aircraft? It hasn't arrived yet?" Nanyun Zhongyi shouted angrily as he watched battleships being hit one after another.

 It is about to succeed. If the carrier-based aircraft falls short, it will really be a loss.

“It should be here soon.” As soon as the first officer’s voice stopped, a British carrier-based aircraft was shot down in the sky.

As mentioned before, British pilots are accustomed to flying in circles.

 So I was not used to the tactics of Japanese pilots.

As soon as the battle began, several British carrier-based aircraft were shot down.

“Damn, these carrier-based aircraft bite so hard that they can’t go around in circles.” The British carrier-based aircraft pilot shouted loudly.

 “Asshole, get out of here.”


 A British carrier-based aircraft was shot down again.

When Kan Anning on the ground saw this scene, he couldn't help but frown slightly.


The Japanese army actually sent an aircraft carrier?

 Didn’t they suffer heavy losses in the Pacific?

 Are there not many aircraft carriers left?

There is still room for sending an aircraft carrier to support?

 More importantly, the Japanese pilots were very strong.

 Their carrier-based aircraft pilots are no match at all.

 Looking at the carrier-based aircraft being shot down one after another, Admiral Canning frowned even deeper.

At first I thought there would be a comeback, but who knew, we would sink even deeper.

"Where's the Army? Why haven't their fighter planes come to support yet?" General Cananning took a deep breath and said.

It’s starting to get light now, and it’s time to take off.

"I'm afraid they won't be able to come," the adjutant said helplessly.

 “Why?” Admiral Kan Anning asked puzzledly.

“The German army suddenly launched an attack, and all the army’s fighter planes went to the front line to fight with the German fighter planes.” the adjutant said, spreading his hands.

"Bastard, this is a conspiracy, a naked conspiracy." Even if Admiral Canning was stupid, he had figured it out at this time.

 This was a conspiracy specifically aimed at Alexandria.

 The purpose is to eliminate the Mediterranean fleet in Alexandria.

 In this case, the Eastern Mediterranean belongs to the Axis powers.

 Thinking of this, Admiral Kan Anning forced himself to calm down.

“Ask the Army to send some fighter planes over. We can’t hold on any longer.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the French battleship's gun directly hit the Ark Royal.


The deck was instantly blasted with a huge hole.

 Obviously, it has affected the take-off of carrier-based aircraft.

 “Damn it, get out of there quickly.” Admiral Kan Anning roared heartbreakingly.

 He suddenly regretted that he should not have participated in the attack on the French fleet.

 Sure enough, the way of heaven is easy to reincarnate, no one can be spared by heaven.

What made him even more desperate was that when a large number of German fighter planes appeared in the north, General Canning's pupils shrank suddenly, and then a desperate expression appeared on his face.

  The appearance of Japanese carrier-based aircraft only made him feel troublesome.

 But the appearance of German fighter planes was really despairing.

At dawn, the German fighter planes that took off from the Bulgarian airport came to the sky above the port of Alexandria and saw the British warships in the port.

He rushed over with a roar.

 Compared with the tactics and skills of Japanese pilots, German pilots were more fearless and fearless of death.

 Dive bombing!

 A sharp whistling sound sounded!

 The bombs were accurately dropped on the British warships.




 Compared to the slow pace before, the German fighter planes are much more heroic.

One fighter plane after another continued to dive, and then dropped bombs and lifted up.

 Everything is so smooth and flowing.

Chūichi Nagumo from behind looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but be stunned.

 All this time, I have only heard that German pilots are particularly powerful, but I have never really seen them. Until this moment, he didn't know that the rumors were true.

  Too fierce.

 Not only is it fast, but the division of labor is also very clear.


There was a violent explosion, and a German Stuka bomber crashed directly into Ark Royal.

It is suspected that the ammunition depot exploded, and flames instantly burst into the sky.

This scene indeed caused a huge shock to Nagumo Chuichi's soul.

 It turns out that fighter planes can also play the style of death squads.

At this time, the French fleet moved its position again, closer to the port.

The navies of the four countries, which originally did not have the advantage, are now gradually expanding their advantage under the fierce attack of German fighter planes.

Especially, the British battleships were bombed by more than ten German Stuka bombers and began to suffer scars. In addition, the French battleships continued to fire cannons, and some of them could not withstand it.

These German fighter planes never thought about the return trip. It can be said that they bought a one-way ticket.

Either all the warships in the port will be destroyed, or they will die in battle.


Finally, the last British battleship could not withstand such bombing and began to sink slowly.

  Seeing this, the British captain could only give the order to retreat with tears in his eyes.

 The battleship is gone, but it can still be built.

  If people are gone, it’s really over.

When the French warships saw this scene, they couldn't help but burst into loud shouts.

 For them, being able to sink a British battleship was a great joy.

 They finally had their revenge.

Thinking of this, some radical French warships just ignored it, rushed to the port, and fired torpedoes at Ark Royal.

 Looking at the fewer and fewer battleships, Admiral Canning instantly aged several years.

 The Mediterranean Fleet is finished.

 He really did not expect that this time it would be a joint attack on Alexandria by the navies of the four countries.

More importantly, the intelligence agencies did not have any early warning.

This will not happen if there is advance warning.

 Because normally, after a warship enters port, one or two boilers will be kept running. The purpose is to ensure that the warship can respond quickly when it encounters an attack.

The results of it?

The attack without warning caught the Mediterranean fleet off guard.

"Asshole, the intelligence department should bear full responsibility." Admiral Canning cursed with tears in his eyes.


After seeing the Ark Royal hit by dozens of aerial bombs, Admiral Cunningham closed his eyes in pain, knowing that everything was over.

Especially when there were hundreds of German fighter planes in the sky, they were still buzzing to attack the other warships in the port. He knew that even if the air force support arrived, it would be useless.

"Withdraw..." After saying this, Admiral Kan Anning spit out a mouthful of blood and then passed out.

The other officers around him were frightened and quickly lifted up General Can Anning and retreated towards the city.


"What did you say? German fighter planes raided the port? Alexandria was shrouded in flames? Admiral Canning was unconscious?" After Montgomery received the telegram, everyone was stunned.

 The Mediterranean fleet with high hopes is gone?

 There is only one Fleet H left in the Strait of Gibraltar?

That's useless?

 When he received the telegram, he didn't pay too much attention to it. You must know that there are more than fifty warships in the port. Even if more than a dozen are sunk, the impact will not be great, as long as the enemy ships can be repelled.

 As a result, telegrams came one after another.

 Italian Navy, French Navy.

 The navies of the four countries appeared at the same time, making Montgomery unable to sit still.

Just as he was about to send fighter planes for reinforcements, news came from the forward position that the German army launched an attack.

 The original support was in vain.

 Thinking about letting Admiral Kan Anning hold on first.

The results of it?

More than a hundred German fighter planes appeared in the north and frantically bombarded the Royal Fleet in the port.

 It can be said that at this point, the fleet in the port is basically finished.

This was simply unacceptable to Montgomery. With the loss of the Mediterranean Fleet, the strength of the Royal Fleet was greatly damaged. Even if there was still a local fleet, it had already lost seven or eighty-eight dollars. In particular, there were several US warships in it, which were also sunk.

 Barton next to him was also dumbfounded when he heard the news.

 Fortunately, the sailors from the US warships all went ashore to enjoy themselves in the city.

 After all, sailing on the sea is really boring.

 Generally when they go to a city, they will go ashore to enjoy themselves.

In addition, this is a British port, so there is no one on duty.

 But, he was still confused.

 Originally, I thought that after the Battle of El Alamein was over, I could consider opening a second battlefield.

 The results now tell him that the Mediterranean fleet is gone.

 This was simply unacceptable to him.

You know, when he first received the news, like Montgomery, he thought it was just a small sneak attack, but who knew it was getting bigger and bigger.

I didn’t even expect that the combined strength of the navies of the four countries would be so strong.

"I'm sorry, sirs. The Mediterranean fleet was basically wiped out. Not a single warship escaped. Even the submarine was affected by the explosion, causing damage to electronic parts and sinking." The communications staff officer held up the latest battle report. , said helplessly.

“You bastard, you son of a bitch, why didn’t the intelligence agency give you any warning?” Montgomery still couldn’t accept it.

You must know that they have deciphered the German army's cipher machine. In other words, they are aware of the German army's movements at all times.

 As a result, the intelligence agencies did not have any early warning.

 Could it be that the German army discovered that their cipher machine had been cracked?


"Lieutenant General Montgomery, what we have to do now is to report this situation to the mainland. This is not something we can solve. The enemy is still very powerful. We must remind them that the navies of the four countries have united and the situation in the Mediterranean has already happened. Earth-shaking changes," Barton said seriously as he looked at Montgomery in front of him.

Hearing this, Montgomery lost his previous high spirits and said rather decadently.

"Well, you are right. We should report to the local area, sort out the contents of the telegram, and send it to Downing Street."

 The first to get the news was Marshal Rommel.

 He looked at the German pilot in front of him with disbelief on his face.

The German pilots who came to bomb this time immediately belonged to the North African Army after completing their mission.

 So after dropping the bombs, these German pilots found the airport and landed, and then reported the news of the completion of the bombing to Rommel.

 “Is this true?” Marshal Rommel asked still in disbelief.

"Yes, Your Majesty Marshal, this is true. Now the port of Alexandria is shrouded in fire, the Mediterranean fleet is finished, and we have won." The German pilot said excitedly.

 Hearing the news, everyone in the headquarters cheered.

 Originally, they were still worried about how they would fight the next battle without sufficient supplies.

 It’s different now.

 Settling the Mediterranean Fleet means that their supply lines will no longer be harassed.

Urgently needed supplies can be replenished quickly.

 As long as there are supplies, the North African Army will explode into extremely strong combat effectiveness.

Marshal Rommel calmed down, looked at Alexandria, and then said seriously.

“Order, all troops immediately launch a general attack, the target is Alexandria.”





 (End of this chapter)

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