The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 219: It’s not easy to fool a fierce man from the sky! (Third update!)

Chapter 219 A fierce man descended from the sky is not easy to fool! (Third update!)

Looking at the malicious smile on Cun Yunsheng's face, Long Wenwen subconsciously took two steps back.

Every time he saw this smile, he had a bad feeling.

As expected, Cun Yunsheng's scalp went numb as soon as he opened his mouth.

 “Let your troops continue south to Borneo, I need you to capture this place for me.”

Long Wenwen stared at Cun Yunsheng dumbfounded. He didn't expect such a request. It was indeed beyond his expectation.

"Borneo? Isn't that a colony of the British army? Even Rangoon makes the British army jump up and scold them. If they take Borneo, wouldn't they be completely crazy?" Long Wenwen asked subconsciously.

Who knows, Cun Yunsheng seemed very calm.

"You are right, but now the British army is too busy to take care of themselves and has no time to pay attention to us. This is our opportunity."

“Your troops moving south won’t attract much attention.”

“Obtaining Borneo and then occupying the Strait of Malacca will completely cut off the Japanese army and play a huge role in the development of the war situation.”

Cun Yunsheng said while pointing at the map.

"Now the Japanese army has begun to advance westward. If nothing unexpected happens, the Japanese army will definitely send its main force westward to Tianzhu. By then we will occupy the Strait of Malacca, which means cutting off the Japanese army's connection. Then we will close the door and beat the dogs, and we can gain a breath. Destroy the Japanese army."

“But Fengwen is stationed there at the foot of the mountain.” Long Wenwen said hesitantly.

"What? Are you scared when facing Yamashita Fengwen?" Cun Yunsheng chuckled.

"To be honest, I was a little scared. I originally thought that more than 20,000 people could easily capture the city of Yangon. Who knew that it was not the same thing at all. The quality of the Japanese army's individual soldiers far exceeded my imagination. Just relying on these natives, we wanted to If we take Borneo, the casualties will probably be huge," Long Wenwen hesitated and said.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng couldn't help but feel a little relieved. Unexpectedly, Long Wenwen had also grown a lot.

 Then Cun Yunsheng said with a smile.

“There are always sacrifices in war. Besides, no matter how many natives die, what does it have to do with us?”

 “This is General Stilwell’s order.”

Cun Yunsheng was worried that Long Wenwen would be disgusted by the death and injury of too many natives, so he specifically emphasized that this was Stilwell's order.

Hearing this, Long Wenwen chuckled lightly. He understood Cun Yunsheng's worry, and then shook his head and said.

“Tuanzuo, I don’t have much favorable impressions of these natives.”

“As you said before, no matter how many casualties there are, it will not have much impact on us.”

“And in the previous battles, many of our expeditionary army soldiers were harmed. I remember this hatred clearly.”

With Long Wenwen’s words, Cun Yunsheng felt much more at ease.

"Go and meet your partner. He is an excellent soldier. You two can work well together." Cun Yunsheng nodded, then patted the other party's shoulder and said solemnly.

“Yes, Tuanzuo.” Long Wenwen responded.

And Cun Yunsheng went to find Wendell Fertig.

Looking at the stubbled Fertig in front of him, Cun Yunsheng knew this man's glorious record.

 Just giving a few examples will make people stunned.

 Handmade wine made from coconut trees provides alcohol for cars, and electrolyte is used to recharge batteries.

 Use glass soda bottles and fence wire to make a crude telegraph (similar to an ore radio).

 The hollow window bars were made into bullet casings for shotguns, and the gunpowder was mines fished out of the sea by fishermen.

This is just the military aspect, if it is trade, it will be even better.

 You can also use coconuts and plant ash to make soap, exchange the soap for local sugar, and then use the sugar to ferment to make alcohol.

This guy even organized woodblock printing and produced a pretty decent currency.

 Basically, as long as you push this guy into a hurry, you can do anything.

Of course, the only trouble is the radio transmitter.

But it didn’t matter. He directly roped in someone who had listened to radios, someone who had sold radios, and someone who had studied radios to develop radios together.

 In the R&D team, the one who studied radio was the most unjust. He only had a high school degree, and he only studied radio transmission, which was a correspondence course.

 This is equivalent to asking pilots to build airplanes that can **** off living people to death and then **** off dead people to life.

 The good news is that they finally relied on this simple radio transmitter to contact the US military.

 Does it feel fake?

 No, all of the above are true!

This guy is simply the top representative of men in science and engineering.

These operations above only prove that he has strong hands-on ability.

 The next operation confused the United States and Japan even more.

 The first thing that was confused was the Japanese army. After all, there were many resistance organizations in Mindanao.

 Indigenous people, allies, and overseas Chinese all have a share.

At that time, the local overseas Chinese directly sold their pots and sold iron to form a guerrilla force of more than 700 people. That was the real abundance of military virtue.

 At least the Japanese army suffered a lot.

However, people only dare to call themselves guerrillas and do not dare to give themselves random names.

The results of it?

Fettig directly called his guerrillas the U.S. Army in the Philippines.

 When the Japanese army received the news, they were very confused.

Weren’t the U.S. troops defeated by them and retreated?

 How come there is more?

The Japanese army was very anxious about this, and even forced them to use the radio to send false news that "your brigadier general has been killed."

 This is the trouble and anxiety that Fertig brought to the Japanese army.

The reason why the U.S. military is even more confused is that MacArthur reported that Fetig should have died in Mindanao.

Even Major General Charles Willoughby, who was in charge of intelligence, personally assured MacArthur that Fettiger was a puppet controlled by the Japanese army.

But the Japanese telegrams repeatedly mentioned Brigadier General Wendell several times.

 In the end, there was nothing we could do. The US military spent a lot of energy and finally verified that Fertig was really alive.

As a result, Mai Paopao only allowed Fetig to become the commander of the local guerrillas and did not recognize his brigadier general rank.

Fettig was even only asked to collect intelligence and was not allowed to launch armed operations.

 To put it bluntly, we only have the power of investigation, not command.

 Fetig was immediately stunned when he received the news.

 Are you polite?

How to fight this?

You must know that the local indigenous people have a lot of hatred towards the Japanese army.

 So, he had no choice but to disobey Mai Paopao's orders and continue to fight against the Japanese army.

His military talent is equivalent to the combination of "Li Da's ability plus Li Yunlong plus Zhou Weiguo".

 Such a powerful man came from heaven, and when he finally retired, he didn't even become a brigadier general.

to be honest.

If you retire him as a brigadier general, wouldn't that prove Mai Paopao's incompetence?

Looking at the fierce man in front of him, Cun Yunsheng felt happy in his heart. With this guy in his hands, the development speed of the Sichuan Legion will definitely be ten times, or even a hundred times, what it is now.

“Major Fertig, is it difficult to live with crocodiles in Mindanao?” Cun Yunsheng took the initiative to say hello.

"Hey, Mr. Colonel, you imprisoned an Allied officer like this and your superiors know about it. You know the consequences." Major Fettig said with some dissatisfaction. Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng chuckled and said immediately.

“Major Fertig, is this how you treat your savior?”

 Hearing this, Major Fertig was silent for a while, and then said helplessly.

"Mr. Colonel, actually I don't need your rescue. In fact, I have been very happy during this period. I have even contacted the guerrillas. I am ready to lead these guerrillas to fight against the Japanese army."

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng smiled even more.

"Major Fertig, as far as I know, you have not been given command authority. You are even just an engineering officer. You have violated military law and will be punished."

As mentioned before, this guy, like Long Wenwen, likes to pretend to be an officer.

 To deal with such a person, Cun Yunsheng will be able to catch him easily.

As expected, his words immediately silenced Major Fertig.

Indeed, according to military law, he has no command authority.

 In fact, in the later stages, Mai Paopao did not recognize this guy's command authority.

 “I am doing this for Mindanao.” It took a long time for Major Fettig to hold back his words.

Cun Yunsheng asked with a smile on his face.

“Major Fertig, how are you going to lead this guerrilla group? They are poor and have nothing.”

 Hearing this, Major Fetig showed a look of excitement on his face.

“I have thought about it. If the car has no power, we can use the coconut tree to make wine to provide alcohol for the car. I have even thought about bullets.”

 When talking about his major, Major Fettig talks endlessly.

Cun Yunsheng, on the other hand, listened to the other person's words very patiently.

 Only Meng Fanxiao next to him curled his lips.

 Another Krupp.

 Just bragging.

Those coconut trees can also produce alcohol?

Is this bullying you for not going to school?

Hand rub bullets?

 Are you kidding me?

 What if it’s really that easy to rub?

Why have they been chased and beaten by the Japanese army for so many years?

Mortars and machine guns?

 What a joke.

 Are you a God?

Every time Major Fertig said something, Meng was annoyed and complained in his heart.

 I really think this guy is too stupid.

 Actually, if Cun Yunsheng hadn't known about this guy's glorious record, he would have thought it was quite nonsense.

Problems that are difficult to reach the sky in the eyes of others are nothing at all in the eyes of the other party.

Isn’t this nonsense?

"I didn't realize that Mr. Fertig is actually a military engineer. Why did he study civil engineering?" Cun Yunsheng chatted with this guy about his daily life.

 You must know that this major is one of the four major sinkholes.

its not right!

This thing is still very popular now.

If he remembered correctly, this guy was supervising the construction of the airport at first.

Later it was proved that this guy really learned civil engineering to the extreme.

 Crops are planted on the runway. When a runway is needed, the farmers harvest it and it immediately becomes a field runway.

Do you dare to believe it?

This kind of brain circuit is something that most people simply can’t imagine.

 Even the Japanese army did not expect it.

 “Good employment.” Major Fertig’s words made him choke.

 Not long ago, the United States encountered an economic crisis, and the unemployment rate soared sharply.

 Infrastructure plans do require a large number of construction professionals.

 Furthermore, the U.S. military has a tradition of giving preferential treatment to skilled soldiers.

 So his civil engineering skills allowed him to become a reserve member of the Corps of Engineers.

"Let me go back. I will still lead the guerrillas to resist the Japanese army." Major Fertig did not want to argue with this guy about his imprisonment. Now he just wanted to focus on going back and resisting the Japanese army.

Who knows? Cun Yunsheng shook his head and said.

"Major Fertig, how many guerrillas can you lead by yourself? And I said, you have no command authority, and all your actions are illegal."

Hearing this, Major Fetig looked a little unhappy.

“But, I can’t just watch the natives being massacred by the Japanese army.”

Who knows, Cun Yunsheng said lightly.

“Major Fertig, now in Southeast Asia, not only the indigenous people of Mindanao are being massacred by the Japanese army, but also in many places. Your vision should not be limited to the small island of Mindanao.”

“We should look at the entire Southeast Asian theater.”

“But I am from the Pacific Theater.” Major Fertig said helplessly with his hands spread out.

"Oh? Then I will ask General Stilwell to send you back to Australia now? The airport built there is very suitable for you." The two continued to push to the limit.

"Okay, you win, what do you want to do?" After a long time, Major Fertig softened and said helplessly.

“Don’t worry, my request is very simple. In other words, my purpose is the same as yours, I also want to drive away those Japanese troops.” A smile appeared on Cun Yunsheng’s face.

 “My troops lack weapons and equipment.”

"Wait a minute, you are from the Southeast Asian war zone and belong to General Stilwell's subordinates. He has a large number of weapons and equipment in his hands. He should not be short of your equipment." Fettig is not a fool.

 After all, a fool can't do so many awesome things.

 So it’s not that easy for Cun Yunsheng to fool him.

"Yes, but those consultants will strictly supervise the use of the equipment. You know, I also sympathize with the indigenous people and hope they can get more weapons and equipment." Cun Yunsheng spread his hands and said helplessly.

“So I can only give some obsolete old weapons to the indigenous people. The anti-fascist struggle cannot rely on us alone. We must also unite the indigenous people. This is their homeland, and they also need to stand up and resist together.”

“It turns out that my plan was right. Yangon has been recaptured due to the resistance of the indigenous people, but there are still a lot of places in the Southeast Asian war zone waiting to be rescued.”

“And the natives couldn’t take back the occupied land with just their fists, so they needed a lot of weapons.”

"I'm sorry, you know, General Stilwell is not an easy person to get along with. He will not give these weapons to the natives for nothing."

I have to say, after all this rhetoric is said, at least Young Hero Fertig really believed it.

"Yes, Stilwell is not an easy person to get along with. He has a very bad temper and often insults officers. Many people have opinions about him." Major Fetig nodded and said in agreement.

“So you asked me to come here to make weapons for you?”

"Yes, I have equipment and workers here, but I lack a leader. If you can take over, there will be a steady stream of weapons. By then, these weapons can be given to the indigenous people, so that they can also have weapons. Fight against the Japanese army. I believe that with these weapons of yours, they will be able to drive away the Japanese army and regain their homeland." Cun Yunsheng's words showed that he was very upright.

 At least at this moment, Major Fertig was deceived.

“Then can the first batch of weapons be transported to Mindanao? The guerrillas there need these weapons.” Major Fetig thought for a while, tilted his head and asked.

"No problem. In fact, our next task is to attack Luzon Island. This kind of landing mission cannot be solved by us alone. It also requires the cooperation of the guerrillas."

"If they become stronger, it will be a good thing for us." Cun Yunsheng said with a smile on his face.

I felt a little unwell yesterday and was busy with chores. I fell asleep while writing the last chapter. When I got up in the morning, I quickly made up for it. There are still three more chapters!



 (End of this chapter)

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