The War of Resistance Begins with the Regiment Leader

Chapter 253: Rommel's helplessness! (First update!)

Chapter 253 Rommel’s helplessness! (First update!)

"Sir." Cun Yunsheng looked at Mr. An who had just walked in in the Sichuan Army's conference room in Bangkok. He was about to speak when he saw the other party speaking proactively.

 “You’re welcome, Mr. An, you’re welcome.” A kind smile appeared on Cun Yunsheng’s face, and then he said with a smile.

“I invite you here, mainly because I want to ask, how is the recent development of our Chinese Mutual Aid Association?”

Hearing this, Mr. An sat upright, thought for a moment, and then spoke.

“Sir, the recent development of the mutual aid association has been basically very smooth, without any difficulties. All major Chinese families from all over the country have joined in, and we are currently integrating relevant resources in accordance with your requirements.”

I have to say that although Mr. An is old, his thinking is very clear and his reporting is also very organized.

You should know that there are almost eight million Chinese in Nanyang.

If these people could be integrated, the power that would burst out would be terrifying.

 But so far, it has only integrated a small number of large Chinese ethnic groups in Siam and Myanmar.

 As for Khmer and Annan, they have just been captured, and integration will take some time.

“Well, we must explain clearly to them the benefits of joining the Chinese Mutual Aid Association.” Cun Yunsheng nodded, emphasized again, and then changed the subject.

“I wonder, is Mr. An familiar with the Chinese families in Borneo?”

Hearing this, Mr. An was stunned and asked doubtfully.

  “What did you mean?”

“For example, in Malaysia, are there any familiar families?”

You must know that Borneo and Java Island have a population of more than 70 million people, most of whom are concentrated on Java Island.

 Compared to Java, Borneo has the largest number of Chinese and is also the most patriotic.

 You can see it from Nanqiao Machinery.

 That’s why Cun Yunsheng is so interested in Borneo.

"They, some families are quite familiar with them, and some families have been in contact with us during this period. If you are talking about Java Island, they may not be very familiar with them. After all, we and they belong to the same two groups. They have been deeply assimilated with the local area. Yes." Mr. An tried to use concise words to tell everything he knew.

 But looking at Cun Yunsheng's confused expression, he thought about it and spoke again.

“Let’s put it this way, we may still miss some feelings about our homeland, but for them, the emotion may be relatively low or even non-existent.”

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng nodded. After saying this, he knew what was going on.

 Compared to Borneo, Java is indeed a problem, but its population base is too large.

 If it is not handled well, the consequences will be endless.

 More importantly, my experience in these areas is shallow. To deal with this kind of problem, I still have to rely on these old foxes.

“Do you mean to treat these people as indigenous people?” Cun Yunsheng looked at Mr. An and asked casually.

Hearing this, Mr. An was shocked. He knew that what he said next meant that many people would be unlucky.

 So consider every word carefully and try not to cause too many misunderstandings.

"Of course not. Some families have been here for such a long time that their descendants no longer have a sense of identity and are not much different from the local aborigines. However, some Chinese families still have deep feelings for their homeland, so these are all needed Treat them separately.”

“For example, the Huang family in Lion City still have deep feelings for their homeland. They donated a lot of materials during the war of resistance against Japan, and were even persecuted by the Japanese army.”

“However, because the Huang family is very influential in the local area, the Japanese army did not dare to persecute them openly and could only suppress them secretly.” Mr. An obviously knew the Chinese families in Borneo very well.

“As for some families, let’s not mention them. They are even willing to become lackeys of the Japanese army.”

 Speaking of this, Mr. An was obviously very angry.

Cun Yunsheng naturally understood his anger, but did not express his position immediately, but asked again.

“Can a family like the Huang family win them over?”

Hearing this, Mr. An glanced at Cun Yunsheng and asked tentatively.

“Sir, are you planning to attack Borneo?”

“Why do you ask that?” Cun Yunsheng asked.

“But now that Annan is about to be captured, we can take action against Borneo, but only by knowing ourselves and the enemy can we win every battle. I want to know what forces are available in Borneo.”

“We are weak now, so we need to make more friends so that we can win more easily.”

Mr. An suddenly realized what he was saying, and then he spoke.

"The Huang family and other forces can basically be won over. They hate the Japanese army very much, and they also have a certain feeling for their homeland. As long as they show affection and reason, they should be able to be persuaded."

Cun Yunsheng carefully thought about what the other party said, and found that it was basically similar to his thoughts.

“I’ve learned a lesson. Thank you An Lao for clarifying my doubts. I don’t know if An Lao can help thread the needle. I just said that the purpose of our Sichuan Army is to drive away the Japanese army, but our strength is weak and we still need their help.”

"Of course, I won't let their help go in vain. I wonder if they have heard of Lan Fang back then."

 At the end, Cun Yunsheng glanced at Mr. An meaningfully.

 He believed that with the other party’s intelligence, he would be able to understand what he meant.

As expected, when he heard Lan Fang, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Cun Yunsheng in disbelief.

 “Is this possible?”

Only they can understand these words. Others would just look at a loss.

"It all depends on manpower. How can you know if it works if you don't try? Besides, Siam's navy has just swallowed up the French warships. Although the strength of the navy is not as good as that of the Japanese army, it can at least protect itself." Cun Yunsheng said meaningfully. .

  Meaning, now the navy in my hand is very strong, coupled with a large air force.

 There are some things you can still try.

It’s just that, the rest depends on whether you understand it or not.

Hearing this, Mr. An understood it instantly, took a deep breath, and said solemnly.

“Sir, please don’t worry. I will contact those old guys when I get back and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer.”

“Seeing that you are particularly interested in Nanqiao mechanics, I will also urge those old guys to send some more people.”

Mr. An talked a lot, mostly promising something they could give.

 Actually, people like them have a lot to offer.

 For example, those knowledgeable overseas Chinese are the most coveted things of Cun Yunsheng.

 He can think of various ways to get equipment, including trickery and abduction.

 But there is really nothing we can do about talent, and our background is too weak.

 If nothing else, the production of rifles has just exceeded 100 units per day, and only 3,000 units per month. It seems like a lot, but it is actually very low.

 The main reason is not only talent, but also the limitation of raw materials.

With the help of these big Chinese families, some things will be much easier.

If it were before, Cun Yunsheng would definitely not have said these words.

 But now that he has taken Hanoi, his strength is already very strong.

 At least in front of the natives, they are absolutely crushing.

Not to mention, there is a Japanese Fourth Division that is quietly training the indigenous army.

 When they complete basic training, no one in this area will dare to speak loudly to him.

 Having a long journey to look at Shu refers to the current mentality of being born in a cloud. After Mr. An left, Meng Fannie couldn't help but said with admiration.

“Tuanzuo, I didn’t expect you to know about Lan Fang.”

 After saying that, he saw Cun Yunsheng looking at him like an idiot.

 “Do you think I’m a fool?”

“For these wealthy Chinese people, Lanfang was once their belief in their hearts.”

“So it has to be you. Hit the snake seven inches, but you can pinch their lifeline to death.”

“I just don’t know if Stilwell will agree.” Meng Fangliao said worriedly.

 “Does it matter whether he agrees or not?” Cun Yunsheng said disdainfully.

“But Borneo is a British colony, if they don’t agree.” Meng Fanglia expressed his worries.

Hearing this, Cun Yunsheng said lightly.

“Don’t you think that after this battle, the British will come back?”

“If they can’t even defend Tianzhu, what qualifications do they have to continue to occupy this colony?”

“After the Japanese army saw the wealth of Tianzhu, they would never give up the wealth that was at their fingertips.”

"So don't worry about the British. Even if the British army wants to take back this colony at that time, it will depend on whether we can agree."

“Are the weapons in our hands all fire sticks?”

Meng Fanxiao nodded deeply. He did not expect that his parents would think so far.

“I don’t know how Li Si’s fleet is getting together.” Cun Yunsheng ignored Meng Fan and murmured as he looked at the map.


Suez Canal, the 21st Armored Division led by Rommel has arrived at the edge of the canal.

 Looking at this canal, which took countless manpower to build, I couldn't help but sigh.

 At first the Suez Canal belonged to France, but was later sold to the British Empire.


This area of ​​the canal was controlled by the German army.

 For the Egyptian royal family, there was no difference.

 It's just a different person, and the actual interests have nothing to do with them.

“How many artillery pieces do we carry?” Rommel asked casually after admiring the beautiful scenery of the canal for a while.

“Report, due to the rapid march, the large-caliber artillery is still behind, and the rest are some small-caliber mortars.” The subordinates quickly responded.

 Hearing this, Rommel frowned slightly.

 Before this, he had never thought that he could reach the Suez Canal, so he didn't think that deeply.

 Now that I came to the edge of the canal, I realized what I was doing.

 That's how to hold the canal.

The British Empire relied on its powerful navy to prevent other powers from touching its power.

 But the German army does not have such a powerful navy.

 So if you want to defend the canal, you have to find another way.

 Two methods.

 The first is to rely on the navies of the four countries. However, the current navies of the four countries appear to be strong, but are actually very weak.

 There is not a single serious aircraft carrier.

 Including Nagumo Chuichi's aircraft carrier, it is only a modified aircraft carrier.

 The speed was not up to standard.

 As for the aircraft carrier converted from a merchant ship, it is still undergoing modification.

 The key problem has arisen again, that is, there are no carrier-based aircraft.

 Stop talking about the Germans, because the planes are under the command of the Air Force, so the two sides are still arguing.

 So it may be difficult to take out the carrier-based aircraft for a while.

Although the magical modification of land aviation fighters has begun, it will take time.

 According to the answer given by the base camp, it will take at least a month.

 This month, Allied warships will appear in the canal again.

 After all, this is the Far East battlefield.

  No, the Tianzhu battlefield has reached a very dangerous point.

 The British army will never allow problems in Tianzhu.

According to reliable intelligence, the British Empire has deployed the main fleet of the Royal Navy, including four aircraft carriers, three battleships, several cruisers, etc., and is heading towards the Mediterranean Sea.

  Including the warships mobilized by the US military from the Atlantic, there are probably hundreds of warships sailing toward the Mediterranean.

 The navies of the four countries were not idle either. They also began to mobilize all warships and decided to fight a strategic decisive battle with the Allies in the Mediterranean.

 In addition, the rest of the Allied warships, including the Tu'ao, New Zealand, Canadian and other naval fleets, are crossing the Sea of ​​Death and coming quickly from the east of the canal.

At this point, the Allies had no regard for navigation safety and could only sail to the canal at all costs.

A discerning person can see at a glance that this is an attack between the east and west navies of the four countries.

 Whether Rommel can hold the canal is the key.

If he can block the Allied warships outside the canal, then the navies of the four countries still have hope of winning, otherwise everything will be in vain.

 So there is only the second way left, which is to deploy coastal defense artillery on the shore.

It’s just that it’s too late to transport coastal defense artillery from the mainland.

 Can only rely on the only heavy artillery in hand to block the Allied warships.

"Marshal, do you want to use the artillery in our hands to deal with those warships?" His subordinates were all confidants who had fought with Rommel for many years, and they immediately saw through his purpose.

"Yes, not only that, these tanks must also be used when necessary." Rommel said helplessly.

As soon as these words came out, the subordinate opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

“Those medium tanks and the British heavy tanks stayed and were deployed on the shore, half buried in the sand pit.” Rommel was worthy of being a master of tactics, and he quickly figured out how to deal with the warships.

“We don’t have heavy weapons that can deal with warships, so we can only find other ways. As for those light tanks, they will follow the fishing boats across the river and head to Persia. We are going there to fight a war that will shock the world.”

"But, in that case, we only have light tanks in our hands. Facing the Soviet tanks, we will not have an advantage." His subordinates immediately retorted.

Burying tanks in sand pits and using tank guns to deal with warships are all helpless choices, but this is the limit of what Rommel can do.

 But using light tanks to deal with the Soviet army is really asking for death.

The Soviet army is not stupid like the British army.

 Their use of armored forces is definitely several times better than that of the British army.

In just over a year, the Soviet army's combat experience has improved to several levels. Even for them, if the tanks do not have the advantage, it will be difficult to destroy the opponent.

I tried to resume three updates today, and I was finally discharged from the hospital. I can finally update a lot. I owe a lot of updates, so update quickly and pay off the debt!



 (End of this chapter)

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